Hello my friends! Glad to be here with like minded individuals and groups. The energy has been extremely uplifting and positive, and I thank all who are contributing to this energetic/consciousness shift. Your work and actions are greatly appreciated.
Being inspired by the work of Prudence and others, I would like to share a small personal story about telepathy, and how it is a natural thing that all humans do, however most have not been told how to use it. I am not speaking on behalf of anyone else other than my own experiences. It would be great to hear some feedback!
To start, like most of us here I have been visited and taken a few times to say the least. I will post some abduction stories later, but they are pretty out there (just with greys). It’s a topic that has caused me a lot of pain, suffering and detatchment, but I am free now, and so are you. You are protected, and you have nothing to fear my friends. Our brothers are looking out for you.
During some of these experiences when I was younger (roughly six years ago) I realized these beings spoke telepathically, not with words. So I wondered, “can I do that too?” I pondered this thought for a few weeks. I was not one who meditated at the time, only basic breathing and one qi gong move to clear my energy at lunch, extremely basic. I knew at the time I was a bit psionic, however nothing extreme, light premonitions.
One day I was working with a friend. I was landscaping at the time, and we were both running pieces of equipment. I turned a corner, and saw my friend walking, and I was roughly 30 ft away. We weren’t talking, just made brief eye contact, and were working and walking close by. Randomly, I started thinking about this lady who yelled at us the day before (someone got in trouble). This thought came in randomly as I approached him and I saw it vividly.
As I was walking I wondered, “why am I randomly thinking about this? I bet it’s him thinking about it.” So, knowing I could be wrong and look weird, after about ten minutes I approached him and asked “Hey man, were you just thinking about what happened yesterday?” And he was like “Yes I was, bro that’s crazy.” He was in shock, and couldn’t believe it.
Genuine shock and wonder. “I have psychic friends, but none can do that holy shit.” Another co-worker came up to us shortly after this, and he felt compelled to immediately tell him about it.
Upon this, I started wondering if these random thoughts popping in my head around people were mine. When I had a completely random thought cross my mind around people at the time, I would ask sometimes, and sometimes I would be right and freak people out. Other times I was not right. I started learning how to read people’s energy, and I started learning and studying more about silence and the ego, and I tried to keep my mind quiet to hear around me.
Around this same time I learned you can hear people’s thoughts from a distance. At the time I was talking to a girl who also being visited with me. I kept thinking of this Eagles song when talking to her. I wondered if it was her, as it felt out of place. I was talking to her about this, and I was like “I think you have a song stuck in your head.” I told her the line that was stuck in mine, and she responded “THATS BEEN IN MY HEAD ALL DAY.”
So, then a huge realization came to me from these “experiments.” I realized that I could feel people’s energy very strong, and it gave me anxiety. Not in a bad way, more of I would notice an energetic shift when being next to someone. It’s their “vibe” lol. Once I realized this, that energy could come from outside sources, and give me anxiety was a HUGE relief and deep understanding for me. Basically just feeling others energy without knowing your feeling other people’s feelings naturally, can lead you to mistake your own feelings for theirs. They can influence how you feel in a way. Other not-so-good ETs do this too to people, send them not-so-good energy to confuse.
From what I have learned about this subject through personal trial and error is a few things, and some truths that are unconventional (once again, not speaking on behalf of anyone but me).
When we think, thoughts are in your “field” naturally. You push thoughts outside of yourself a lot without focus. Since most people’s minds are not focused, (including myself, I am no saint) thoughts are everywhere. I like to use this analogy from Michael Singers’ book The Untethered Soul: (a bit paraphrased) “If your mind was an independent person sitting next to you on a couch, talking as it does in your head at rapid speed, it would go on, and on, and on, and on and never stop talking. You would go crazy in just a few minutes sitting next to this person!”
This is basically happening in your field now. if you are an over thinker, or you can’t stop thinking, it’s out there. It is hard for beginner telepaths, and sensitive people, because most can’t stop thinking, and it’s a LOT of noise. When you’re in a room of hundreds or thousands of minds going at a rapid fire pace about everything and anything, it’s draining.
So, my advice to the beginner meditator, and our brothers and sisters out there beginning telepathy is practice silence.
The first thing you will notice around you is the noise. It’s hard to decipher it, and without strong training and willpower, you can hear too much, feel too much, and it can hurt you, which is why going slow and not rushing is the key. Learn to figure out what’s your ego, your own feelings/needs, and to separate them from others.
We ALL NATURALLY do telepathy already everyday, and you have been for a long time, just on a LOW scale.
It’s why you think about someone then they call you, or you randomly lock eyes with someone, or you start having emotional changes when you’re near someone. You feel the emotions, then hear the thoughts.
Some beginner tips:
1.) Have confidence in what you feel.
2.) When talking to someone face to face, notice subtle changes in your thinking. If your maybe thinking in a way you normally don’t, or your thinking of something random, that’s usually what the other person is thinking.
3.) When reading someone’s energy, be respectful. It is not encouraged to walk down the road trying to hear thoughts. It will be a lot of stimuli, however some hear it naturally and louder than others. Everyone hears, you just don’t listen in. Try practicing with someone who you are familiar with, or if you don’t have friends, have a conversation with a familiar person, and look for subtle (or not-so-subtle) changes in thought and mood.
3.) Stay positive, and remember it’s all about love. If you have malicious intent, like trying to guess the right stock pick or trying to do something to benefit you in a deceptive way, good luck, and I mean that sarcastically. Expert telepaths do NOT do this, because reading someone evergy is draining, and cheating is not the way to a higher place. Plus, the likelihood you will achieve that is extremely, extremely low, especially with extremely wealthy individuals who have technology to block these communications from randoms. ETs have had this for a LONG time.
4.) The benefits or learning these skills now, and understanding energy can relieve a lot of depression, anxieties, and why you don’t feel comfortable in big public places/ certain places. Naturally, people’s thoughts are much worse and draining in bars, clubs, and places where there’s lower levels of thinking.
5.) When starting out, look for the subtle changes in thoughts. Other people’s thoughts are subtle when your next to them, and sometimes loud. In my opinion, we all hear others thoughts, but with the noise from our own minds the two can get mixed up.
At least from my story, there’s also a few things to gather:
1.) You don’t need to be perfect to do it.
2.) Sometimes, the random thoughts that pop into your mind are not yours, and you can learn the difference through silence and learning about your ego.
3.) You can read and hear thoughts from any distance.
4.) You can interpret other media (As Prudence confirmed in the posts, thank you) such as pictures, audio and other types.
5.) it’s not difficult, and with practice, patience and silence it’s possible.
Telepathy is natural in all of us. I warn you and caution you, there is a huge amount of noise out there, because people think and think and think and can’t turn it off.
Sometimes, you may hear something you might not want to. Most people also mistake some of this for their own anxiety. When your around stressed out people having stressed out thoughts, you feel it, and without awareness, you will believe it’s yours. This also happens in your house, around negative people.
Not to say it’s not you, because it can be. I emphasize this because it was a gigantic relief for me in my life, the simple truth of feeling subconscious energy can affect your energy. That why we make ourselves stronger and more confident! Okay lol I hope this wasn’t too long and hopefully informative. Stay strong, confident, and protected my friends!
I am so grateful for you sharing this. I read it yesterday morning and have been thinking deeply about it since. You put into words something I have been on the edge of “figuring out” for a long time. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing this. I really needed it. I have brushed these signs off for too long. I will be rereading, and rereading, this until I have integrated all of it
Great detailed post.
Interesting how you expressed about the drainage of having a group of people in one place whose thoughts are not directed.
Drainage appears to be a common sign with the highly attuned among us.
It's amazing how our brains work, I've been catching thoughts from my loved one and vice versa, we sometimes ping pong :D
Others have reached out to me when I am thinking about them which means to take caution to say the least haha.
Great post, thank you for sharing!
This was an incredible read. We have some powerful and amazing people in this community. Thanks for sharing
This was well said, thank you! I have been trying to think about this and you have really helped me understand a few things, thank you!!
I've been waiting for a post like this. I think it will be very helpful in observing my inner self on a daily basis. This is truly practical advice 💯