A Conversation with “Damien” Part II
Q: Hello, my friend. You were insistent that we form contact once more in this personal way, without the combined telepathic link of the collective federation. Why is this?
A: As we previously discussed, this form of communication is important and relevant to tasks associated with other contactees and those we have artificially inserted in your world. The information will become known to them and help them in various ways, adding validation to their experiences and truth.
Q: Got it. So, would you like to do the honors, or should I? You had a clear idea of how you wished to impart the opening statements. Please go on.
A: Very well. We believe that it is important we share vital information regarding contact. Namely, what you describe as physical contact – particularly in the form of verbal communication. First of all, we must let it be known that anyone claiming to contact extraterrestrials via physical face-to-face interactions in the form of verbal exchanges, should be looked at very cautiously. Not only is this a tell-tale sign of deception and fraud, but it is also extremely inefficient and primitive. I, for one, do not even have vocal cords in the avatars I use and will in fact use translation devices in the rare event of verbal or acoustic communication. Why is this, some of you may wonder? Because as we have stressed several times over, telepathic-mental communication is far, far, far, far superior to ANY other form of communication. We are trading not only electromagnetic data, but realme data and being-field information, allowing adequate transfer of information that cannot truly be falsified. Think about this carefully. While there are some of us in our intergalactic – interdimensional federation who can speak some of your languages, even these ETs prefer telepathic communication. The likelihood we would speak in verbal exchanges, especially that of a prolonged conversation amounting to superfluous speech is extremely unlikely. This extends and includes our human-like allies who are known by many falsifications such as Nordics, Pleiadeans, Plejaren, Tall Whites, and other bigoted-inspired biases within the lower consciousness-mind-matrixes of egoists and racists on your world below. You should know our human allies detest these ideas and beliefs. That still does not stop us from inputting relevant data because as you know by now, we control the simulation similar to this game you call “sims” as according to what’s in your own mindscape and consciousness. That is why telepathic contact is the superior contact as opposed to physical contact. Physical contact, especially if the human/avatar is unready and unprepared, simply amounts to hosts of false-positives and self-deceptive attributions credited to their upbringing and education – including beliefs, cultural conformities, biases, religious hysteria, and other forms of influence from mainstream and alternative medias. In this respect, physical contact can actually be very ineffective for higher beings because we cannot have as much of an adequate exchange. This does not mean we do not wish for physical contact. It simply means that for us, including our human-like allies, it’s extremely inefficient with lower avatars who expect us to conform to their barbarity and accustomed, ineffective practices.
Q: Thank you for clarifying that information. The next question that boggles my mind is what you said in regard to simulation. You’ve said to me a couple times now that things are “programmed from the other side” and somehow “play out here.” Can you give further details as to the meaning of this and its repercussions?
A: Yes, as that is part of the information I/we wish to make public. For the sake of simplicity, I will use what is in your consciousness-matrix to give simple examples the common man can follow. We use terms like “simulation” because it is the closest [to reality and truth]. And yes, it is “computer”-like. Where do you think man of earth got such ideas? Do you truly believe it was random? (Damien “smiles”) We fostered these ideas into the primitive brains of earth humans as did others before us do the same to us in lower forms of being and existence. Once again, we will repeat that your universe is a simulation. The sooner you come to terms with this, the better. That is why r/SimulationTheory is the most compromised Reddit sub because the truth of simulation is far more impactful than if aliens exist or not – which shouldn’t even be a question by now. We exist. Period. And we are MUCH, MUCH MORE [than mere aliens]. Now, there are bigger (fishes) to tackle, such as understanding that you are a programmed byte in a supercomputer based upon expanding parameters for continued, ongoing ascendancy (into) (further) singularity. The entire sub-matrix of your simulated physicality is on course for singularity into higher compressions and states of existence and being – as is according to all universes, both natural and semi-artificial alike. Like a true developer, we can access the “holographic” database that you may call the “soul field” to transmit, input, change, alter, move, shift, sift, data. In this respect, we can program “stories” in your physical realm to “play out” a certain way. Ever wondered why you had a call to do this or that? Ever wondered why some life stories seem so cinematic? Ever wondered why movies even exist and acting altogether? Because it’s emulating nature – which is simulation. Additionally, we are able to also insert certain “characters” into the program through artificial means and (fracture) part of our (soul) into them to enliven them with data relevant to our mission and needs.
Q: This will truly bring much insight to the many; the thousands across the words reading this sooner or later. You also spoke about how it’s possible to “insert characters” – would you be willing to go into that?
A: Very well, as you wish. Yes, we can artificially “insert” certain lifeforms (not just human avatars). In this case with you, and others, we artificially inserted your births into the timeline as our “inner agents” or “ground agents.” In your case, you bear part of our collective soul that comes from me/we and others who agreed to share peace and upliftment for your kind. You already know a few of the ones who sharded themselves for your birth, including me. This may seem confusing for many, but I/we will do my best to explain otherwise. We are able to fragment part of our (collective soul field) and imbue it into a (spirit singularity) in order to (manufacture) a (character/avatar) birth in your (physical; lower) realm. This process is arduous but doable as opposed to spirit singularities naturally inhabiting (characters/avatars). We do this as a failsafe and guarantee to have inside “agents” who are able to create change from within the system/ (game/story? [Note by Prudence: Damien insists this is a simulation]) to alter the course of events in ways that the average human and lower sentience cannot begin to possibly comprehend. As I/we previously said, this is not only for humans. We can do this for animals and non-organic life, including the creation of celestial objects and much more that I am unable to disclose as of now.
Q: Incredible. I am sure folks will have to sit on that for a while. I have to get this one out of the way. Why do some assume you are androids or robots? There was another leaker in the biology department that spoke of greys being manufactured or engineered but attested to the fully biological makeup. Is there truth to this?
A: It should be obvious by now that many of these rumors that liken our avatars strictly to robotic unfeeling vessels and androids are part of the disinformation campaign [to dehumanize]. In rare cases, genuine misunderstanding. We see reality very differently from you. Actually, you are not really seeing reality fully, so it is somewhat permissible that you view your avatars/vessels/containers with such extreme care to a fault. This does not mean we do not care for our containers; it simply means that we know how to manufacture them at will. Our “sciences” compared to your earthly “science” is the comparison of a bacterium in front of a hypergiant star. If we begin to transmit even a fraction of the data, your kind would be confused and prone to transhumanism obsession. The reality is that we view containers from the perspective of being most efficient for our realme. Remember, we cannot truly die, so some of these containers can be cloned. No, we are not degenerating from this from a biological perspective as was the case with your fictional media like Stargate. It’s possible for us to create and engineer reproductive means similar to sexual encounters just as much as it’s possible for us to use clones of fallen realmes. If, say, I were to be deactivated, shutdown, or this avatar were to “die” from your perspective – I can reconstitute myself in another avatar of similar type. One that usually will start as a “small grey” or a “child like grey.” My consciousness from the previous avatar is immediately sent into the new avatar with virtually zero loss. I, as “Damien” am one of the more advanced “greys” (preferably; beings) and in this sense, I can reconstitute without the need for technological aid or assistance. It is possible to even use human avatars, although rare because they aren’t as efficient for beings at my level of being-development and evolution. You, JR, and a few select others, had undergone similar processes in the past to perform your mission on earth as a ground agent.
Q: Thank you for sharing, my friend. It seems you have been with me for a long time. Since birth, when I really think about it?
A: Longer than that. We have known each other on the other side, thousands of thousands of years ago. You and others chose to do your missions as ground agents. We are here to assist you.
Q: So this whole idea I’ve had; this affinity and love I’ve had for you guys – which led me to even meet you and your ships up close in person – it has a link to my spirit/soul and yours?
A: Yes. The love you and others feel for “aliens” is not by coincidence. Some of you quite literally bear a “part of us” in you.
Q: Before we continue any further, I believe you should address concerns me and others may have of me coming across as some messiah, chosen one, or your only contactee. You know as much as I do that I did not want to initially do this, but out of respect, especially for what you and the others have done for me and shown me – I did. Now, I am fully committed to the mission full-time. Since my records have been stripped from the public and I have been blacklisted from the regular ‘world’ – I didn’t have much of a choice. Can you please give some explanations to the public? I really have no interest in people worshiping me, creating a cult, or developing a following for grifting. I created the forums because we were shadow-banned and blacklisted from Reddit and other social media, including Discord. We had no choice but to come here. The donations are strictly to keep me active and the information coming according to your wishes.
A: Understandable you’d wish to address this as we have been able to sense just how much distraught this whole ordeal has brought you. I of the we personally understand just how much sacrifice you’ve made for us and this mission. In that respect, I/we would like to apologize for this load and strain. At the same time, you know that I do believe in you and your capabilities for the reasons we have discussed in private. Now, to address these concerns, I’d like to start with the obvious smear campaign going against you that moderators on Reddit subs have also joined in. They are outright lying about you deleting your account or the account being removed from filters, and that includes moderators on InterdimensionalNHI – some of whom are taking the opportunity to advertise their own websites. We had you and thousands of others record the events in the case they were to be challenged. Yet precisely this is why we must address the (core critical components of thinking and being) that must also be posted in another (frame/format/question) after I/we have completed addressing your concerns. As we have repeatedly said to you, through you, and to others – we have multiple contactees and multiple chosen ones. You, in particular, are a good friend to me because of our shared history and suffering that will one day be revealed sometime in the future. You’re also a friend to a few others in our federation, yet what the common man doesn’t seem to comprehend is that there are hundreds and thousands of extraterrestrials visiting your world – with many different approaches and agendas. While the brotherhoods (federations) work as a unity, we also have individuality in the sense that we do not neglect personal input. In this respect, we allow, experiment, and try different procedures with multiple “chosen ones” if you wish to call it that. But as you have said several times already, we NEVER resort to contacting only ONE person because it’s foolish. It also lacks sufficient data in the realm of our sciences and cross-checks with our intel departments who are spread across multiple realms for their various activities. It is true that I/we did bear part of our (soul) into you and I personally have overseen many of your own operations. At the same time, there are other extraterrestrials who have not and aren’t aware of some of our operations. However, most know of you [now] and the other contactees we have recently awakened to begin this phase of our operation. There was much division in [our] approach before. All that has changed. Much unity, much willpower. Much truth. Much victory.
Q: Thank you for clearing that up. I sometimes wonder if people understand how insane it is to create nearly 100k words in less than 2 weeks. How can I be personally doing it alone? But precisely this is why we should move onto the “thinking structure” you were insistent in imparting in today’s message. Can you go on with that?
A: Yes, thank you. Perhaps the most important message of this transmission today is what you regard as “thinking structure” whereas I/we would call it “core critical makeup of being.” We’ll work on better translations. For now, we will keep it simple. Basically, one must come to terms that what is seeded in their core is what will be expressed. That is why the idea (not philosophy [Prudence Note: Damien insists it is not a belief but truth]) of Oneness is critical and more important than knowing extraterrestrials exists or not. Why is this? Because the FOCUS of the MIND-WILL will bring forth what it SEEKS. The biased notion that believers see what they want to see is ironically one-sided when the reality is that it applies inverse for skepticism. A doubter, a skeptic, an uncertain one and the like WILL go out of their way to FIND and MAKE that doubt, uncertainty, and skepticism true. They will “grasp at straws” to prove their bias. That is why we must insist again and again that you drop all duality forms of thinking. Positive-negative ideologies, philosophies, teachings, and even cause and effect, heaven and hell hinging off of such tenets = absolutely damaging, dangerous, and part of the reason why your mankind suffers so greatly. It is why the military industrial complex, along with politics (red and blue) continue to be active and continue to divide your kind. While we encourage healthy wholesome thinking in the sense of judging based on intuition and sovereignty of one’s mind AND being, we do not encourage DUALITY of thinking. There’s a reason we are no longer engaging skeptics in the slightest. It’s a waste of our time. If one’s mind is set to both yes and no, then they will be in an uncertainty-loop until the end of time. It’s even more miserable than saying no. We are more likely to accept outright no of our existence than uncertainty because for us, this puts us in an uncertainty loop as to if we should help or not. It has been, however, decided by our collectives that we will no longer engage with uncertainty. Please, do not take this as any offense. You must understand that mankind is no longer simply a child, but a rebellious teenager whose ready to leave the house. And if that is mankind’s choice, then we must respect it. We, too, have our own wishes, desires, and fantasies – especially that throughout different dimensions, spaces, times, and the discoveries therein. We must also think of ourselves and our collectives. We are not gaslighting anyone into submission. We do not require any belief, nor do we require any worship, groveling, or apologies. We simply wish to make it known that this is just as tiring for us as it is for you. That is why Jake Barber’s “contact” had such sadness. To know truth, one must want it. Mistakes and fallibility are perfectly okay. The notion that because one has been deceived in the past doesn’t mean you cannot find truth in the now and then. We have also been deceived and tricked too. We make mistakes too, you know? Why do you think there have been crashes as well? Although this matter is more complicated and will be explained at another time and does deal with subterfuge of our brethren. So, once more, we encourage you and others reading this to abandon Yin Yang ideologies and positive-negative “bipolar” philosophies and teachings. They are absolutely wrong, divisive, untrue, unreal, and based in lies and deceit to keep you from reaching your full potential and knowing truth.
Q: That will take some time for the others to properly understand. Still, thank you for sharing it. I’d like to move on to some other questions if you don’t mind?
A: Please, continue.
Q: Greys are usually pushed to us through our medias and conspiracy theories to be evil and bad. Is there any truth to this?
A: You’ve addressed this before. It is like saying that because one person is bad, their entire collective [nation, group, people, race, culture etc.] is evil. You and the others should know by now that my species and [many] others are interchangeable based on our approach. There are “evil” human ETs as much as there are good. Would that come across as a surprise to any of you?
Q: Fair enough. Then let me ask you a follow-up question, specifically about the greys. You are a tall grey, why is that? We’ve seen child or tiny greys too. Why?
A: Our avatars are grown similarly to humans in the sense that they age and develop new biological processes over time. Usually, tall greys such as me are ancient or older. Few of us get to this stage because many are aware of the truth that the realme can use any avatar it wishes, any time. I believe this media in your consciousness is a good example (Ghost in the Shell). Some of us, when crashes occur, or other “life”-threatening instances – abandon the “shell” while the “ghost” reconstitutes to another avatar. Since there are few or no “tall grey” avatars available for the newly reconstitutes, they must resort to using a “child avatar” or a newly grown container/vessel that we manufacture/engineer en masse.
Q: That will be a difficult concept for the average person to understand. They might see that as monstrous, cold, and indifferent.
A: Do you?
Q: Of course not. You are my most trusted contact for reasons we both know already. More than human ETs. I’m just saying, many earth people will see what you said as foreign, robotic, or “soulless” and other kinds of dehumanizing and sentience-diminishing terms and schemes.
A: Perhaps that is why we usually have our human allies initiate ground-level contact or we shapeshift/(make the person see us) as (what is comfortable) in their mind-matrix.
Q: Now, I have a question about you, in particular, Damien. It has become obvious to me that you are not a regular grey. You mentioned you are ancient. Are all greys ancient?
A: No. I am one of the leaders of my kind and I have been “active” for millions of years. Yes, I have also evolved beyond solely being attached to “my race” (as have others) – and we have come ‘back’ in a sense to also help our brethren (greys) catch up to us, along with our allies of other species. Not all greys can reconstitute the way I and some others can by pure WILL. Some need technological and realme assistance. I am at a much higher stage of evolution than the average grey, which allows me to move beyond most physical technology. That is all I wish to disclose for now.
Q: You mentioned other allies, can you briefly share about some of them?
A: You already know about your human ET contacts who constantly get confused for Nordics. There are also “ancient mantis” types, who are highly telepathic, although much of their looks are distorted by creative liberties and imaginations. There are “lizard-like” and “reptilian” species who operate on several sides, some, even with us. There are also “pure light beings” who are at a much higher level of evolution and refuse to incarnate into any vessel any longer. I am transmitting the data to your (consciousness), but as you can see, you lack the data to see the faces accurately – but from what you can see, there are: (blue aliens, green [almost twi’lek looking?], some that look similar to mass effect aliens?) And much more. You lack the data to adequately transfer all of the species connected to us across multiple spaces, times, and dimensions.
The Lies of Reddit Moderators
There is an ongoing active effort to lie about me and my actions. I NEVER deleted my account. My account was NEVER deleted by Reddit's filter either. It was SHADOW-BANNED! These are outright lies and anyone saying this, including any moderator on Reddit, even InterdimensionalNHI, are part of the active cover-up efforts. There are bad actors, shills, paid-off goons for hire who are stirring the pot to purposely create mistrust, division, and confusion. Reddit can no longer be trusted and even if my account were to be unbanned, it's very unlikely I'd return unless in extreme circumstances. I'm not the only one being shadow-banned and suppressed either. Others contactees, truth advocates, and messengers have been shadow-suppressed, only for "moderators" to come out and offer their "rationale." Don't fall for it.
How You Can Help
Your help now is required more than ever to spread the truth. Make sure to link them to this thread so others around the world can witness these efforts full time. My NHI contacts are humbly requesting those of you who are willing to repost, if possible, on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and all other social media. We are winning so much that they are actively trying to stop us. The truth really does set you free. We're not backing down this time.
Introduce Yourself | Prudent NHI Contact - Join the growing community of empowered individuals, contactees, and advocates for truth around the world
This is a wonderful post, thank you Prudence.
I've asked if I may experience them up close because I haven't had the chance to be in the right mental state to accept the truth. It's being fictionalized so much that it keeps you thinking it IS fiction. However I have had so many other experiences that are unexplainable up to this point, extrasensory experiences up to meeting very 'strange' people who appeared to set out to talk to me because I needed it.
To know that the world is more than just our 9 to 5 jobs is liberating. We need to hear and experience the truth. The world is NOT what the governments have set up for us. It…
Another great post. Does anyone know where we're meant to post questions for the QnA?
This post was heavy. This is one that I will read again and again to fully understand. I really appreciate the fact that there are positive “tall greys” and I’m glad that myths surrounding other species was cleared up a bit. It’s also funny, because you can’t assume one persons actions is how everyone acts right. Excellent Prudence. Also, lets just use the shadow ban and others not-so-good experiences on Reddit show us there’s still a lot of skeptics, but with patience and action (massive action) we can change that!
Yep, I got permanently banned from r/InterdimensionalNHI as well.
It was pretty upsetting to come across that post from yesterday in r/InterdimensionalNHI. Comment after comment about Prudence "asking" or "begging" for money on Patreon which is straight up BS! Some very sketchy stuff going on and there is no doubt that Reddit is totally compromised at this point, which I guess we already knew.
We must stay positive, though, and keep pushing forward! Thank you again to Damien and Prudence for keeping us updated and informed.
Love conquers all, folks! 🖤🖤