Hi, i would like to start a collection thread of meditation resources.
Mainly consisting of:
Music and soundscapes/frequencys wich have helped you.
And programs wich generate sound intended for meditative practices. For instance something wich lets you play with binaural beats and tones.(not daw's, more playable like an instrument)
Would be nice to have some variation to pick out of and see what works best for oneself.
Who knows, maybe some gem's surface ;)
I've been really enjoying the Source Vibrations for some deep, in bed, meditations before i drift off, have had a few interesting lucid dreams doing this. They have a bandcamp page https://sourcevibrations1.bandcamp.com/album/solfeggio-harmonics-vol-1 for anyone wanting an easy way to listen while out and about or off the phone. It is far higher quality than youtube which i suspect is important with these. Finding it a bit easier and obviously more musical than the classic hemisync gateway tapes. Does anyone have more info on how the hemisync or Source Vibrations tracks are made or how you could go about making your own? Got a few leads but always open to new ideas. Would love to have a play making music based around some of these frequencies and have a studio with some fun analog and digital synths i can tune up plus a few too many years experience producing which I'm not putting to use at the moment. Something like this feels like a project i can commit to and is in a way, an extension of the last record i made but with some more 'science' behind it. Feel free to DM me if you are curious and would like to hear some of my ambient music, not comfortable publicly sharing here yet. Still working out the connection but there is a great experimental producer Aleksi Perälä who, along with a friend has been working on music they call "Colundi" You can find an interview with him here https://ra.co/features/2567 If you have a look at the table of frequencies they are using, there is a huge crossover with many of the solfeggio and freqs used within Source Vibrations/hemisync and with many binaural beats sites / programs/apps etc. Great interview, you can tell he has found something which is transcendent to him, his is also ultra prolific as you can see on his BC page https://aleksiperala.bandcamp.com/ Anyone else got other music or binaural recommendations within these realms?