These forums were created as a safe space for true contactees, those who wish to assist our mission, bettering the world, elevating the spirit and mind of the masses and cosmos at large. To prevent bots, bad actors, and those with subterfuge and malintent, the following rules apply:
No gaslighting, manipulative behaviors, intellectual dishonesty, agenda-driven narratives, discord among members, chaos, s*** posts, distracting memes and humor, derailing, claims and accusations of mental illness against other members, or astroturfing of any kind.
No toxicity, negativity, pessimism, racism, xenophobia, sexism, ageism, groupism, hatred, violence, animosity, fearmongering and paranoia stimulating of any kind.
No religiosity, proselytizing, superstitious or missionary works of any kind.
No political ideologies of any kind and we do not condone neither left nor right or any political party, member, association, or any mainstream nor populist influence.
Moderators reserve the right to remove any post at any time if it isn't in accordance with the rules.
No commercialization, advertisement, grifting, or the like. Exceptions apply to members of good standing who are connected with getting the interconnected mission at large out there via media.
While we welcome ideas and other beliefs, please keep them in a healthy manner with communication that is empathetic, understanding, and hopefully patient.
Any infiltration, coercion, or creating animosity among members is forbidden.
All posted articles do not necessarily reflect the views of the moderation team.
Please respect everyone, regardless of disagreement, background, culture, heritage and personal beliefs.
We are not a replacement for mental homes. If you truly have mental issues and problems, this is not the place to be.
If any more is necessary, we will update this list.