I am interested in joining together with other contactees (or those interested in contact) to meditate and concentrate on focused outcomes. I believe all people have psi abilities but that contactees and those open minded enough to be curious generally have developed abilities than most so therefore we may see more significant effects.
But where to start? We certainly can only focus on positive outcomes but with all that needs done, it can see a bit overwhelming and I'm curious as to what you all think?
I've thought about projecting empathy and love to world leaders or groups, in particular the difficult ones, to try to at least give them positive energy to draw on should a chink appear in their armour.
But then I'm uncertain of the ethics of interfering with another person's energy field even if it is to send them love:).
What are your thoughts on outcomes we could potentially shift? We would need to monitor our impact so it would have to be something measurable I suppose, perhaps focusing on the outcomes of legislative decisions for example.
I would be excited to join. I will keep an eye on this thread!
Count me in!
🌸 Hey there! I'd love to regularly meditate with you all. While I share the concern and worrying about current world events, and how it impacts your daily lives, I'm not comfortable with engaging the left brain in a goal-oriented meditation. Rather, I'm a proponent of letting the right brain lead the game. I believe love has an intelligence of its own and if we focus on love, peace, connection, it is enough, and then, something will probably show up, like a task or a direction the left brain could not conceive on its own. Love to you all who face difficult times, you are in my thoughts.
Hi guys! I found this subreddit that seems to be working on our meditation problems, and I hope you guys check it out, maybe get some ideas! I probably won't make a separate post about this after all, this one is probably fine I think :>
It is a very good idea to do group meditations, especially geared toward psionic amplification. Since it is a group activity, the members here can decide what works best. You can also do these somewhat separate, so long as the same (meditation frequency) is played around the same time with the same intent. For example, a "session" in the sense can be hosted with using one track played for an hour. Members can join in between and leave whenever is good enough for them.
I think Sunday for UTC at 12am and 12pm is an excellent idea as a standard practice. I've looked up upcoming policy decisions which affect the most vulnerable in society likely to have a negative outcome om vulnerable populations and the most obvious one is relating to medicaid and the cap posed on it under Project 25 however (I'm not US but am extremely concerned about the actions of the new administration) but this might be controversial for some.
I really love this. I was thinking about maybe a weekly or monthly group meditation, we can even do it on discord or something, but just a specific, day or time when we can collectively focus our energy, is a wonderful idea. Thanks for posting this!
This is a really good idea