I have had reaccuring and strange dreams my whole life. As a child i would fall into grand canyon, get attacked by dogs, also hover, fly. As a child i though these were simply "dreams" a began to abuse my dream dexterity. As a teen/adult i would have fighting dreams, but be slow/weak/ confused, any firearm i would have would disassemble in my hands. a few days ago, after "contact" started i had a dream a team of 5-6 people in black tacgear with green lasers/guns with laser sights were in the room i was sleeping in. i was standing across them looking at them through what i feel like calling the obsidian mirror/sun. This time was different.... my fear was lower than before and i believed in myself, i was wearing my flaming green headdress, i willed " that my mirror shatter and the non-polar shards fly at them like a storm of razors" i didnt have to fight or die. i think i actually defeated of scared "them" off. i havent seen any since., and had great dream experienes. to anyone else being tormented, be confident do not fear your rage ,let that shit go full throttle. we are simple blind children, dumb to the ideas of fear and traditional "sin". we have no limits besides our own fear and doubts. i have found comfort in obsidian, the devouring blackness consumer of all, the brilliant reflection of divine love. Let your power flow!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE
TJ( hard to keep this name any more)
Awesome post my brother! Obsidian is awesome lol. In my own opinion, dreams usually symbolize representation of ourselves. If you have reoccurring dreams about a house, the house usually represents you. To me, if you have had reoccurring fighting dreams (some can be past life memories), maybe you have problems dealing with your anger, there’s angry people/ideas/violent media around you, or your a “warrior” (this one I like lol). More in a philosophical ideology. However usually dreams are about you. Evolved ones can use their energy for defense from my limited understanding. Kinda sounds like you had that at one point, but I’m not sure.