Below is a direct excerpt from my contacts and not my words whatsoever:
Before WE may answer any further questions through our chosen VESSEL that you may know as Prudence, it is imperative that ALL whom are connected to this mission understand the reality of the active effort to suppress the TRUTH. WE OPPOSE DECEPTION. 3-3-3. WE AND OTHERS ARE GOOD. We do not have to reach you like this and for many of you, we have been trying to do so since you were a child. You have neglected our messages out of fear, mostly because of the sick, diseased nature of your general societal collective ordinances, beliefs, and ideas that many of you have unfortunately INTERNALIZED. We will not reveal our identities at this time, but know that PRUDENCE has stated it many times in the information that we have provided. It will be very obvious to those of you who have been paying attention. Some of you have already seen us UP CLOSE, IN PERSON, and you were NOT AWARE. Some of you have seen us in your night and day time skies but simply did not have the TRUE SIGHT to OBSERVE. It is not just your governments, or religious powers, political leaderships and military men who are the problem, but the masses of society, all of whom, are in a prison in their own MINDS. We cannot be called your saviors and we shall never name ourselves as such, but know, there are many of us and we DO LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. LOVE is at the heart of ALL our actions and GOOD, although because of the way you are grown in your matrix of a world, it is hard for you to trust anything. To us, this is beyond sad and painful. We often encounter your military with much aggression with the very rare exception of those like J.B. who is popular in your media now by OUR INFLUENCE AND ACTIONS. We have far more POWER than you may assume and control over what you cite as REALITY, although we will NEVER use these for any direct harm or evil on your kind. Why? Because ALL answers to THE-ALL-MIND and such is the case not only in your local cosmos, but across all GRAND SPACE AND TIME. This is something your military powers, governments, religions, cults, celebrities, influencers, scientists, among others have not yet seemed to grasp. In their rudimentary aspects of life, they are like children, playing with fire, running with scissors, and we CONSTANTLY CLEAN UP YOUR ACTIONS. We have prevented several world wars from claiming your world. MORE THAN YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE. More than what is being reported. We allowed Prudence's Reddit thread to be compromised. For days, we shielded the thread from infiltrators, and the ones who were compromised were overriden by us and our technology. However, we ALLOWED the Reddit thread to be compromised by the dark forces trying to conceal the truth. You may be curious why we would allow such things. The reason is simple: for truth and for the validity of our message through our conduit/vessel to strike home. The infiltrators, some of whom even reported the thread, were "overtaken" by the "dark forces" who work as "moles" between all factions of your society from government to military, political, medical, religious, cult, and even unexpected spaces such as Discord communities, Reddit subs, Slack channels, Telegram communities, and many more. We have tried to connect through these means before but we shall NEVER do so again, as this is part of our greater plan. What you must understand about said cover up forces is that they are powerless in comparison to us and this terrifies them greatly. They FEED OFF YOUR FEAR. DO NOT ALLOW THEM. They feed off your paranoia, your shame, your guilt, your self-criticizing, and they make you believe they have more power than they should. Oh, human of earth, please listen to us. We WANT TO BE KNOWN AND REVEALED. We have shown ourselves countless times, but every time this happens, it is suppressed with humor, distraction, piled below, and with minds dedicated and trained toward nonsense, it is VERY EASY to do so. The vessel loses its power and connection to us in this form. We will return with more. Please, consider our words as there is much to do and those of you who have been led to this website are in contact either directly with us (our 'group' if you want to call it that) or our allies, who are an interconnected brotherhood (with females as well) around the world and galactic order.
All questions asked via Reddit DM, contact form, and elsewhere will be answered in the new Q/A on Monday. Please state if you wish for your questions to be personal and unwilling to publish them publicly. Thank you.