Please excuse me if this has been answered elsewhere. But - I know there has been talk of how to best be able to connect and open yourself to the truths.
My worry is hearing about how a certain level of mental wellbeing, full concentration, etc. that is required for it. I’m not worried per se but..
Say a person suffers from major depressive disorder, attention disorders, extreme stress regarding caring for their animal family. The worry is that these things are hindering potential but not having the means to ‘get better’ at this time.
e.g, telepathy tapes and meditative states. I have bad anxiety with noise cancelling and not hearing something that could result in something bad I could have avoided. I also want to be able to meditate but the sound, attention, and other distractions make me feel as if I can’t do it the way it’s ’supposed’ to be done.
again, I’m sorry if this was already asked!
A fair question.
It's best to take it at your own pace, relative to your needs and circumstances.
It's clear you are gifted and unique, so start with knowing that and begin to develop in that self-love before going to enhance any abilities or strenuous contact.
Based on our exchanges, I can confirm our friends from above certainly see you fondly, so take that with good will and don't worry so much about perfecting yourself.
Just do your best and don't worry yourself about the rest.
The most important thing you can do right now is to practice self-love.
So I have previously basically been in the trash when it comes to my mental health and still managed a level of contact, though I suspect it takes much more effort on their part, we kind of have to try to have to meet them halfway the best we can.
As long as you have a pure heart and intent they will be able to reach you, the difficulties for me came when my ego was (and still is to a degree) dominating and skewing the messages and that is partly the risk with this.
I don't know about you but if always struggled to get centered and find the real me as everything else, including obsessive thoughts got in the way.
The thing with meditation is that when you are catching yourself thinking, you are doing it! That's like the point, catching yourself drifting, acknowledging and releasing the thought (I just categorise them but some people thank them, or tell them to remind them when they're not meditating). It's basically just repetitive turning back of the attention to a clear space devoid of thoughts, or images, or even feelings.
You don't have to use music, you can literally just sit. I often light a candle and just stare at the flame which is mucn more peaceful than the binaural beats as I love those but they can be too much sometimes.
Just now that you are not alone I have a feeling a lot of us deal with these issues possibly from very young like me, those of us who can see just how disgusting things are and things being done in this world While others are completely blind to it takes its toll on you big time. I'm not real good with putting my thoughts to words so if you would like to know more about the things I deal with and possibly have someone to talk with if you deal with the same types of things check out my introduction posts under the introduce yourself topic in the general discussion. I wish you nothing but the best love and light