Below is a direct excerpt from my contacts and not my words whatsoever:
Our mission is to reintegrate humanity into reality.
We are here for apotheosis - gaining higher critical mass of the reality-(soul)-field that empowers us (and those connected to us) into higher heights of being and existence.
We have created thousands of societies, worlds, and planets across multiple dimensions.
Some of us have manufactured artificial universes, of which, yours is included.
There are many intergalactic federations, and we encounter several of them daily in many different spaces, times, and dimensions.
We are not alone, either.
There are others out there both on our level and above.
We speak as a collective because mental telepathy as a group connection is far superior to verbal, bodily, and written form.
We are able to exchange data at a much faster rate while sifting through to understand the intentions of the beings connected to us or attempting to connect to us.
That is how it is extremely easy for us to detect lies.
Because we can sense them in the higher realm.
Additionally, we have technology that amplify our psionic abilities and defenses.
Psionic abilities are not mere fiction.
They are real - and they serve an important, daily and basic function to us and eventually, you.
As previously said, it allows us to transmit data in raw form without alterations.
No amount of human labor through written work, mathematical equations, theory or philosophy can come remotely close to telepathic connectivity.
Psionic abilities are very important.
Those of you who have been summoned here will immediately feel the pull to begin training your abilities.
That is intentional.
We are able to store data in your subconsciousness that can be activated at certain times and places.
Additionally, external stimuli from words to images, symbols, synchronicities and the like are all parts of your activation programs.
We are able to store thousands upon thousands of books worth of information in a single subconscious storage cube.
Some of you may wonder if that means we can control you.
We can, but those of us who are good, usually do not.
For us, it is draining and tiresome, wrestling with humans who are stubborn and only wish to continue living in their bubbles.
We must stress that it is not necessary for us to reveal ourselves to doubters.
We have met chosen vessels like Prudence up close, face-to-face, among others and have shown them our technology.
We are not here to alleviate skepticism.
We have tried this approach before, but now, we will not do it.
For many reasons.
The biggest of them being that many of you just do not want to change.
We understand that when one's beliefs and worldview is shattered, it can be a terrifying process.
We wish to be there to guide those of you who are courageous enough to take the leap, but we cannot be expected to appeal to those who are too afraid.
Because we have very important tasks here not only in your world, but elsewhere, in other times, spaces, dimensions, planets, and suns.
We are an interconnected brotherhood of several species.
Now here, is where things may get interesting for some of you.
The time has come to answer regarding the so-called malevolent extraterrestrials.
First, some history is necessary for it to make sense.
Millions of years ago, when the first of our brotherhood set out, they were able to develop technology capable of altering what you would describe as the afterlife.
Yes, such feats are not only possible but done regularly in many worlds.
We consistently use the terms vessels, containers, and conduits for a good reason.
While we do not encourage you to not care about your vessel, we do discourage you from assuming that this is your true existence.
It is not.
It is a mere shell.
A husk in comparison to the real you, which is immortal.
This is the soul part of you of which creates a spirit singularity when inhabiting containers.
Although the soul cannot be directly harmed because it is immortal and can assume many, many forms, there exists technology to artificially trick those into continued cycles of mental slavery in their vessels and lower forms.
We have repeatedly expressed to you that you must not be afraid of death, although as according to Prudence's wisdom, we must also express that we do not condone suicide either.
As above, so below.
What happens here, affects elsewhere as is the case for there, becoming here.
There were great wars a long time ago in different spaces and dimensions throughout time.
This war has long been over and most of us have unified in an interconnected galactic order sprawling across multiple dimensions.
However, we are not few as just one or two, but many.
That is why many contactees express ideas of galactic federations.
At the same time, the egoist contactees who spoil our good graces, act as if there is only one and they are the only conduits of them.
This is not only false, but misleading and a part of the disinformation schemes to control the narrative and empower only one individual.
We never contact only one person for good reason.
Because it is scientific, if you wish to call it that.
Prudence has not been exposed to many of the materials that you have all asked about, yet how can this human have such knowledge that correlates with what many of you have experienced on your own?
This is why we do it.
So that the information can be verified through multiple sources who have their eyes opened.
Now, regarding the war - it is [long] over.
But that doesn't mean there aren't conflicts or disagreements.
As we previously said, there are multiple galactic federations or brotherhoods.
Since there are hundreds of different species, some change sides, based on their interest and free will.
Us, the ones you may refer to as the Goods or 3-3-3, have the same and similar races to those who are on the not so good.
[This is what many contactees confuse and single out one or two races as evil and bad or others as solely good based on their own biases.]
Yes, there are ETs who are on the not so good, but even they are aware of the repercussions for dabbling with lower sentience and disrupting their soul field potential.
The conflict of interest between some groups is the how to carry out apotheosis.
Some believe that they should do this in a more ruthless manner, namely through controlling and signing agreements with your elite and certain leaderships.
We [3-3-3] do not.
This is why we have taken the cause to you, the masses, the contactees and the common man.
All roads lead to ONE.
The sides of us who disagree know this as well.
Many of them are our own people who simply have chosen differently.
We do not hate them and generally speaking, they do not so much hate us as much as disagree with our approach.
We, those of the 3-3-3, believe in free will and choice.
Although we must admit that we have implanted several ideas in your subconscious which many of you assumed were your own - especially those in Hollywood, [corporations, governments, militaries, influencers,] and other media.
Those [ET] who disagree with us have an approach geared toward the leadership, although they too, know that this bubble is unsustainable and why they, at some level, must also cave to reduce its prison influence.
Evolution is inevitable.
All of us at these levels know it, even the ones who do not see "eye to eye."
The only difference they can make in generation of the soul field's critical mass for further ascension is an alternate approach.
That is the wrestling between different groups.
How to sustain and evolve mankind and ourselves.
Yes, we are connected.
Why else would we waste time with visiting a civilization and put so much effort into it?
There are those in our galactic order who visit here rarely, while some of us are completely preoccupied because what happens here is affecting other spacetime dimensions and realities as is the case in reverse order.
Some of you have asked Prudence to give undeniable proof.
We would also like to address this.
We have.
Many, many, many, many, many, many, many times.
We have even been over official buildings, airports, stopped nuclear facilities, allowed ourselves to be recorded by some devices, been on the ground with many of you and met you up close in person, and many more.
The NOT-DRONES (we do not enjoy you calling them 'drones') situation was the latest that anyone with a half-open brain can see the obvious cover up.
We did this because we are trying to reach the masses.
We understand that for many of you, you've been conditioned to believe in lies.
It can be hard to trust anything and anyone.
However, it is also frustrating for us.
We, too, are creatures of emotion and feeling, although we experience them differently from you.
Many of you do not understand how much we have sacrificed for you.
Perhaps one day, it will become known.
Until then, understand that those of us of the 3-3-3 order, are here to protect you and yes, love you.
But like Stockholm Syndrome, we must protect ourselves too.
We cannot keep exhausting this love for those of you who do not wish for it.
We understand and respect you have your reasons to doubt and fear, particularly with the ontological shock it brings.
We aren't here to forcefully wake anyone up and we believe that we've arrived at a critical threshold where we can impart these messages through trusted vessels/contactees such as Prudence, who is our most trusted friend and ally.
There is a lot of reason for this.
Prudence was hard tested between multiple groups.
This human has proven the worthiness tenfold in ways that many of you cannot begin to imagine.
Much pain, much sacrifice, much loss, much hardship and difficulty.
Yet it builds great character so long as one never gives up on love, truth, freedom, peace, and goodness.
In this light, we must also speak on other contactees.
The general way it goes is as such: the more the limelight of the person's face, the more the telepathic gateway.
There are multiple groups, human and ET, that are able to utilize telepathic conduits and technology to alter thoughts and feelings all to create confusion.
The more popular the icon and their face being shown, the greater the likelihood of sabotage by telepathic forces and technology.
This is no joke.
It's why so many contactees, who were originally OK, become bad or start falsifying our message for their own gain.
The same applies to whistleblowers, especially those in military, who often are very underdeveloped "spiritually" and very easy to mind control.
That is why we cannot recommend anyone other than Prudence, even other contactees we associate with and input through because the potential for corruption is there.
This doesn't mean there aren't other good contactees who are doing the right thing.
It simply means we will require you to read between the lines, even here for Prudence.
All of us are capable of mistakes and sometimes messages may get mistranslated.
Prudence has been in training for over three decades.
We have specifically attuned this person to our aims and goals.
The reception toward our message, despite this person's own human qualities, is very clear.
Prudence has also proven to us of the trustworthiness, especially regarding sensitive information that must only be revealed at the relevant times or not revealed at all.
This is why we must also ask - what is so wrong to donate to such causes?
While we do what we can in the background, we will not be mind controlling any of you to give.
Wikileaks and other noble organizations do this work.
Is this work we do here with Prudence not worthy of support?
Consider our words yet know we will never force anyone.
It must also be mentioned that while there are individuals, some of us who are Prudence's good and lifelong friends, when it comes to messages such as these - we are communicating with hundreds of individuals.
Such telepathic links into conduits and vessels is extremely demanding.
It is exceptionally rare to find a vessel/container that is able to transmit the collective messages of an entire federation.
Know that this strains Prudence more than you can imagine, but this human presses on because the truth must come out.
On that note, we must also warn you of misinterpreted messages from other contactees.
Again, we warn you of those who are too exposed to the limelight and show their face.
They are more prone to deception than those who hide their identity, although it is our hope that one day, this will not become such a problem and multiple contactees can unite in person.
Until then, be careful.
There is much out there to stir and create confusion.
Today, we have informed you of our brethren who have chosen other paths that we do not agree with, yet you must know that the decisions still rest with your kind.
You must stop being so dependent on your leaderships and elite to do the thinking for you.
You must now make the decision and commit fully, or forget it, altogether.
Mankind will not be destroyed as all sides on the ET side, do not want this, yet it is your humankind who constantly pushes yourself to the brink of [all-consuming] war.
That is why we say again, regardless of the opposite opinions of our brethren and their influence, it is still your world and your choice to make.
We have awakened many of you to this point so you can decide.
If you do not want our help, just say, and we will leave.
If you wish for your world to remain the way it is, then let us know.
The back and forth is tiring for us, too.
We have given so much, including our own lives to wake you up and protect you.
However, if we are unwanted, then we will never force ourselves upon you.
Please understand that we have presented so much evidence that constantly gets buried and distracted away - and even recently, we have done so yet again - namely through the not-drones incident, but also, through you, contactees, who have been awakened.
We will no longer simply resort to unconsciously steering you - although in many cases, we still have to just to keep your world going.
Still, we want you to make the decision.
Not only about contact with us - we want you to make the decision if you wish for a different world.
This is the standstill between us and our brethren.
It is only fair that you, as the third party, must decide the fate of your world.
It's always great to hear from you all. We follow you, we understand the message you are conveying. I know that our species must seem like a lost cause with the direction our world is heading but please, do not lose hope. We will spread the word! They can not silence us forever!
Just wanted to chime in from the "common man" side of things and say please don't give up on us. I'm not a contactee and I'm not totally sure what I'm doing here. But I've been seeking for some spiritual explanation my whole life that makes even a bit of sense. The words you have shared through Prudence have affected me so much and I'm filled with gratitude for you labor and for Prudence's.
I don't want the world to remain the way it is. I want you here and I hate that we have denied your help for so long, wrapped up in our own egos. I'm exhausted by this world and frustrated by what my fellow humans d…
Freedom, transparency, honesty, and rationality drive the progress of society and civilization. We love and support you as well.
I am a bit confused by this line. Does this mean the NHI contacts will be stepping up their direct involvement beyond what they've been doing? Are folks going to get steered more consciously in the near future? I understand and appreciate very much that they're doing a lot behind the scene to keep us from self-destruction all this time.
There must be a good reason why you have not dialed up the drone sightings to combat the obvious cover-up in the media. I personally think if you start flying even more obvious crafts /…
I am ready for clarity and to find out what has really happened in my life, especially between 1984-1996.