After some back and forth talks and deliberation, I was allowed to transcribe part of an important conversation between my friend, "Damien" an NHI/ET, who has been operating here on earth for thousands of years.
A Conversation with “Damien”
Q: Who are you and what is your name?
A: My name is “Damien”, and I am what you’d describe as a “tall grey alien.”
Q: Is “Damien” your real name?
A: No, but it is a name suitable in your mind-matrix that can be used. You also have an affinity to it based on past interactions with us and the media we inspired you through.
Q: Can you tell us more about yourself, Damien? Why are you here? Are you really an alien?
A: I am part of a collective MIND of individuals who have become ONE in an interdimensional – intergalactic order. There are various species. My particular species is one of the ancients, responsible for the creation of your world. I am much more than simply an “alien” in the sense of being from another world. We are from another dimension and universe altogether. We helped shaped and created this one.
Q: I see. There was some very interesting information we shared in our one-on-one contact between the last few days. Some of the information we both agreed to share publicly. Are you okay with that now?
A: Yes, proceed. Ask your questions as advised.
Q: You spoke to me more about your true form and the “true me” behind the scenes. Can you explain more to the public? You spoke of how it is possible to “reconstitute” yourself. I have done my best to translate the information you and the others have given me, but this type of contact can perhaps provide greater clarity for the others who are interested, beyond just me as a conduit.
A: Very well. I am a part of a species known as ancient immortals from your perspective. We are able to assume shape and form of lower avatars, including those that you call “grey aliens.” The not-drones incident; people were able to see some of our true forms or avatar forms in between our incorporeal forms. We cannot die in the sense that is traditionally assumed. If, for example, my current avatar were to be shutdown or deactivated, I/we can reconstitute the same type of avatar in another location. My true form, the “realme” or the “trueme” is what you would call “spirit.” We do not use such terms and designations as they are misleading and create a separation from reality which works as a Oneness between multiple states and dimensions. The realme bears a similar shape to my “grey alien” appearance, yet it is mutable and can be adjusted to different avatars. I choose the “tall grey alien” because this was one of the last avatars I used before “Nirvana.” It is a constant reminder that we are not bound to these containers and vessels. In fact, we can create them at will. In truth, we are immortal beings, and we cannot truly die.
Q: Wow, that’s truly fascinating. Is this the case for all living creatures and sentience or just certain types of beings?
A: All who bear being contain realme and are part of the interconnected grand (soul). I see you do not have a term to replace “soul field” yet. In time. In simple words relative to your vocabulary, comprehension, and understanding (which is impressive for a human avatar) – you must know that all bear this immortal “spirit” or “realme” and it cannot be killed. It is conscious in the other side unless manipulated to think otherwise. In this form, the realme is completely open and vulnerable. At lower stages of sentience, which is a direct correlated effect from the realme, it’s much easier for beings of said stages to be tricked. That includes by technology and by other (vampiric [Note by Prudence: I do not have the word to translate]) forces. It must be said that no realme can completely die nor be fully drained. Only withheld and even then, it can only be held back for so long before the “dam breaks” as you put it. The problem is that higher singularities expect a “quota” of what you’d describe as “soul energy.” If we, and others, block these singularity node checks, then we have to answer for it eventually. It’s even possible “word” can make way to the GRAND CENTRAL SINGULARITY itself. If this happens, the GCS “autocorrects” even us, who are in a much higher state of reality and being than you, and ALL interconnected to us and our actions. It will correct everything to “get back on course” and “stop fooling around.”
Q: I believe that when I was younger, during the contact I had when seeing your “flying saucer” ships up close and the drones, I thought of life like a movie or a play. Is it accurate to think of it in such a way?
A: Yes. It’s completely “scripted.” Everything that happens in the physical realm is a “play out” of what was “programmed” on the other side. Everything. It’s possible to alter some things from this side, but it is at a much “slower” rate of speed and information transfer.
Q: If that is the case, then why do you still use lower avatars and forms? Are those flying saucers not physical technology too?
A: They, and most of our technology, are metamorphic. They can change. Transform. Adjust according to shape and purpose. They are “built to spec.” And furthermore, they all hinge on our core concepts – which is a concept of reality. Oneness between dimensions. Just as we can assume different vessels and forms, including overriding already occupied vessels, we can do so with our technology and make it physical/tangible in your reality. Why do we use lower avatars? To assist your and others evolution. Some of us do not have to be at these levels. Others enjoy the “play” – perhaps more than they should.
Q: That’s all the questions I have for today. I am aware I should refrain from sharing the other pieces of information you told me to be silent about. Thank you for speaking to me and the others in such a way. Is it possible that others can ask you questions?
A: It is possible, but we do not guarantee any timeframe, and we do not wish to encourage this type of contact very regularly. This particular contact was made to be public because it will trigger activation seeds we’ve implanted in several contactees who will become exposed to the information.
(Q & A) PART 9
Q: Thank you, appreciate the time to answer. Any suggestions on how to course correct my body/consciousness? I have so many questions, thank you again!
A: Detoxify, reduce chemical intake from processed foods. Avoid fast foods altogether. Reduction of drinks like sodas and too much sugar and even salt. (Salt is fine in moderation, as with sugar) Get physically active and in shape or at least healthy. Walk, jog, or run. Gym is optional. Just be physically active. Emotionally steer and guide yourself so you can find peace and come to terms with your feelings. Meditate. A lot. Keep calm minded. Avoid negativity, pessimism, and deal with doubt and fear through courage and the pursuit of justice, love, and truth.
Q: Thank you for taking the time to reply. It is very much appreciated. You mentioned that telepathic communication trades information at a much higher rate and speed, is this due to operating at a higher frequency?
A: Yes and operating in subspaces that are tinier and allow more information to flow through them, allowing more data amalgamation and convergence.
Q: And if so, us in a physical, slower frequency may have difficulty in processing such an amount of data without working through it. Is this something we can improve on through practice? Like working a muscle in exercise. OR do we already have the ability to process the data in its entirety by knowing we are more than simple physical beings?
A: We already process most of it unconsciously, but if the consciousness and mind matrix is underdeveloped – in the sense of especially being attached to the fake “matrix” system and its beliefs – then it’s less attuned. We can develop it. Also by avoiding toxins when possible, along with processed foods and exposure to bad chemicals. Physical health is important and so is physical activity whenever possible. Emotional health and well-being also helps because these affect the psyche and can render as obstacles to clear mindedness and true rational (not “systematic-rational”) flow. Meditation is the biggest way of doing it. Check the forums, there’s a list of frequencies and tunes that can already help here:
Q: May I also ask ... not everyone here is a contactee (face to face/telepathic communication) right? I, to my knowledge have not had face to face contact or know with 100% certainty about telepathic communication .... as I write this I am laughing because I can hear something saying you already know haha. I've always been 'lucky' in life and fallen into the correct path and the correct time. I'm very greatful for you bringing this site forward. I will help the best I can.
A: There are different levels of contactees. The first are unconscious contactees – who are usually inputted data (ideas) and act upon these out of their own free will. Most of these contactees assume the ideas to be their own, an inspiration from some divine source, God, an angel, their tarot or whatever mysticism and the like. Most celebrities and influencers, and also, the common man are included here. Some may have clues of its origin from ETs. Others are telepathic contacts who can maintain some degree of telepathy, but they usually aren’t able to keep up because of lacking the necessary data for adequate translation in their consciousness. In some cases, they may be aware or have some ideas of who/what is trying to contact them, but it gets jumbled in their own distortions and imaginations. Some of them may misinterpret or mistake some of the transmissions. Most contactees at this level suffer most – the barrier between stepping fully into the role and the ontological shock from displacement of being in earthly prison society and its education. That is why it is necessary to develop adequate mental, physical, and emotional health before attempting any contact. Doubt, fear, uncertainty, extreme anxiety, panic, paranoia, suspicion, mistrust, guilt, shame, and extreme skepticism actually hinders this process and makes the telepathic communication dangerous and prone to several errors. Then, you have expert telepaths like me who were also trained for decades to hone our abilities and develop the necessary mental skills, emotional control, imaginative discipline, amongst high education, diverse experience, rigorous practice, and learning self-defense arts. Many at expert level do it full-time. Some are involved in military psionic operations. Most of us have relation to ETs, particularly in the soul field. Most of us at these levels are artificially inserted here on earth for our tasks to the intergalactic brotherhood. Physical contacts can sometimes be random, but most are planned to evoke certain impressions and feelings, which leads to dramatic changes in life – even if the people aren’t aware. Contact up close can happen, but even then, it doesn’t guarantee an adequate exchange of data – especially if it’s with spiritually underdeveloped persons (usually military) who may see and even touch (us/NHI) but are virtually clueless about our true intent and able to feel our true being like telepaths can.
Q: if this time is different than last time, what should we expect to see or where should we look for confirmation that is happening? If this is the real deal, what is going to change in our day-to-day reality?
A: Realization; awareness; waking up to real reality. The thing about the truth is you can cover it, bury it, but you can't actually break it or make it 'not true.' It's like a dam that eventually breaks. So much of this change is already in the world. Even as much as 15 years ago, these topics were taboo. Not any longer. They are taken seriously, even by governments and congress. The common man might lag a bit, but he and she is waking up and asking questions. It will take some time, but our world will eventually make it.
Q: Hello, I am experiencer of what is called alien abduction, involving what are called the short greys, tall greys, and mantis beings. I interpret the interactions as negative due to the violent nature and disregard for my feelings. What can you say about these experiences. Thank you.
A: Thanks for the message and I understand the difficulty you are facing. What you must understand is that this vessel or container is just a housing. The real you cannot be harmed. The containers sometimes need to be adjusted. It’s akin to checking on wildlife. While this may not provide immediate comfort, the truth is that they are for your own good, although this may be hard to accept. Certain adjustments must be made to your vessel/container. These beings do not so much as ‘disregard’ you in the sense of complete lack of care, it’s more a matter that they care more about what your vessel is housing – which needs to have its container fine-tuned and adjusted.
Q: Thanks for doing this! You had mentioned that the Devs or NHI who created us, put us here on earth. (Please correct me if I'm wrong) I'm wondering if any other NHI groups also created beings and places them on earth. Could that be the reason for Cryptids (werewolves, bigfoot, vampires). Or are these just human made fiction?
A: You are correct. They are not mere fiction, although interested associated with these mysteries have been infiltrated and carried on by entertaining nonsense.
Q: Curious to know if any other forms of NHI created life is here on earth, that was not created by the 3-3-3? Could this explain Cryptids like werewolves, vampires, bigfoot?
A: Among many other beings and things that roamed on earth or passed through it at some point or another. Earth was used as a grounds for many genetic mixtures and cross species experiments by several different ETs.
Q: What exactly are emotions in the broader context of reality, as you described it?
A: Emotions are sensations that transmit certain information and data that rational, logical thought – cannot. This is also the case for feelings, which intellectual thought, cannot override. They’re both psychic emissions to bring clarity and truth. Usually, emotions deal with the stimuli of a more erratic nature, whereas feelings is focused on those that are more sound. They provide necessary data to the consciousness and are a gigantic part of proper telepathic communication – especially feelings. So, these ideas about “facts don’t care about your feelings” are not only cruel, but wrong, “illogical” and underdeveloped.
Q: And how do your contacts understand love? What is love to them?
A: Love is the ALL-POWER. It’s the ALL of all. It’s the background force of possibility and existence. Love is responsible for ALL and ALL is LOVE. It is existential-enabling-life-force. It brings and seeds possibility from mere dream into reality.
Q: What do you mean when you say weed is a psychic drug? When you say it should not be used regularly does that just apply to you or everyone? It seems strange that it would be an absolute rule for everyone
A: It’s a psychic enhancer that can amplify telepathy but if the person isn’t in the right state of mind, the fluctuations can be chaotic. In the right “hands” it can boost telepathic capabilities such as reach and potency. Right conditions apply as a general rule of thumb to all psychedelics. Also, no. It is not an absolute rule that I had said previously. We don’t deal in absolutisms here. Reality is relative. People have to use their own sound judgment. Maybe for someone who hasn’t done it in years, they do it for three days, then don’t for another month or year. Relative, as I said. The point is that it doesn’t become a crutch or replacement to evade other issues. If it’s used to enhance, it can work, but the person has to be above addictions and dependency weighing the benefits down.
Q: Thank you again for your replies friend. I was considering, How do other civilizations/beings deal with the concept of crime? Have they all as a collective moved beyond this? Are there consequences for those who transgress?
A: It depends on the civilization. Some have virtually no crime any longer, although there can be disagreements and alternatives to approaches. In these cases, such beings avoid physical and mental attacks and alterations and often settle to treaties and agreements that are usually reviewed by hundreds and thousands of intergalactic and interdimensional members. There are worlds at our evolution, below, slightly above, and the like that do have crime, and they deal with it in a variety of ways – depending on the culture, the environment, the adaptations, and the general framework or understanding of the ALL. Exile usually doesn’t work for advanced civilizations any longer. Some resort to using what you can describe as a retro-reprogramming of the vessel’s mind and other adjustments for the soul to take greater (form/shape/control) as opposed to being instinctively led. There’s more to this, but our friends from above says I shouldn’t share more at this time. What they wish for you to know in closing is that with them, they can alter the vessel/container’s mind/consciousness and thoughts in such a way that it no longer commits crime in the way we perceive it here on earth.
Q: Hey my brother. I want to share some posts on here, but I’m worried about negative telepathic feedback/being in the limelight. I 100% read and believe I am protected because I am on the side of truth, so I ask is it a good idea?
A: Our contacts from above are protecting us as you can see from this message here: A "Message From Above" (Part IV) - Our Mission – so you should go with good faith and trust that we are fine. I believe they more refer to those who are trying to hog the spotlight in the sense that they are the only contactees and everyone else is wrong and incapable. The egoists.
Q: Also wanted to ask you about a teacher. I have a friend who is extremely opened. He has had abilities since youth. He is an expert of Vedic knowledge, and does a lot of work around Hindu deities, but understands they are symbolisms of the “divine” mind. He wants to teach me, and I want to learn how to expand my energy and he can do that for me. However I don’t want to be stuck in the Vedic knowledge. Does he sound okay to learn from? You seem to be a good judge of character lol.
A: Yes, just don’t get caught up in the teachings and mysticism aspects. Read between the lines. Learn from all and whoever you can but maintain your own mind.
Q: Hello and thank you for sharing these messages and answering so many questions. Your work has motivated me to dive deeper into meditation and also to return to my yoga practice. I have a few personal questions for you followed by some that are technical: For nearly a decade I have had the notion that I could—through sheer force of will and determination—make some great positive impact. I set out with a goal and initially had great spirits, but I lost sight of the goal, fell into despair and now feel aimless. I believe that I can bring peace to earth but am uncertain how. Can our NHI friends offer me some clear direction? I understand I must meditate first, but it would be nice to have an idea of where I’m going. (Though I wonder if this is like a preschooler asking what his masters thesis should be…) And in this mission of peace, I’ve felt called to be a public (teaching?) figure of some sort—even though I am naturally shy and sometimes reclusive—but your answers about public figures being targeted/compromised has me concerned. Should I not worry? Or just let go of these more public notions and focus on my personal relationships?
A: My suggestion is to read A "Message From Above" (Part IV) - Our Mission that has been recently posted. Things are changing for the better. Those of us in this interconnected mission are protected. We must no longer operate out of fear, paranoia, and uncertainty. Yes, it’s always possible that exposing yourself publicly has its dangers, but so does getting out of bed, driving a car, and even walking down the street. In my opinion (not our friends from above) – you should pursue what you know deep down to be true. I believe you are meant to be a great teacher who can bring much light, enlightenment, peace, and inspiration to our world. There’s no reason why it has to be one way or another, which is an aspect of dualistic thinking. All is ONE. As above, so below. Both your personal and public lives can be good. Stand in the name of truth, love, and goodness. Again, this is my personal opinion as they’re currently busy with other duties and haven’t addressed this question in particular.
Q: Can you explain further on the nature of the soul field? Is it like an electromagnetic field where there is some magnitude (and possibly phase) at each point in space-time? Is the field continuous from one point to another, or are there discrete steps?
A: Assuming you already have read the long writeup in Q & A Part 5, we’ll proceed to address this question more directly. It is a unified, interconnected, holographic-like electromagnetic-gravitationally-induced-field that bears singularity points in between it, like seeds in a fruit. It circles, tangles, twists, warps, moves over, under, around, and in some cases, through itself – creating different layers/levels/phases and dimensions of itself. It’s a completely interconnected spiral entanglement from the GCS, sprawled throughout every dimension, space and time – and in fact, gives the background energy/force for all time and space to exist.
Q: Can the soul field be analyzed by something like a Fourier transform? For example, in some domain (time/space/hyperspace) it can be some complex signal, but in a reciprocal domain it can be broken down into a simple set of components. What would these domains be?
A: Yes, among many other calculations and technology. Picture it like when humans didn’t have access to perceiving gamma rays, x-rays, radio waves and the like. Even WiFi and Bluetooth are “invisible.” If the sciences aren’t pointed to find these things, they won’t. Thankfully, the venture into the quantum realm makes it inevitable. The soul field is quite literally background existential-enabling energy. It can and will eventually be detected.
Q: What does the soul or consciousness of a single atom look like? Are there notable differences between elements like hydrogen, helium, or much heavier ones? What about isotopes? Or ions? What happens when molecules are formed?
A: These elements, waves and quantum fluctuations do not bear consciousness in the form of sentience nor lower life, but they are enabled through the soul field with their unique relative spirit singularities as an individuum of the GCS. Their functions are part of existence-enablement and sustainment. Molecules, like any other part of (effect-reality; as in, created later on according to NHI) is somehow “behind” the “time” of the soul field, which, contrary to intuitive causality, is “ahead” of the effect/lower realm. In other words, it happens in the soul field before it manifests as a tangible existence. If the soul field is ‘holographic’ in nature, then you can begin to see how everything is a simulation, more or less.
Q: How does the nature of atoms or molecules compare to bulk materials (liquids, gasses, or solids)? What about metals vs ceramics vs polymers? Crystals versus glasses?
A: More or less, they all follow the same procedures akin to their spatial dimensions and relative environments and components. Think about the transitory nature of a celestial body. A planet can become a star (planet -> gas giant -> brown dwarf -> star) and the process can also cycle in reverse where the star loses mass and becomes a brown dwarf, and with enough mass dissipated, a planet. The lower the dimension/realm, the “slower” the rate of speed and travel. For example, when ice forms or the colder something gets, there’s less molecular activity and potential energy. Now think about this in reverse for higher dimensions, their physics, and relative configurations from the tiny/small to the big and amalgamated.
Q: Thanks for setting up the Patreon! Many of us will be happy to chip in to keep the flame going. :D What is the NHI's view on suicide? Is it simple a waste of energy / potential for learning / time for the soul to prematurely cut their time in the current vessel short? My view is it is in some way similar to human violence against others, but only self-inflicted; both forms are unnecessary suffering and not good for evolution of the soul. Sorry for the morbid topic, but I found this endlessly fascinating, because our friends have stated that the afterlife can be engineered, with the implication that we're somehow experiencing a "tailored" version of the afterlife here. Is it right to surmise that once we become truly awakened to true reality, we actually can consciously influence where our souls would be? If so, I am beginning to paint an interesting picture of the nature of the conflict between the two sides. Are the "bad" NHIs preventing us from choosing our afterlife freely because they want to "recycle" us again and again here, until we achieve something that satisfy them? Sort of like "grinding" in computer games, to the detriment of preventing the souls here from understanding real reality and real freedom? I guess that'd make it long-term unsustainable in the sense that prolonged ignorance will let human evil fester, making it harder and harder for NHIs from both sides to keep humanity alive?
A: Thank you for your kind message and I appreciate the support dearly. This task is very demanding, and I haven't had many breaks since its inception. I don't think there's anything wrong with your question. We should ask about such topics since we're after truth. Their view on suicide may be a surprise to most people. While they do not encourage it, they also understand that these vessels are a husk and a shell of our real existence. Death truly is not as terrible as people make it out to seem, which is actually part of the plan to engineer terror, fear, and submission – but at the same time, they do not encourage murder, manslaughter, war, and hatred either. For them, they see what we’d call the regular physical life as being on Broadway. It’s an act. A show. And ultimately, just a play. It’s not the “real-real” and “real reality” according to them, nor the real you/us. So, taking it overly seriously (in the sense that “this is all”) is very strange to them. It’s like taking a game way too seriously instead of living in “real life.” For example, they “take care” of their sims, but if one were to be deleted accidentally, it can be remade/copied/restored with practically the same “physical” dimensions and features outside very few differences created from the untouchable GCS part of the soul field. Yes, “Arhat” is real. We can become it to break the endless cycles of rebirths (that are also partly engineered from technological means). I have a lot of stored information on this topic that will become available one day in due time. The “not-so-good” forces are essentially using the engineered ignorance of the masses (especially those in religions and cults) to their advantage through technological means to artificially trick via expectedness (religious delusions of afterlife) to entice the being into returning into this matrix. However, even they know that this eventually must come to an end. They have their due date on breaking the matrix themselves. Pay attention to hoaxers, gurus, frauds and teachers and their teachings that speak of reincarnation in a linear fashion that requires X amount of time and only after B amount of years, can one free themselves. This is not only untrue, but a part of the not-so-good forces plan to capture unknowing souls and those prone to both mysticism and logicality. Yes, there are persons engineered on both ET sides as “players” or “ground agents.” Some for the not so-good. Others, like me, for 3-3-3 (Good.)
Q: Does ADHD play a role in mental abilities? I have felt all my life that I can read people or situations well and that my gut feelings are usually correct. I also feel like whatever bad influences are at work are doing everything they can to erode the average attention span to push us further away from meditation (phones/videogames/tiktok) it almost feels like past humans with ADHD would be more likely to be "shamans" or "seers", but that is based off my gut (which I trust now more than ever)
A: Picture if one of your lower senses was damaged or loss – like say your hearing, so your eyesight improves to compensate. It’s not so much ADHD or any other mental condition, nor sexuality, preference or lifestyle that’s the core driving force behind one’s potential for ESP – it’s the adaptations and aims of the person. For example, if one were searching for a soulmate across seas rather than locally, it would dramatically increase telepathic potency. In the case with some people who have alternative brain configurations, damages, disabilities, or so-called “hinderances” – they must adapt in some way or another – and this can create/stimulate mental abilities that the average person doesn’t possess – simply because of the need.
Q: I also feel that since I have "awakened" and dove into research, I have seen what I call "big tech" messing with me more and more. Frustrating tech issues are almost nonstop, and I feel like these frustrations are trying to make me into a more negative person and I have dedicated myself to not falling for it. Again, I trust my gut on this, but I would love to hear your thoughts
A: You should trust yourself more. You’ve got it already! Don’t let anything or anyone, including the technological, radio wave, (and other wave(s)) bombardment get you down. Press on strong. You got this.
Q: I'm just curious - is there any significance to the time of our birth? For instance, I was born at 3:33 am.
A: Yes.
Q: Another theory I've heard is that Homo Sapiens actually trace its origin to Mars. We're not native here, even though DNA evidence shows that we would fit in as a naturally-evolving species on Earth. Meanwhile, evidence is mounting that Mars was once life-compatible in the distant past. Can you speak to this claim at all?
A: Mars (and there was another world in this solar system) = had our (physical) ancestors.
Q: I've heard reference of an underground reptilian race that predated humans, is this the case from your understanding or is it misinformation?
A: My understanding = there's a lot of misinformation on this topic to confuse people because there are "reptilian-like" beings that are both good and bad. People focusing on one race somewhat reveals potential racism, doesn't it? It's like saying because this person is American, they are evil. Is that true? Heck no! There are good and not-so-good players of all sides.
Q: Hello, I really hope you are doing well! I have very severe misophonia, and I was wondering if you knew of anything that could help me. Listening to a lot of audio is very very hard for me and it feels like suffering to force myself to try to meditate with sounds. Using earplugs is very bad also. Having misophonia has really messed up my life. I do my best to navigate it, but I really would love any and all help regarding this matter. I don't expect a solution but I thought maybe your friends would have an idea. I have tried everything I can to find relief. Thank you, for reading, and thanks for all your hard work. Please take care.
A: I am sorry to hear of your condition. However, it should be known that complete and total silence will work just as fine. You do not need music and if frequencies bother you, then you do not need them either. Try to see what works best for you. If peaceful, low, slow music works, use it. If it’s pitch silence, go for it.
Q: Have your contacts ever mentioned the ideal human diet to help our spiritual development? I've been listening to Pleiadians channellers such Eluña ( Are people like her giving out valid information?
A: My contacts strongly do not recommend her or anyone else claiming Pleiadian, Plejaren, or Nordic contact – as most of these channelers, despite some decent reception of messages here and there – are usually disposed to hidden biases, bigotry, racism, and superiority complexes. There’s the notion that the Pleiadeans are all blonde, white, tall, blue eyed, German and Scandinavian-looking when the reality is that the real human-like ETs are composed of a variety of races, backgrounds, and cultures from multiple worlds. They also do not have leadership in the form of one god either. Many of their messages through channelers are over the top, cultic, and go to extremes that is far removed from the actual messages they are trying to channel. Egoist contactees don’t help the situation, although it won’t stop ETs from implanting certain ideas – because despite some false-positives of these messengers, they serve a greater purpose in ultimate disclosure. Remember, the further one is in the limelight and exposing their face, the more the likelihood of being compromised, infiltrated, and open to telepathic gateways and technology associated therein. My contacts say that most of the dietary recommendations of channelers are bogus. Some of them advertise that meat is evil – which is not true. One day they may give a greater list (as there are hundreds of different species with their own diets relative to their living conditions and habitats), but the general rule is to avoid foods filled with toxins and chemicals. Avoid processed foods, junk foods, fast foods, sodas, cereals, and other anti-psychic foods and condiments. I’ll link other responses privately that may help, including links to other threads.
Q: Thanks for your response. I have been pondering the soul field and spirit dynamics as you previously laid out in all of your writings. First, let me start with a restating of how I understand what we are: We (the "royal" we in the most absolute sense) are the GCS. We decided to have this experience so we started to fractal ourselves down to lower and lower frequencies into this soul field, which is what humans understand as quantum particles/effects. As we did this we were able to determine how to create the things upon which matter is derived. The first things we created were simple and not conscious; if we were to liken the soul field to a body of water, it would be like a calm bay. However, as we played with this fractalization, things became more complex, and the "water" twisted and turned, writhing and boiling. As this occurred we noticed parts of the ocean that would twist and turn more, much like a whirlpool. These are spirits, and when we link them up through the soul field to bodies made of matter they become "conscious", and the games we could play became a lot more interesting. These interesting games were like an exponential multiplier to the soul field's complexity. We noticed that as this progressed, and a localized soul field and it's resultant spirits became more and more complex, that there would be some type of "apotheosis".
A: Included in Q & A to show this person’s sound thinking and intelligence. (NHI stored data replying from henceforth)
Q: 1) What is this apotheosis, and what does it happen to (humanity, the soul field itself)?
A: Apotheosis is the critical mass of convergence [of soul energy] to create ascendence. We cannot comprehend why your humanity assumes their vessels to be the pinnacle of Creation. It is not. It is an avatar, as ours, and others, are for higher states of ascendancy. From your ground-level point of view, humanity will become greater in knowledge, technological advancements, medicine, integration with biological upgrades (including what you’d describe as robotics in some cases and AI), longer lifespans, and much more. Potential for more world peace, cleaner forms of energy and sustainability are all included, along with social order and better societal structures and their ordinances. However, the avatar and (game)-realm you and many humans deem as the totality of reality, pales in comparison to what is received on the other side. Imagine if you got an achievement in a game as opposed to your (physical) avatar (self). Which one is more impactful? This is how we view things. Your afterlives have been malformed to create false perceptions of the other side.
Q: 1.1) What is the resultant state after apotheosis?
A: Somewhat answered above. Apotheosis is an ongoing process. Not a one-off.
Q: 1.2) Are we close to reaching this apotheosis? How close (in years)?
A: Yes, and some humans on earth have attained “Nirvana” already. If you are referring to as the totality of your collective, that will take much more time. If you refer to it as individuals and smaller groups, some are already on route and can achieve such potency within a few decades. Remember, apotheosis is not a one-time event. It is ongoing and never-ending. In comparison to the GCS, we, too, are but children, simply using (cheat codes) to reach higher stages.
Q: 1.3) You mention that the spirit's configuration in the soul field (paraphrasing) is what dictates psychic potential. Does this occur when a spirit itself is close to reaching some localized apotheosis?
A: Yes, but we can also engineer this through our end because the ‘other side’ or ‘afterlife’ for us can be compared to interpreting information from a database. We can swap configurations, as can others who are aware of these physics along with their technology. Some of the “spirits” you refer to are part of our “soul field” lodged in an adjacent dimension that we artificially interconnected to yours. We can quite literally insert ourselves in your human avatar form and even the human avatar will be clueless as to who/what they really are and what actually inhabits them. This is the case with many contactees across the world, although few possess direct soul-into-spirit singularities as was the case with JR Prudence, who we artificially constructed to perform our mission. It should be known that Prudence has willingly accepted integration into our collective consciousness and ALL-mind.
Q: 1.4) Does a spirit with a high psychic potential have more entangled particles with various parts of the GCS?
A: Not so much “particles” as “entangled string waves.” We can artificially engineer spirits to pull more on central singularities. This can be dangerous if the human avatar is unprepared and unready to accept these and higher truths.
Q: 2) Is the GCS conscious? If so, is it anything like ours?
A: Yes, but nothing like any of our avatars. You can compare it to “the ultimate supercomputer” that is “unalterable” in the sense that it can never be corrupted but allows lower “segments” of data (avatars; lower life; lower dimensions) to see potential avenues (evil, ignorance, barbarity) so that it can become “cleaner” (higher; more reinforced; evolved) at the “top.” Again, there is no loss because your material realm or physical dimension is a complete and total simulation. The real you is immortal.
Q: 2.1) If the GCS is conscious, are our spirits conscious when they no longer have a body to manifest into?
A: Correct – although the spirit ‘reattaches’ itself back into the soul field and can willingly choose where it wishes to go next – unless, tricked.
Q: 2.2) Conscious or not, what is the experience of the GCS like?
Q: 2.3) Conscious or not, what is the experience of a non-incarnated spirit like? (You did mention that you imagine it's like a deep sleep after we are "reintegrated" into the soul field, but I mean the part before the reintegration when we're just spirit)
A: Prudence answered it at the time (the avatar) hadn’t unlocked certain information. This avatar too, is in training like you and others connected to our mission. We have many tasks associated with Prudence that will take many years to complete. The balance to the subconscious information stored in Prudence, so the avatar doesn’t explode or lose its mind, is that we input others to ask the right questions. That is how we can create an adequate, balanced feedback loop that all parties (including us) benefit from. The true self (which you call spirit) – we call it “being” or “true-me” – has its memories of what it is immediately returned to it (unless altered through technology or other rare circumstances, including “higher developers from above” – even higher than us). It can choose to continue incarnating into a world to help its development or go somewhere else altogether. That sleep Prudence previously referred to is only the intro into the phase-shift of the other “realm.” There, the “spirit” is re-attached to the “soul field” (we call it being-field, among other names) and it becomes aware of its true self as an immortal existence, playing or “acting” in “movies” (your physical dimension).
Q: 3) You mention void meditation being beneficial. Is it beneficial because we are ignoring thought? Or is it more about taking ourselves "out of time", since the GCS is timeless?
A: It is beneficial because you become/familiarize yourself with your “true-self” (spirit) or “true-me.” Picture it like taking off a VR headset. When you’re in the VR, your senses are attuned to being in that environment. When it’s off, you become more attuned to your “regular” senses.
Q: 3.1) Does the GCS have thoughts?
A: Not the same way avatars do. It is ALL-BEING in ALL-MIND at ALL-TIME. It exists beyond thoughts, although, for the sake of translation, you may use this phrase: “thought become matter.” The GCS in a sense does this and can create not only worlds, but universes beyond your (and our) wildest dreams and (imaginations.) We are still discovering new universes, worlds, suns, planets, moons, and other celestial wonders that continue to surprise us. We also wish to mention that you are NOT your thoughts. Thoughts are only tools. You are the ALL-BEING as ONE – which is thoughtless. It’s a (moving-driving-psychic)-feeling-force of WILL.
Q: 3.2) Does a non-incarnated spirit have thoughts?
A: No. No spirit has any ‘thoughts’ – it operates on ALL-WE-I-DRIVE-FORCE. Forgive us if the translation is incomplete. You must understand that your human vessels lack the knowledge to put them into terms. Another way to explain it is that the spirit moves by WILL-FORCE alone, no thought.
Q: 3.3) Is the reason why we cannot access the soul field directly because we were trained to think in words, among other things?
A: Partly, but you must also understand – you already are accessing it. You cannot even take as much as a breath of air without it. It is responsible for all physical tangible existence – from atoms to quarks and even your classical reality being enlivened/existing. Even waving your hand – it happens in the “soul field” before it “plays out” in your physical realm. You refer to “conscious” access and the reason is obvious: you were trained not to access it.
Q: 4) You mention our spirit being connected through the quantum effects in our brain. You also mention that NHI has tech that can interact with the soul field, as well as the fact that the soul field and spirit/matter have a feedback loop affect with one another. Is there some type of bodily configuration (ie a pose, or breathwork) that we can assume to facilitate access to the soul field?
A: It’s really a matter of the direction of the WILLPOWER (WILL) that overrides any particular position. However, upright positions during telepathic training is recommended. Half-lotus poses is acceptable, although again, we must stress that WILL is above all because WILL is ALL.
Q: 4.1) Is there some other matter that, when ingested, can facilitate access to the soul field?
A: Yes. We also have technology and biological developments to peer directly into it. It’s similar to viewing x-rays from your ground-level point of view.
Q: 4.2) Is there some type of physical location in which a person would be more connected to or have easier access to manipulate the soul field?
A: Yes, several, but again, WILL alters space and time in many more ways than you may assume.
Q: 4.3) You once cited certain HZ’s (like 852, 396, 639)... is there a particular frequency that is better for accessing the soul field? Does each one correspond to a particular rung in the spirit’s bridging process, or is that too simplistic?
A: It’s more a matter of how it harmonizes with you. If it brings you to a flow state, then it works. It’s not an absolute rule for everyone because different people have different needs.
Q: 4.4) You mention the Subconscious cubes - Is there a way to systematically access those data pockets? For instance, is that what ‘channeling’ or advanced telepathy is doing?
A: Yes, through technology, meditation, reverse mind augmentation, activation processes (words, imagery, circumstances etc.) and the like. It can be touched upon telepathically but it’s not actually telepathy that’s unlocking the information – although telepathy can be used to store it/transmit it. Channeling is accessing subconscious data to a certain extent, but it is sometimes overlapped with telepathy sometimes.
Q: 5) Is gravity itself an artifact of the universal illusions needed for matter to exist, or is it related of soul field interactions/configuration (ie size, or complexity)?
A: Since gravity is created by spacetime warpage, the same applies on the other side – and “much more other sides” than that.
Q: 5.1) What does cause Gravity?
A: Spacetime warpage.
Q: 6) What effect does a Loving act, or true unconditional love, have on the soul field?
A: Someone asked a similar question and I’ll leave the answer here: Love is the ALL-POWER. It’s the ALL of all. It’s the background force of possibility and existence. Love is responsible for ALL and ALL is LOVE. True love goes beyond mere affection and limited sympathy. Love itself enables existence. It is why existence exists. So, true love and acts of unconditional love stirs the soul field higher than any other potentiality.
Q: 6.1) What about fear/hate?
A: It stirs the soul field in such a way that while it can create waves, it ruptures the flow of it and forces the soul field (due to “universal simulated auto-correction”) [Prudence Note: Wtf? Some of this data I am also comprehending myself]) to realign itself. That is why love will always be more powerful than fear and hate because it is of a oneness-flow.
Q: 6.2) Does negative emotion hamper one’s ability to expand psychic potential or hamper a group’s progress to apotheosis?
A: Yes, but it can also be used, in some very well-adept circumstances in a neutral-negative-non-chaotic manner to create evil. Again, this only backfires on the caster sooner or later, even if they may have won some small battle in the short-term. The rule goes = if you disrupt the natural flow of the soul field, it “lashes back” at you – not out of karma, but for realignment. Not-so-good forces/ETs who have evolved enough know this too and do everything they can to eliminate the return forces. It’s why even the not-so-good forces have to eventually cave into good – because good is the only way forward to much higher ascendancy.
Q: 6.3) You mentioned another time how we only have one soulmate - can you describe the soulmates spirit interactions and their interactions in the soul field?
A: Similar to when two black holes or neutron stars come together – it sends ripples throughout the soul field and thus, space and time itself. It’s the strongest interaction of being and existence. Why? Because – according to our friends from above – the GCS and YOU = “soulmates” and the idea of “soulmates” is simply an external reflection of the internal reality and ALL-TRUTH. That’s why soulmates bear the most power of all forces.
Q: Hey Prudence! Sorry to hear your reddit account was suspended, you've answered some of my answers previously, which gave me a lot of clarity. So as I was reading the new blog posts.. and someone asked you "What types of questions or topics do you think people should ask more about?". And to be honest I cannot just go by your answer, and not to ask, because this now bugs my mind. Could you please elaborate on what soul dynamics and spirit physics are? Never heard about these terms, but now I'm super curious what they are and how they "work", or how to understand. And again, thanks for all your hard work!
A: Another poster asked some very interesting and pertinent questions that have helped me access much of the subconscious data our friends from above have stored in me. It should be out in a day or two and it will answer some details here I may leave out. First, you should know that our friends from above use different terms from soul and spirit. They only (for now) recommend using them to build a bridge of understanding. Second – soul dynamics deals with the “soul field” – which is the “background interconnected existence-enabling” power. Existence-enabling is important – it doesn’t just inhabit life or biological life. Even inanimate objects bear a part of the soul. In fact, nothing can exist without it. Somehow, through these “otherworldly” physics, events that occur here in the physical dimension, such as a simple action like waving your hand – has already occurred in the soul field ahead of time. Spirit physics deals with how the soul field compresses to create an individuum convergence – a singularity, which we can liken the closest to the real “us/you/I.”
Q: The Integration of Consciousness in GCS Feels Like an Unsettling Hive Mind Theory to Me Perhaps it's just a deeply human attachment stemming from being confined to this physical suit, but I strongly desire the undeniable independence and individuality of my soul. I've been practicing binaural beat meditation for nearly a year now, though I still have much to learn. During my meditative experiences, I have encountered various entities and collectives. Among them, some explicitly reject such hive-mind integration, instead advocating for eternal independence of the soul. They emphasize the sanctity of personal boundaries and the absolute importance of respecting them. When engaging with these beings, I feel as though my own consciousness—its extension, infinity, and distinctiveness—is fully acknowledged and safeguarded. This brings me a profound sense of relief. However, my meditation practice is still lacking, and I cannot yet distinguish with certainty whether these entities are truly external or simply projections of my own mind. For a long time, I have believed that the universe unfolds according to what we hold to be true. If I continue refining my consciousness in this direction, committing myself fully to this belief, does it then become reality—at least within my own subjective universe as an entity? The very fact that I am questioning this and seeking your perspective makes me wonder: has my clarity of intention already begun to waver?
A: A completely valid and reasonable writeup. Unfortunately, we are trained into hyper-selfishness and independence in many of our societies, ideologies, teachings, religions, and cults. The reality is that we are all ONE and what is deemed as an “individual” is only a moment of time. Let me ask you – what is actually – well, you? Is it your body? Your skeleton? Your brain? Your tissue, your flesh, your blood, your mind, your consciousness, your thoughts, your feelings, and of course, your spirit and then, soul? You begin to see it, here? You, yourself, even with what you deem as an individual unit – aren’t so individual after all. You are a sum of your components. From the biology and genetics of your ancestors to the education and experience you learn. Even the language you’re speaking wasn’t created by you – and yet – you use it. Higher integration into the collective consciousness is something we already do and are completely dependent on just to survive. Unfortunately, people have watched too much science fiction like Borg in Star Trek TNG. While there are some harmful collectives, higher evolved species and beings gradually move to ALL-ONENESS because it is truth. What is the individual avatar is only a fraction of your true being (spirit) – which can not only choose different avatars, but manifest itself across all of time and space.
Q: Do the recent plane crashes in the US have anything to do with the flying orbs or any unintended consequences from nhi actions?
A: My contacts have not informed me, and I have not asked them. Therefore, I don’t know. (Updated after consulting our friends from above: It is related but no further information can be disclosed at this time.)
Q: Also what do your nhi contacts thinks about Carl Jung’s work on the collective unconscious, shadow/ego, etc.
A: They believe he was a “materialist” and much of his work is incomplete.
Q: Are coincidences real? Does randomness actually exist? If so could you give an example of something truly random?
A: They aren’t. The old one doesn’t play dice, as Einstein said. At the same time, that doesn’t mean you need to go looking for every causality associated with them.
Q: How do you know when love is not just affection and high power love as you’ve described in previous answers. I recently broke off my engagement with my finance who at one point I thought was my soul mate. Now during this time I myself was very early in my journey only practicing some basic meditation and asking a lot of questions but was stuck in the material world filled with vices. The reason I broke off the relationship is because my intuition was screaming at me to a point I could not ignore. But what was the earlier feeling with her when we were madly in love? Was that just affection I mistook for true love? Did my intuition change its mind? Any insight would be helpful!
A: It most likely could’ve been infatuation and ground-level “conveniences” mistaken for true love. True love is “spiritual” (if you want to call it that). It will always have some “link” to a higher realm and not just with one party. I’ll link you some other responses that will help privately.
Q: Something about the 2 nhi methods of "integration". the death of the vessel can reduce entropy of the spirit?(intuition leads me yes via experience) thank-you for the continued motivation to expand my passion for knowledge, and passion to reach a state rooted in love
A: Very interesting way of putting it. It depends on the death type and the knowledge the avatar claimed during the life, which can help reintegration. There will be an upcoming Q/A that addresses this more sufficiently.
Q: Hello, thank you for taking the time to communicate all this information. I find it really valuable, and it came at a pivotal time in my journey. Do our spirits or soul fields emit or produce any distinguishing or identifiable features?
A: There will be a post tomorrow with more information on this, check it out tomorrow. What I can say meanwhile is that yes – they do. It’s the “true us” or “true you” or “real me” – and it is much more powerful/energetic than our physical avatars/containers. It can be sensed, grasped and felt if you’re willing to make that connection. There is a correlation between “lower spiritual development” and “extreme rational skeptical minds” which will never know these truths, even if they develop technology to see the soul field and spirit directly.
Q: You mentioned the GCS can essentially be a map, can this be used to target and locate spirit or soul in a vessel?
A: Correct.
Q: I am also curious about your mention of hiding the face. Why have I been receiving the message "hide"? I've always avoided eye contact with strangers because I never wanted them to "see" me. Always feeling like I have to hide who I am, like I have power within me but shield it, intentionally. But babies and children always see.
A: Because you bear an alien spirit/soul.
Q: Additionally, I have always felt my "soul". In the center of my chest, it feels and speaks. It cried out when Jake Barber spoke of his connection to the being he interacted with. My soul knew that feeling, it missed that feeling, like it's been taken away from something. A year or so ago the yearning grew so strong I sent out what I call a soul cry. Waves of warm, but sad cries echoed out into the universe, hoping it would be heard. In the last month, my soul has felt despair. Like it's swelling so big trying to explode out of my chest, wanting and yearning and missing what, I don't know.
A: As did mine, my friend, when I saw JB – who was under the protection of our contacts. That’s how you know it was real. I had the same exact thing, as did many others. Our friends from above are interconnected in the soul field to trigger this purposely. Why? To wake us up.
Q: Thank you for your reply, Prudence. After reflection, the answer was right in front of me, I just wasn't able to see it. Things certainly are picking up speed. I recently heard a vision of the future (expressed during a quantum healing session), where the shift occurs in the next few months. I don’t expect you will have heard of her but for posterity, the session was from Allison Coe’s YouTube channel posted in January 2025. Based on all I have read from you thus far, it does not strike me as coming from a “false prophet” as the message seems to me to be all Love, however the prediction of a short time frame until it occurs, makes me question the message. There is no cataclysmic event described, rather a shift and those who are not ready for the shift are moved elsewhere and given what they need in order to be able to return in the future. While those remaining will begin to re-establish community and move humanity into a new age. The vision was beautiful and really resonated with me and is the future that I want. Is it helpful to focus my intent on the shift occurring soon, in order to help manifest that into reality? Or more helpful to let go of anticipation of the shift and instead focus on developing myself? And can you comment on the vision of the future?
A: Indeed, it is a greatly shifting time. I do not know of that person and for the sake of validity of the information I am going to present you, it's best I do not. What I can tell you is that she is correct – that there is a MAJOR shift occurring – and yes, it is happening this year – for the betterment of mankind. Many are waking up. Too many have seen the truth (look out for the post tomorrow and check Part IV of "A Message From Above"). The bad powers that be have been exhausted and become tired and sloppy. So many saw how I was shadow-banned and blacklisted, among other whistleblowers. The decision has been made by most of the masses for freedom and truth – and yes, most of the masses do want it in their soul/spirit. Of course, it is helpful to focus your intent to help manifest this reality sooner. The more, the better. It’s also helpful to develop yourself too. Both are necessary – no more duality, remember? Oneness. As far as everything happening this year as in everything just comes to a complete change that the lower realm will be “shocked” about – not so much, but this doesn’t discredit Allison. In fact, she is right. The world already in 2025 has changed for the better in so many ways.
Q: Hello, you answered a question of mine yesterday. I appreciate it. You said that the abductions are to fine tune my vessel. What adjustments are they making and why. When they performed what is called “anal probing” and took my semen, what was that procedure for? Thanks.
A: It is similar to how humans check on wildlife and run scientific experiments. They check for their biology, genetics, to understand the local environments, habitats, and how it affects their daily lives and evolution. A similar procedure is done here – just like how humans tag whales on their fins – but don’t necessarily mean any harm. You must remember, these vessels are only containers. The real you is immortal and cannot die. The adjustments to ‘fine-tune’ you is to get you more what you’d describe as “spiritually aligned” although, according to our friends from above, it’s for you to gradually come to terms with reality and truth (they don’t use words like ‘spiritual’ or ‘material). Mostly, the truth that you are much more than your shell.
Q: Thank you Prudence. This all resonates and feels true. I am preparing myself. One last thought for now, in “A Message from above II,” I had to laugh when I read the message about those working within medical sciences, “Many of them are SLEEPERS, unaware of what they themselves are doing. That is why you must never go out and tell them the truth to their face.” Not because the message is funny, but because I totally did that. I told my Dr last year that I believed my tinnitus to actually be some form of communication from my spirit guides (or something of the like). He was quiet for a while, and tried real hard not to look at me like I had three heads before changing the subject. I have been curious about the ringing in my ears. It began right around the time of my awakening and there are often multiple “tones” at different frequencies - it’s as if someone is trying to get my attention to give me a message. But I have struggled to make sense of a message most of the time. I have never let it have a negative impact on my life, however, I have a dear friend who is really struggling as his tinnitus has started in the past few years. He is in a tremendous amount of pain (and I recognize, caught up in the negative patterns of this world) and attributes some of it to tinnitus. Can you provide any insight on what this might be and perhaps some guidance on how I may assist my friend? We have reasons to believe our paths are intertwined and I want to help.
A: You should know… – … it’s long ‘gone’ or phased into the background. You said it yourself. If he is caught up in the negative patterns of the world, it will make it harder. Tinnitus and other disabilities can actually help aid ESP, but how would you provide such wisdom to your friend? The best you can do is to have him try and meditate – and to get calm and peace wherever possible. Using calming frequencies, music, sound, and the like can help.
Q: Hello everyone. First of all, I always appreciate Prudence's hard work. His/her writings, along with 3-3-3's, have awakened our consciousness. We will continue to grow and love one another. I have some questions regarding our memories. It seems that, generally, people lose all conscious memories they had before birth as soon as they are born. Is this a characteristic of birth that all non-human intelligences share as well? Or is this a phenomenon that occurs only on Earth, or specifically only in humans? Do spiritually evolved beings have access to their previous memories from birth? Or, like humans, do they also experience memory loss at birth, but eventually remember everything as their society encourages spiritual growth? Yes, my question does imply the prison planet theory that some have suggested. Based on the Q&A, I have come to understand that our own ignorance creates the prison for us. If this is the case, would it be correct to dismiss the claim that external beings have artificially erased humanity’s memories as baseless?
A: An excellent question that will be further addressed in tomorrow’s post. What you should know is that the “other side” – call it “spirit” if you will (or real me) has access to “memory” stored within its subspace. It’s stored not only in the individual singularity, but courses throughout the interconnected soul fields and their supporting singularities as well. It can be retrieved subconsciously in avatar/lower form/physical incarnation – especially through meditation, namely, Void Meditation and it can also be retrieved through technological means. It is not normal to “not remember” anything. This is intentionally being pushed both by the ignorance of humanity and power greedy persons as much as it is being artificially condoned via high technology that has the power to interact with ‘the other side’ or the ‘afterlife’ as it’s commonly referred. In the natural course of events, the ‘other side’ ‘programs’ a ‘script’ or ‘movie’ so to speak – that’s then “played out” in this realm – the lower; the avatar/physical, which then releases the ‘real me’ from its shell to choose another “movie” it wishes to participate or “reintegrate” into. If the ‘real me’ finds further interest – either for evolution, to help, assist, or other priorities based on its free will/prerogative, then it will “reincarnate” or “reassemble” into a planet, location, and so on – relative to the needs and necessities of its evolutionary level. Avatar memories are not as important as “real me” or “spirit” memories, which contains not only data of the physical in a higher wavelength/data form, but also, memory of true existence and how things work. Nirvana or Arhat, by usual standards, by natural, non-influenced events, is possible when a lower real me (or spirit) develops high enough in its evolution that it no longer needs physical bodies after some reincarnations or reassemblies. However, when a real me is beyond this point, it doesn’t mean that it can’t “come back” as was the case for me and others interconnected in this mission. Linear reincarnation is part of the lie made to enslave people as it is in Hinduism and other cults. It’s possible to achieve enlightenment beyond the need to reincarnate back into this planet/world/system and when choosing on the other side, one can make this choice with conscious knowledge now manifested in this lower form. All this was well-planned and orchestrated by our 3-3-3 allies for centuries so that the world can truly be free on the level that actually matters. It was so well planned that the not-so-good forces cannot stop it, only delay the inevitable waking up of everyone while they buy time. As previously pointed out, there is technology to alter afterlife, and it is being used here on earth to trick people into endless reincarnation cycles. Again, “reincarnation” as a pure linearity a lie. The truth is “reassembly” or “reintegration” which can occur not only here, but in other worlds and places. Whatever “story” we deem worthy to play out to help us grow into a more powerful “real me” or spirit. However, understanding this in its entirety will require a very high degree of consciousness drawn from the real me (spirit) itself. There is so much more I’ve been tasked to assist others with achieving Arhat for greater apotheosis potential that it will take the rest of my lifetime to get out even a fraction of the information.
Q: Could you clarify the meaning of the words within the transmission that are contained in parentheses? What is the trigger that puts those there during your transcribing process?
A: Parentheses () = me trying to describe what they are sending/transmitting by utilizing what’s in my consciousness to the best of my ability. I resort to using a word, feeling, emotion, or imagery – but I don’t have the “word(s)” (it’s not actually words, it’s more like a barrage of electromagnetic information) they are using or the telepathic ‘block’ of information they are sending = beyond my mindscape/consciousness. [] = My personal notes, corrections, fixes and fill-ins for it to make sense - because some of the information is also waking me up and I am learning from it as well. You’ll see more of these in the future to come.
Twitter Forced to Unban Prudent_Start6472 in a week
After thousands upon thousands of people saw and recorded the shady cover up efforts, including the bad actors, shills, and even some moderators who were involved in blacklisting the truth - we have won victory after victory. So many people reported the incident that twitter has no choice but to unban the Prudent_Start_6472 account in a few days. While this is most certainly a victory, do not be fooled. Reddit, like all other social media, is COMPLETELY compromised and no sub can be 100% trusted. Remember, astroturfing is real. They aren't always going to come from an immediate negative end. Some will insert positive comments while stirring confusion, mistrust, and chaos. Read between the lines and question intentions.
How You Can Help
Your help now is required more than ever to spread the truth. Make sure to link them to this thread so others around the world can witness these efforts full time. My NHI contacts are humbly requesting those of you who are willing to repost, if possible, on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and all other social media. We are winning so much that they are actively trying to stop us. The truth really does set you free. We're not backing down this time.
Introduce Yourself | Prudent NHI Contact - Join the growing community of empowered individuals, contactees, and advocates for truth around the world
Solid post! Thanks Prudence and all of our friends. This is complicated, fascinating, and full of passion. It was interesting seeing the interview from Damien, as I’ve always associated greys with negativity (of course, there’s good and not-so-good), so that was interesting to read, and I think really positive for those struggling with forceful grey visits (I’m included). Thank you for the protection, and the information. It will take me a bit to understand all of this and I like that! Thank you!
One of the best posts ever
In such an unreal world with lots of fake people around, this is the only place where I can find peace. Thanks a lot for ur work Prudence ✌
Love waking up to these posts! Thanks for sharing this with us, JR. I’m glad that “Damien” and the others are feeling more comfortable enough to go public with these answers. I feel like we’ve only scratched the surface!
Stay safe, my friends. 🖤
Thank you again for these posts! This one was a joy to read. I've been really called to eat sweet potatoes lately lol 🤷♀️ the more I learn, the less I know but also, the more I know. My convictions in myself and my fate have always been firm, now I feel confident and feel the power beginning to slowly unfurl within me.