With much talk about duality, poles, yin/yang. I did some thinking about duality alongside the multiple universes and the image of an octopus having its tentacles up in everything on all levels. How some things are set or pre determined but that free will can still exist alongside it.
I was thinking about balance and finding one’s equilibrium in terms of duality. I was thinking about how one could understand the duality of life and realme because when I hear poles or yin/yang it triggered more of a binary response. This auto corrected seeing a push/pull response, not 50/50, but ratios unique depending on the attribute or trait.
So my thought was bringing this all back to sound and frequency. I thought about levels/mixing machines and how we need to look at each knob and know it isn’t an ‘on/off’ switch, but a ratio that is adjusted in accordance with the desired frequency. I see each person as that machine with rows and rows of traits or attributes required for equilibrium. Perhaps our time on earth is spent adjusting and fine tuning so we can ‘get to the next level‘ whether it’s more time on earth or somewhere else.
If we all have unique frequencies and we are always working to hit that sweet spot, it could explain why some grow out of friendships and change a lot about themselves as they grow. And to its counter, if our levels are out of whack we will feel off and possibly have negative repercussions.
Maybe we need to live our lives to find out and hopefully achieve that frequency. Maybe I have to be 80% kind or I’ll give too much away and suffer and put other things out of whack. Maybe that’s why life is so relative and everyone needs something different to ‘flourish’
Maybe we can even put it a level higher - the human frequencies on earth must also align to be the versions of ourselves we need to grow alongside the planet, and not in spite of it.
A lot of maybes. Perhaps? I don’t know
Thank you for entertaining todays ramble.
Well thanks for writing this, it gives me a lot to think about. It really makes sense to me, so thanks for helping me see things this way! Thankful for your 'ramble' as you call it.