Our 2 eyes deceive us with the perception of duality. The bad harms the good, the light beats the dark. When one truly opens their 3rd eye it brings the clarity that the 2 cannot exist without the other, and are truly one. The releif comes with knowing that the suffering we have inflicted on ourselves is the only way we can truly learn to love ourselves, and by nature, our fellow beings. That there is no heaven or hell, only being in the image of source. Their is no failure or success. Let you eyes truly open to the fact that this is how we are born. Blank, nothing. Certain ideas are shown to us, reinforced with specific(typically european) language, and cultural beleifs. To be or not to be? Fuck that! We we all being before we were born and after we die. Only now have i, we, finally suffered enough to experience true peace. Together we can focus to and maintain our 3rd eye open, and will naturally gain our 4th, 5th,.... each closer to source. I'm no Buddhist, just a child at heart, yearning to be free. Wish me luck in my journey, as I wish you all infinite love and suffering. May we all unite together.
Ps. I wish born a maya, aztec, toltec, athabaskan, navajo, inuit, pueblo, hopi, ute, paiute, cherokee, black foot, sioux, or any other almost erased people. If anyone speaks a native dialect I would love to talk to you, en EspaƱol ambient. I am an American colonialist with an indigenous spirit ready to reclaim my knowledge. Love you all my brothers and sisters, borne from the same egg of the same womb.
Idk who i am any more, only who i aspire too