Well met, fellow world-weary wanderers. Today, I bring to you a guide that will hopefully help shed light onto things not often discussed when dealing with the Awakening and Ascending world.
First, what is Awakening and what is Ascension? They could be considered comrades-in-arms. To Awaken is to see the truth, separated from fiction. To Ascend, is to find the inner spark. These are not necessarily hard events. You do not simply Awaken once. You Awaken many times, to many things. To the truth of this ndsᴉpǝ-poʍu reality. To the truth of your inner self. To the truth of false truth. Then, there is to Ascend, but to where? To when? To how? What is this mysterious force of nature that helps us see the truth in all the lies?
Well, it's YOU. You are Ascension. For, there is nowhere else here in which to ascend. We certainly are not flying up to join the bird in the sky or the moon in the welkin. No, Ascension is within. Ascension is the tensegrity of our parts all in balance, yet never colliding. It is how the emotions pull the feet, the heart the tooth, the mind the genitals, the lightbody-the wholebody. Confused still? I would certainly suspect it. The only thing made clear in this paragraph is that YOU are the most important part of this journey. Forget this not.
Ultimately, I want to remind you that, while the realyou/realme is important to connect with, your earthly body is also extremely important to your journey. You need that body of yours to support your journey and progress, so we certainly can't allow it to fall by the wayside. We often forget this in our need for curious uprising, allowing our vessel to languish during studious obsession with spirit.
What is Ascension Sickness?
Ascension sickness can be anything that is triggered by the release of traumatic memories, stuck energies, dark energies, and various other foreign, knotted, or just plain unwanted old gunk stopping up our human meat sacks and that meat sack's lightbody, auric body, or emotional body. (Incarna: Oh dear, Metatron, we're talking about those things here? Won't it just add confusion? Metatron's response: "Only if you make it confusing." Thanks :/ )
A very simple explanation on the multiple 'bodies': You are a conglomeration, a symphony of frequencies and energies, colors, and sounds. Together, these make you—you. You're not just a 'soul', a physical body, and consciousness... you're many beautiful wavelengths in perfect panharmonious panacea—were our essences not so jumbled by modern life and interference.
Sometimes the frequencies or colors or sounds may be warbled a bit by our traumatic experiences, by our lack of willpower, courage, inability to speak for ourselves or stand up for ourselves. Do you see a trend here? Any time you forsake yourself or make yourself a martyr, a little piece of yourself goes out of tune. Now, notice I do not say, 'a part of yourself is killed'. Many people say this, and it is wholly not true. You only give up a piece of yourself if you believe you do. The same way that words have no effect upon you, cursing or not, unless you allow them. Let nothing affect your mind from outside, for you still need to heal it from all the damage done INSIDE.
Stop believing in any external invisible forces hurting you, because to believe in them is to give them power. Sometimes, the warrior of light's greatest weapon is simply the thing called lovingly, 'the middle finger of light'. Sometimes we must, with great passion, bid adieu to the old in order to usher in the new. So, I say to you, wield this sword with loving intent, and cutting off those old energies with such a thing, won't be malcontent.
Yes, the first symptom of Ascension Sickness is this:
Old habits will fall away or you will repeat painful cycles
Old relationships will fall away or you will repeat painful cycles.
Old mindsets...
Old miseries...
Old miserable comforts...
You get the picture. When Awakening has begun and Ascension comes knocking, the first person to hold it up is... you. I did this cycle for years. A cycle many people refer to as a Dark Night of the Soul. I thought I was bipolar. I thought I was depressed. I thought I was just becoming a truly awful person with no true emotional stability. Well. Little Incarna was rejecting the whole reason they were sent to Earth to begin with. TO LIVE.
LIVE DAMMIT. Slap it into yourself if you have to. Okay, not physically. We don't condone that here. But you should journal, or do daily affirmations to record positive intent. If you are particularly depressed, repeating, with intent: "I love myself," is equivalent to living. For, you weren't living before if you hated yourself. I have a great many journals and notebooks with repeated phrasing. Much like Bart Simpson writing his 100 lines on the blackboard, I was doing my education of rehabilitating myself. You may need to do this as well.
Get yourself some fancy pens if you want. Write in rainbows. Put stickers on the pages afterward if it soothes your Lisa Frank-loving inner child. Get your shadow involved and draw some spooky mothmen and aliens with hearts saying "I wub U". Whatever. As long as you get the message across to yourself that you love you, that is the first step to true Ascension, to true living, and to...
The onset of true Ascension Sickness
What were the mental distress symptoms we were feeling before, if not Ascension sickness? Those are literally the aches and pains of being shackled to a life not true to our realme. They aren't Ascension symptoms so much as they are symptoms of a sick world of poverty, hatred, and desolation. A poverty of self, hatred of self, desolation of self. As well as in the world at large. As above, so below, in all things.
So, when we begin to be true to ourselves, why do we feel a different set of symptoms arise?
Depending on how severe the trauma you've suffered, you may indeed suffer some rather serious symptoms. But do not despair. These symptoms are not to turn you away, but to show the progress in cleansing your body of the taint and filth of this world of material darkness. Hold them in gratitude and know that any pain or discomfort you feel is simply old wounds being washed away by the white-hot light of Source, shining into the once-dark cave of your 3D body.
The Symptoms, From Top to Bottom
Stuck energy in the Head or related to the Mind:
Clogged Sinuses
Eye fatigue, especially behind the eyes
Facial Muscle Spasms
Ear aches
Upper Toothaches
These symptoms are often connected with the concepts of the third eye and crown chakra. I am hesitant to use this description because I am not completely at ease with the chakras, but this holds true: releasing of stuck energy from these areas is identified in the symptoms above.
After stuck energy is cleared, you may feel the following symptoms:
Energy flow in the back of the head, temples, crown, and forehead, especially.
A tingling between your eyebrows.
A dense feeling in the middle of your head, at level with your eyebrows (the pineal gland).
A feeling of oneness with the universe/Source.
Clearer thoughts, less racing, less fog, more productivity.
Incarna's note: I once felt a quite concerning snap in my brain that I thought meant I had a broken blood vessel, but in reality, it was a severe block that I had been working through for nearly a month finally being eased. I still was cautious with this scenario and was prepared to go to the hospital should I have shown signs. This is where your intuition and judgment come in handy. As you can tell just from the first section, these symptoms are fairly common for different illnesses. So practice discretion in discerning what you are feeling and why. If you ever get the intuitive notion that you need medical attention, do not wait. You have gut instinct for a reason.
Stuck energy in the throat and heart:
Lower Toothaches
Jaw aches
Pain in the upper spine
Shoulder fatigue
Poor circulation in the hands
Dry skin
Shoulder blade, trap, and mid-spine pain
Racing heart, palpitations, dense feeling in chest
These symtoms are connected to the concept of throat and heart chakras, including speaking your truth and loving openly. Grief and sorrow live long in the heart, and thus you must rip out every thread of their presence until you are free. Those that have passed on are not forgotten, but you must remember them and hold them in your hearts for the good, and not remember their passing as a difficulty. For every end is but the next step to a new beginning. It is perfectly okay to seek out others to talk about your loved ones who have passed. Nostalgia can sometimes be our salve, for we remember through it days which will never be relived. Do not let nostalgia be your crutch, though, for every day we should live like it is our last, making each day the most important day of our lives.
After stuck energy is cleared, you may feel the following symptoms:
Energy flow through the upper back, shoulders, and neck
A loosening of muscle tension
A sense of ease in your own skin
Ease in expressing yourself verbally
Opening up to others about love or compassion
Stuck energy in the digestive tract:
Upset Stomach
🎵 Diaaarrrheeaaa 🎵
Lung issues,
Adrenal disorders
A complete and total lack of self-awareness.
Unfortunately, Peptobismol can't help with those last things. Have you ever noticed a severe lack of motivation, personal power, self-esteem, or a need to procrastinate just about everything? Well, it's likely you have stuck energy in this area of the body. Find it hard to commit to anything? File your taxes last minute? Let people make decisions for you so you don't have to? Stop giving away your personal power! Love yourself, dammit!
After stuck energy is cleared, you may feel the following symptoms:
Energy flow through the lower-midback and the internal organs from the intestines to the gallbladder.
An easier time asserting yourself
More confidence in decisions
Less procrastination
A want to connect to nature and feel dirt between your toes
Honesty and integrity
The stomach and digestive tract could be considered a second brain. There are loads of nerve endings here to trigger with traumatic imprinting. This can be some of the most apparent stuck energy symptoms that get blanketed into 'common illnesses' such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, among other things. Freeing this area entails loving yourself. However, you can help the process by committing to a clean diet free from fast food and contaminants like RED 40 and other chemicals, doing mild physical activity that helps move energy in the belly, and also committing to your motivations and passions. Go on that vacation you've always wanted. Go skinny dipping, if you're into that. Go join a dance ensemble. Do chalk art in public. Do whatever it is that you've wanted to do but have always thought, "well, that's just dumb". It's not DUMB. Go do it and find out why you want to do it. There is good reason. Give yourself commitment to live and love.
Stuck energy in the genitals and womb:
Lack of sex drive
Fear of intimacy
Fear of kinks and desires (wherein the shadow dwells often)
Lack of arousal
Irregular menstruation of all kinds, mainly lack of periods
Temporary infertility, especially in women
Lack of feminine energy (in all sexes)
Plus many more...
Here we find one of the most complex pieces of our human puzzle. This area is usually assigned to the Sacral chakra, especially in women, where the Sacral and womb go hand in hand. Do not ignore this if you have a penis, however. You do have a light womb. No, you're not crazy. You did just read that. We all possess a sort of cosmic egg inside of us. Consider this your light womb: where loads of energy directly from Source pours right into your body.
Having stagnant energy here is painful on many different levels, especially considering the kind of trauma that lives in the genitals can often be some of the most horrific to experience. Abuse of this kind leads to long term scarring on both the physical, mental, and emotional levels. No matter who or what abused you, this is where much of that unprocessed trauma lives now, continuing to wreak havoc on your love life, your home life, and the ability to even have children! How is that fair when you are the victim? It's not. Yet, in order to heal, we must accept that it is our duty to heal ourselves, as unfair as it may be.
To open this book is difficult, I know. Often, the abused are expected to shove their feelings down and get on with life. They so often do not process these emotions, because it requires days, months, years, decades to decode into a way where we no longer feel accountable for our pain. I say to you, surrender now to your emotions. Cry the tears you never have before. Scream in rage at your mistreatment. Shout out at the heavens that you didn't deserve this. And then remember yourself. Remember your power, your agency. Remember that only you can give that away, and only you can retrieve it. You, who are God, Source, and the infinite... reclaim your power. Reclaim that which was never taken from you, but was pushed aside for an insidious energy that now must be purged. And purged it will be.
After stuck energy is cleared, you may feel the following symptoms:
Lots of energy in the womb, or area behind the upper pubic zone, but below the navel.
An increase in menstruation, up to twice a month depending on how much there is to be cleared until it is cleared
An increase in virality
Expressing once-dormant desires
Creatively expressing more intense kinks, or finding a group of consensual individuals to appease the shadow
Acceptance of your human body and naked form
Passions of all kinds from romantic to platonic—the seven forms of love:
Philautia - Self-Love, the pre-requisite to true love in all other forms that isn't self-serving.
Agape - Universal Love, Source's love.
Philia - The love of friends through mutual understanding, that which we in this community have for each other.
Storge - Familial love, such as that between children and parents.
Ludus - Puppy love, a crush, flirting and teasing.
Eros - Fiery, hot, passionate love that may burn out as quickly as it came, but is love nonetheless.
Pragma - The long-lasting, mild flame that comes after eros has died, but the relationship endures on companionship. Often the most underrated type of love. Often only recognized after the death of a loved one.
Express your gratitude to your loved ones every single day if you can. We never know when we may lose them on this side. Cherish all you have, for all the flaws and imperfections. Cherish yourself now, for the you today will be dead tomorrow, rising anew just like the sun.
This system often goes hand-in-hand with the heart system. Let them work together to clear out the old and allow in the new.
Stuck energy in the root:
Fear of making changes
Circulation issues in the legs
Shooting nerve pains in the legs and lower spine
Sore hips, thighs, and knees
Spider veins
Feeling heavy or weighed down
Finally, we come to the lowest extremities of our body: the hips, thighs, knees, and feet, which are most affected by the root system. Here is where our most primal needs for survival are stored: shelter, food, basic emotional needs, etc.
This system is most triggered by poverty and a fear of the future. Do you find yourself fretting about money a lot, even if you aren't necessarily bad off? Are you in poverty now, or have you been in the past? These things can dampen our root system.
Trust in yourself, in your ability to overcome odds that may seem insurmountable. Remember who you are. Remember what we're all inside of, and remember that remembering is essentially the cheat code to this video game of life. It's all you need to bring your dreams into reality. Surrender your lack, and take up your sovereignty.
After stuck energy is cleared, you may feel the following symptoms:
Less fretting about the future, dying, and other survival quandaries
Feeling more empowered to take risks in career and education
Feeling more empowered to speak about yourself and be vulnerable to others
A lightness in the legs
Energy flowing down into both feet and back up again
Better circulation
Remember that, in all things, no matter which system is affected, LOVE is the answer. If ever you get to a point and wonder, why is this energy block so persistent, remember that all you need is love for yourself. Then, you will be pointed in the right direction by your intuition, your realyou that is guiding you. Whether you need to forgive an old wrong, let go of a past trauma, or forgive yourself for a petty mistake, the realyou will be beside you, as will I.
Should you have any questions or need further help with Ascension symptoms, please contact me through the site and I would be pleased to guide you through more specific questioning. Be well and much love and peace to you, my cosmic siblings and earth angels. With thanks to my guides and mentors, and the quote that they gave me at the beginning of my Awakening, one I share with you now:
"Teach others through kindness, what you learned through hardship."
This was an excellent post, o really enjoyed it. I am experiencing much of this and have been trying to do energy work, meditation and yoga to clear my blockages, I'm slightly less full of trash than I was but no doubt much more to go lol.
This really resonated, thank you.
As I tried to submit myself to the matrix after awakening in 2023, it has not always been easy.
Vices can become stronger, mental illness can become more intense, and it can, at times, attract dark, misguided people that your human incarnation may be better off without.
That isn't to say one shouldn't push through it, and have kindness for themselves. But, we have to understand vices like binge drinking, or allowing others to exploit us because our inner child is not healed, are detrimental.
Do not give into shame, however, do not wallow and do nothing, either. Ask yourself, why are you committing to behaviors that hurt yourself, others, or dull your ESP sense? While I think the language of "chakras" simplifies a bit, it is a suitable way to get across an important point.
Where do you feel this discomfort and pain, physically, as well as emotionally? This intuition, and guiding it gently, will aide in figuring out the specificity of what your vessel needs to heal.
This is why, however, you need to be cautious of internet grifters, and even at times the medical system, pushing "fix alls." Getting to know your body through diet, exercise, and self care, is truly the first, and most important step, to healing.
I have also experienced that nurturing this intuitive sense, will allow people to provide more useful patient feedback, and advocate for their needs, when they are being taken care of by medical professionals, who are often just trying their best with what we currently have.
-V, whose vessel needs to drink more water and is about to do so.
THANK YOU I can't believe it took me so long to see this 😭 although I'm sure I found it at just the right time. My crown and third eye are clogged bad, it's like I can see the wall and feel my conscious banging against it to get out. But really, there's been what feels like a lot of shifting and moving going on up there 🤔
This read was much needed, thank you again 💚
Gratitude. This is very helpful. I will come back
"The middle finger of light" I'm stealing that one, that's so funny
What an insightful and inspiring post. I love how you said it - "YOU are Ascension." Indeed, my friend!
What i really admire about this community is how much love and kindness is shared in these posts. We have been fighting with others for so long that these basic needs have been forgotten. Thank you so much for the reminder. Thank you for your amazing post 🙌🙏
Phenomenal writing!!!! You had me laughing and crying, and what you had to say was so important for everyone to hear. Thank you so much for sharing this!! My absolute favorite part was LIVE DAMMIT and 'the middle finger of light'. But it was all a delight. Thank you and be well!