Hello Prudence, again thank you for your help and work!
I wanted to ask you or your contact's opinion on the Sassani race. They are a derivative of the Greys who seem extremely positive by what comes through by channeling.
The most famous one is Bashar (I think someone has asked you before, channeled by Darryl Anka) who has spoken for more than 40 years and is by his own words a first contact specialist. They are guided 100% by excitement and synchronicity and are on the threshold of becoming non-physical. They claim the information has to be presented this way to slowly raise the vibration of the collective human consciousness until we are ready to "meet them halfway" and we are able to interact physically without triggering an immediate loss of identity from us.
Many people can be skeptical because he (Darryl) does sell the material, but I've found his teachings very helpful and very much in line with the truth you tell, that is that we are all one, infinitely creative being and each of us are the complete creators of our reality (amongst many things).
Elan is much less known, but seems equally sincere and basically gives all his information for free.
Thank you once again, I will keep helping and posting questions within time as to not overwhelm your time.
Hello and thank you for your questions.
I believe today's post here may already give you some answers: A "Message From Above" (Part III)
Read over this first, then let me know if you have any additional questions.