Hello everyone,
First of all, I always appreciate Prudence's hard work. His/her writings, along with 3-3-3's, have awakened our consciousness. We will continue to grow and love one another.
I have some questions regarding our memories. It seems that, generally, people lose all conscious memories they had before birth as soon as they are born. Is this a characteristic of birth that all non-human intelligences share as well? Or is this a phenomenon that occurs only on Earth, or specifically only in humans?
Do spiritually evolved beings have access to their previous memories from birth? Or, like humans, do they also experience memory loss at birth, but eventually remember everything as their society encourages spiritual growth?
Yes, my question does imply the prison planet theory that some have suggested. Based on the Q&A, I have come to understand that our own ignorance creates the prison for us. If this is the case, would it be correct to dismiss the claim that external beings have artificially erased humanity’s memories as baseless?
If anyone knows anything about this, please share.
For everyone🤗Have a happy day!
An excellent question that will be further addressed in tomorrow’s post. What you should know is that the “other side” – call it “spirit” if you will (or real me) has access to “memory” stored within its subspace. It’s stored not only in the individual singularity, but courses throughout the interconnected soul fields and their supporting singularities as well. It can be retrieved subconsciously in avatar/lower form/physical incarnation – especially through meditation, namely, Void Meditation and it can also be retrieved through technological means. It is not normal to “not remember” anything. This is intentionally being pushed both by the ignorance of humanity and power greedy persons as much as it is being artificially condone via high technology that has the power to interact with ‘the other side’ or the ‘afterlife’ as it’s commonly referred. In the natural course of events, the ‘other side’ ‘programs’ a ‘script’ or ‘movie’ so to speak – that’s then “played out” in this realm – the lower; the avatar/physical, which then releases the ‘real me’ from its shell to choose another “movie” it wishes to participate or “reintegrate” into. If the ‘real me’ finds further interest – either for evolution, to help, assist, or other priorities based on its free will/prerogative, then it will “reincarnate” or “reassemble” into a planet, location, and so on – relative to the needs and necessities of its evolutionary level. Avatar memories are not as important as “real me” or “spirit” memories, which contains not only data of the physical in a higher wavelength/data form, but also, memory of true existence and how things work. Nirvana or Arhat, by usual standards, by natural, non-influenced events, is possible when a lower real me (or spirit) develops high enough in its evolution that it no longer needs physical bodies after some reincarnations or reassemblies. However, when a real me is beyond this point, it doesn’t mean that it can’t “come back” as was the case for me and others interconnected in this mission. Linear reincarnation is part of the lie made to enslave people as it is in Hinduism and other cults. It’s possible to achieve enlightenment beyond the need to reincarnate back into this planet/world/system and when choosing on the other side, one can make this choice with conscious knowledge now manifested in this lower form. All this was well-planned and orchestrated by our 3-3-3 allies for centuries so that the world can truly be free on the level that actually matters. It was so well planned that the not-so-good forces cannot stop it, only delay the inevitable waking up of everyone while they buy time. As previously pointed out, there is technology to alter afterlife, and it is being used here on earth to trick people into endless reincarnation cycles. Again, “reincarnation” as a pure linearity a lie. The truth is “reassembly” or “reintegration” which can occur not only here, but in other worlds and places. Whatever “story” we deem worthy to play out to help us grow into a more powerful “real me” or spirit. However, understanding this in its entirety will require a very high degree of consciousness drawn from the real me (spirit) itself. There is so much more I’ve been tasked to assist others with achieving Arhat for greater apotheosis potential that it will take the rest of my lifetime to get out even a fraction of the information.