So, I will start.
I have never physically seen a being with my own eyes, my contact has always been telepathic.
The only time I have ever had direct consciousness to consciousness contact was 13 years ago when I was meditating. Basically I got this ultra, ultra, ultra HD flashbulb image of an alien beings face and an associated energy signature. He was the singular most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. I could see the detail of the texture on the skin to a mad degree but it was the eyes that got me. They were enormous, black and almost infinite and unfathomable.
I also suddenly understood what they were talking about when it comes to biblical levels of awe and terror. It was not the intent but I was dwarfed. A tiny little speck, not even an ant in comparison, this thing was vast and ancient. I was basically fried lol.
I've never seen anything like it before or since. I can't ordinarily see anything in my minds eye at all. If I try to picture an orange, I get like a fuzzy orange shape at best.
That said, this wasn't the first image I'd had in my mind of non alien beings. When I was a teenager and young adult, I would have constant flashbulb images of human faces with the energy signature, sad, tortured looking faces with very heavy and depressed energy. I suspect knowing what I do now that they were disembodied souls who had become lost and wanted to be witnessed.
I also once saw my cats face with his energy while meditating only to open my eyes in shock to find him staring at me intently across the garden, I'd had no idea he was there but he had this sort of look on his face, like I swear he was doing it on purpose.
I got a shock when I read one of the books about skinwalker ranch when it described the poltergeist type activity as I experienced that constantly as a child and teenager, it was the first time I put the two things together despite how obvious it seems in hindsight.
I've also had endless and to be frank, ridiculous synchronicities at various points throughout my life. I laughed when I saw prudence writing about 333 as once when I was very high, I got obsessed with groups of 3 and actually had 3 coins materialise the room next to me out of nowhere, like I literally heard them plink on the ground one after the other. Also ongoing 1313 coincidences.
Guess I'm writing all this just so people know in just what a varied way the phenomenon can present itself for people who aren't sure if they have had contact yet or not.
My abilities are a bit impaired at the moment but I still always getting a sense of knowing, weird coincidences etc. I, meditating to build them back up so I will have to see what happens next :)
Would love to hear all your stories, I find these fascinating and thought it might be a good way for us to get to know one another :)
This is really interesting, particularly the dreams that weren't dreams. I've had a lot of odd experiences with what now seems to be astral projection and they seem to be very common amongst experiencers. Are you practicing meditation or anything now as that will likely develop the ability further if that is something you are interested in?