I had written out a whole post then my phone refreshed the tab so…guess I’ll make an abbreviated version
do you experience visual snow (eyes open and/or closed) here’s a pic I drew https://imgur.com/a/j1bf3Ph if yes, do you also experience migraines or tinnitus?
do you know of / experience synesthesia? (One sensory experience triggers another - there are many types personally I have auditory tactile, misophonia and mirror touch) https://iep.utm.edu/synesthe/
do you know of aphantasia? can you describe your level of ‘seeing’ https://aphantasia.com/study/vviq/
Apparently visual snow is supposed to be ‘rare’ but what does that even mean who is asking whom. I wonder if there is a connection between visual snow and certain levels of aphantasia.
Something that made this post come to fruition is that over the last few months maybe, I’ve noticed light wisps in my periphery mostly when outdoors but not always. I do have visual snow syndrome but this feels different. It almost is like if ‘seeing stars’ and ‘floaters’ had a baby. But it doesn’t feel like it’s in me. It’s not a ton of them and it’s not all the time, but with the small wisps I’ve caught on video it has me wondering.
I’ve also noticed more lights seem to have a halo these days. Different from an astigmatism halo/blur, and doesn’t seem to have any connection to migraines or the like. Light seems to be…brighter?
I’m curious to see what you guys see (and feel) and how senses connect. I’ve always been a bit hypervigilant but with everything in the world these days I’m interested to hear your experiences.
Thank you for bringing this up! I’m really interested in the wisps you see. I have a couple of permanent floaters but nothing like what you’re describing. They’re only ever in your peripheral vision?
Yes, I have always had “visual snow” but I didn’t know about that term until a few years ago. I’ve always described it on my own as being able to see the air moving, or see energy moving. It’s most intense when looking at the sky.
I have misophonia with very specific mouth sounds. Crunching is a big one… depends on my baseline stress level.
I can see images perfectly clear in my mind’s eye. I can also use my sense of touch there, like I can imagine myself eating a cold apple and I can feel it and see it in waking life detail. This is something I recently discovered because of meditation.
One thing that is interesting is that time is very clearly different in my mind’s eye. If I picture a movement, say I toss an apple onto a table. That movement will happen multiple times, all at once, like echoes, and some of the movements will change slightly. Like my mind is “playing out” all of the possible ways the apple could land. I am really curious if anyone else experiences this because it has been hard to get used to with meditation, but I’ve started to accept it as my mind’s natural way of being.
Very interesting. Do you believe in some way you get to "peer" into the other side and higher dimensions/forces etc. from time to time?