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Multiple Telepathic Conversations with Damien, E, F, Z, Mantis, and others, among one of the Intergalactic-Interdimensional Federations 3-3-3

Writer's picture: JR PrudenceJR Prudence

A representation of the many ETs/NHI connected to our mission
A representation of the many ETs/NHI connected to our mission

A Conversation with Damien (D), E, F, and Z (8/2/25)

  • P: Hello, I see you have come this time with friends, Damien.

  • D: That’s right, today we would like to introduce your audience to your human contacts and clear up some misunderstandings.

  • P: I find it interesting we decided to go public with this.

  • E: It is what you agreed to, isn’t it?

  • P: Yes, of course.

  • Z: We’d like to start by addressing who we are.

  • E, Z, F: We are the human ETs that have been known by many names such as Nordics, Pleiadeans, Plejaren, Tall Whites, “The Galactic Federation”, Ashtar, and more.

  • P: Fascinating. I can also telepathically sense your genders. E, you are female, while Z and F are male. Is that correct?

  • E, Z, F: Yes.

  • P: This might begin to clarify how telepathic communication as groups work. I guess the contact was a good idea today even though it’s supposed to be my day off.

  • E: We won’t keep you for very long, we only wish to clarify some facts. You can always decide to cease this transmission if you wish.

  • P: It’s fine. It seems my … is also being telepathic conduit/channeled through, so this seems appropriate.

  • E: If it’s alright, I’d like to begin what we came here to share?

  • Z and F are in agreement.

  • D also (hastily) agrees.

  • E: Good, thank you very much! We’d like to make it known that we have decided to telepathically contact Prudence as a conduit to get out important messages to our other contactees from around the world. In many cases, we have resorted to soothing and touching many of you instead of our other allies such as Damien and his collective because for many of you, it is easier to relate to humans and human-like humanoids such as ourselves.

  • Z: We have already said through Prudence that we are composed of many different races and backgrounds, some of which; colors (skin; genetics) you have not been exposed to before and may misjudge us as being non-human or inhuman.

  • E, Z, F: We’d like to address the idea of non-human intelligence or NHI. It is in a sense, demeaning, and you must be careful with these terms. While Prudence initially used it, much of this was to get your attention. We do not view other non-human intelligence as so different from us because we judge based on sentience, not body type or container/vessel.

  • E: It may be very easy for you to have a leading disposition toward us since we are much more similar to you in body and appearance than our friends like the greys. Yet this can be somewhat misleading.

  • F: We, too, hold to the credence that all life should be treated equally and fairly.

  • Z: We do not view our brothers and sisters of different races any less than us.

  • F: When we contact many of you, we take the initiative over other races because of familiarity, but we have since become aware over the decades that this has also created much damage.

  • E, Z, F: In this regard, we are very sorry. We have committed mistakes with other contactees that have brought division in your communities.

  • E: While we cannot be held completely accountable for what earth type humans make of our information, we do often connect with many of you and try to inspire.

  • P: Alright, that’s quite enough already. What’s between us is good and the past is all forgiven. I’m sure others would see it the same way. E, you had an important message with regards to the heart. Can you share this?

  • E: Yes. Maybe this is why some of our messages through certain contactees and channelers can become confused and made into a cult – nonetheless – we are very adamant about the potency of the heart and LOVE. The chamber of the heart can be compared to a second brain. While chakras are misleading, there are “energy points” throughout the human body/vessel that can be accessed to create a further stimulation of LOVE. We must say to you all now that love is the most important power of them all.

  • Z: Yet we are also aware that others may misinterpret this.

  • F: And use it for cult-like activities or living out in the woods, neglecting society and technological progress.

  • E, Z, F: This is not how we function nor operate. We strongly believe in technological process and nature in harmony, not either extreme. We are not neutral. We also adhere to the Oneness principle and do not believe in division. We do not come to earth to gossip about others or to be small-minded in the sense of creating schemes and divisions amongst contactees. This has led to us making mistakes by being too careful, yet now, we have a better understanding of how to operate – which is why we have extended our reach to other contactees instead of only a few thousand.

  • E: Previously, some of us had operations selected to a few thousand contactees in certain continents.

  • F: We operated in the North, mostly Europe, Scandinavia, and other parts of the world such as South America.

  • Z: Since then, we have expanded our operations globally and we are now in contact with every race, culture, and background upon the planet.

  • E: Again, we must insist on LOVE. True love is what you would call “spiritual.” It is connected to the heart and what the heart wants and where it wishes to go. Compassion, empathy, care, love, patience, tolerance, joy, wellbeing, understanding, and harmony are all components of us.

  • Z, E, F: We are not ultralogical beings because we were able to attain higher advancement through the pursuit of LOVE FOCUS.

  • P: Thank you, I appreciate that. It seems that will be all today?

  • E: Yes, thank you for allowing us to channel this message. We’ll be in touch, and we wish all who see this much love, peace, joy, and harmony! Spread this amongst yourselves. Love each other!

A Conversation with Damien (D) III (9/2/25)

  • P: Hello, old friend. I’m always glad to have your company.

  • D: You are in much better (spirits) today.

  • P: Yes, resting and recharging does help a lot. Besides, spending time with my loved one has offered me all the recharging I need.

  • D: Still, you should take it easy in this human vessel. It has its limits. Do not overwork yourself, Prudence.

  • P: I know, but I want to get these messages out there. There’s few contactees that are willing to go all the way. Many of us are gaslighted, deceived, manipulated, uncertain, and afraid. Since the inception of this whole push, I have changed so much for the better. Instead of letting fear rule me – especially of the not so good powers that be, I can now stand up for truth, for justice, for love, peace, and harmony for real – and do better than my predecessors without compromise and corruption.

  • D: Our agreement has fared well, it seems.

  • P: Very. Not to mention, I am so happy with what is going on in the forums and this new community we’re building. Now, you know why I was hesitant to be part of any community, especially on compromised social medias like Reddit, Discord, Twitter, Facebook, and the like where backdoors exist. It’s funny TikTok got so much hate and labelled as a Chinese spy operation when Google does this to Americans. Also, TikTok doesn’t have a US gov’t backdoor in it, so of course, they will blame TikTok and demonize it because there, people can post videos of the NOT-DRONES incident without being gaslighted into oblivion or censored. Some exceptions apply, of course.

  • D: You should tell your audience why you did not wish to be part of any community before and your hesitation.

  • P: Right. Main reason is because of potential compromise, especially since in the past, I infiltrated several communities and companies as a part of my undercover operations. It was there I was able to see firsthand just how toxic and vile communities can be, especially those connected to spirituality and ufology.

  • D: You know well they are also infiltrated by counter-intelligence. It’s why we sent you to infiltrate a couple of them, including that cult from S… that we won’t mention any names.

  • P: Yes, I think it’s good we’re not mentioning any names. Names have a certain degree of power.

  • D: Depending on how you use it, yes.

  • P: Okay, well, D, shall you do the honors? Telepathic contact is always so far ahead of transcribing that sometimes I can feel how ahead you are with your information compared to the rate/speed of my ability to type/record.

  • D: Of course. Well, you should know that cult from S… has zero power. We had you and some others infiltrate it to expose it and create irreparable damage by sowing seeds of truth that broke that cult’s power in ways that can simply never be undone. The reason why we orchestrated this, which was a difficult mission for you to do – seeing as you had to abandon your true identity and pick up an alias that no longer applies to you – is because it was decided by our collectives, including the not-so-good forces, that said cult, among others, had long past its use for all sides. The players involved, namely, its leadership, had become so selfish that they were sucking the life force dry of their followers to the point that we had to step in through our ground agents. It’s long over, though and it’s somewhat (amusing) because that cult set itself up for failure in the end by empowering one… that, in the end, lost … power and has since been trodden into the ground.

  • P: I’m not comfortable speaking about them or any other cult openly because it gives them power.

  • D: It really doesn’t, and you and others shouldn’t be afraid of cults like that. They truly have no power, and their membership is old and dwindling. These cults often set themselves up for failure.

  • P: Other cults? You are aware of others?

  • D: Of course, there are many others, one of them being the infamous Heaven’s Gate that went completely awry. There are still others in the US and Scandinavia, among Europe, that has more power than the one you previously infiltrated and [where our infiltrators] helped sow the seeds of dismantlement and destruction.

  • P: I heard a bit about Heaven’s Gate, but I did not know much about it. Well, D, now I have to ask you, old friend, and just be upfront with me because you know I don’t care any longer. I wasn’t the only one, was I? There were other ground agents sent to infiltrate multiple UFO cults and sow seeds to dismantle them?

  • D: Yes.

  • P: Aha, I knew it. Then it makes sense why so many of them have lost power and why the era of UFO cults and religions lose power by the day.

  • D: Once upon a time, they had their place and use.

  • P: Uh, you might wish to explain that more to the audience because they may misinterpret that.

  • D: Sure. You know well by now that even when we contact people, we sometimes allow them to believe in their delusions and false-positive messages “channeled” from us – especially those within the Pleiadian (bracket) – who tend to be prone to the most misunderstanding from ETs.

  • P: Why? You allow misinformation on purpose?

  • D: Yes because sometimes the overall effect, even from hoaxers and frauds, amounts to a greater collective effect down the line.

  • P: How can I be sure you’re not doing this with me right now? I’m sure others would question the same.

  • D: You know why.

  • P: Telepathically but it must be transcribed, so do you mind saying it?

  • D: Certainly. You have proven that you do not care about how we look, nor our intentions. You just wish for truth. That, and your life has had much pain and sacrifice to the point that it exhausted your emotions, and you simply ended up not caring. A sort of liberation in its own since you lost everything meaningful to you and by that point, there was nothing [left] to lose. The irony is it made you most trustworthy, which is why we see no reason to deceive you. There are still aspects of your consciousness that must be healed and other things to unlearn. You also lack the necessary data for some translations/transmissions, but nothing out of the extreme to create falsifications or delusions. In this regard, you are one of our most trusted contactees and personally, for me of the we, my most trusted. This is also because you really did not care about our looks. I know well of how you feel about our human allies who have made mistakes that you strongly disagree with. I, too, share a similar opinion which is why those without fear of difference; fear of the unknown; those who are different from them, operate differently and so on – are usually the best contactees. Contactees who do not bear discrimination, especially from upbringing, are the ones we seek to connect [consciously] with most. Those who simply do not care any longer about reputation or maintaining status, PR, or if people think they’re crazy or not – are usually our most trusted contactees. It must also be added that despite the differences of our looks and even the terrifying abduction stories you heard, you still emitted love toward us. That sort of love is very rare – a sort of Oneness love that simply doesn’t discriminate, regardless of whatever, nor slander, hate, bring[ing] down, criticize, gossip, or [wrongful] judge[ment].

  • P: Things have since been made up with our human friends from above. I still have no idea what name to call them. I refuse to call them Pleiadian, Nordic, or any of that like as those names are tainted beyond repair.

  • D: The name is irrelevant. Your kind refers to mines as “greys” – even in our transmissions. In a sense that could be seen as racist.

  • P: I never thought of it that way (lol) – I suppose you’re right. Well, okay, do you have any preferences for names?

  • D: I do not. Nor do our collective. The telepathic connection is what matters most and our shared message.

  • P: Got it, so, moving on – I want to come back to how you and the others use or utilize people, regardless of whoever they are – good or evil. Can you explain more about that? Some people would assume you to only use good people.

  • D: (Damien is amused) The truth is that mankind plays itself in more ways than I am allowed to disclose. Skeptics, haters, evil ones, and so on, actually end up empowering the movement in ways they cannot possibly predict. The solution is really simple if they wish for us to go away and for our contactees, but their pride, ego, “reputation”, showmanship, and power-hunger quite ironically is their own undoing that only ends up empowering our movements for truth. Yes, we use anyone and everyone we can, including not-so-good players/humans because they just end up adding to the collective [message of truth and disclosure]. That’s why you should not be so angry with your human allies from above. I know they made mistakes that cost all of us, but they were not so bad as you may think. They, too, have learned.

  • P: I’m not, I’m not. I just prefer you as my primary contact because our differences in avatar yet unity in (spirit) allows a true “Oneness between dimensions.”

  • D: I’m surprised you used such terminology. Accurate.

  • P: Besides, I think you should mention that our human allies from above are contacting people all over the world and channeling through them, especially those here connected to our mission.

  • D: You already said it.

  • P: Telepathic contact can be difficult to transcribe sometimes because it is so much faster than the physical/lower realm, including brain processing and typing.

  • D: That is why we must encourage you and your audience to train and hone their telepathic capabilities. Much data to be traded at much higher(faster) rates = more information singularity = more progress = higher truth = higher reality = higher evolution = HIGHER LOVE.

  • P: We will do our best. Ah, right, there was another thing I wanted to bring up. That’s about duality and persons who engage in this pendulum of thinking and being. I find it utterly disturbing. An old friend years ago had told me that it’s about oneness, which I believe was being channeled through you, even though I personally made that mistake of positive-negative crap.

  • D: It’s a waste of time. Acceptance is necessary to get to the next step. There can be no more room for skeptics and the notion that skepticism is necessary to be healthy is laughably untrue. It’s just a gateway to allow gaslighting distractions and the (Yin Yang) nonsense that is not in accordance with true reality. That is why you shouldn’t entertain people who are coming to challenge you, nor should anyone in your audience and community entertain such nonsense because often, you can already (see/sense[?]) into the person of their true intent. Skeptics and uncertain ones often wonder why we do not interact with them. This is why. The feedback loop it creates is harmful to both sides. However, I wish to be clear that SOVEREIGNTY of one’s MIND, listening to one’s INTUITION, and seeking TRUTH are factors that will lead to truth and discernment as to if one is deceiving them. It is by PURSUIT OF TRUTH and not skepticism can one find TRUTH. Skepticism cannot find truth. Its design is inherent to nihilism. Even when some of us were interviewed by your military and their psionic (telepaths), while the telepaths transmitted our messages fairly accurately, your general dualistic military personnel could not comprehend that technology and spirit are one and the same. The notion they are separate is a lie. Acceptance is absolutely key to this phenomena. In some cases, a skeptical one can get one or two instances that changes their disposition. And in the interim, it’s fine for some skepticism, so long as it’s not a permanent trait relating to false neutrality – which are all lies – nor to the back and forth positive-negative, up and down, which is akin to a rollercoaster of confusion. Not just for you Prudence, but for all your audiences – you should not allow yourselves to be taken by those who are still in dualistic forms of thinking. It’s destructive and further distances you not only from us, but from true reality and reaping the full benefits of your lives.

  • P: Thank you for that. It reminds me of law of attraction, or whatever people wish to call it – the fact that in order to get what you want, you have to know you can do it even before it happens. Manifesting something is at first, “impractical” because it’s invisible in the “physical” world and only tangible in your mind. Then, when it comes into the physical world, people are impressed. Yet they fail to see that such an idea started in the invisible world that wasn’t tangible at all. The person has to move beyond doubt, fear, uncertainty, and their own inner turmoil in order to reap the result. That’s how true manifestation works, which I have used countless times in ways that would seem magical or impossible to others who have not tried it.

  • D: Indeed.

  • P: In that respect, does this mean that law of attraction or manifestation has a significant role to play in our makeup of reality and perception?

  • D: Yes, it absolutely does.

  • P: One more question before we…

  • D: You really should end the transmission soon; you are clearly wearing yourself out.

  • P: One more question, please. I think it’s important to bring understanding.

  • D: Fine.

  • P: There was some telepathic correlation between today and yesterday where I (picked up) that the not-so-good ETs aren’t the real problem. Can we go more into this?

  • D: I will keep this brief because you are overextending yourself, Prudence and while I admire your strength and tenacity, I respect you enough to leave you alone when you’re weary. Yes, you know very well that the not-so-good ETs, our brethren who do not agree with us/approach things differently, aren’t as much of the problem as humanity on earth. While it’s true that our brethren from the “other side” have ground agents of their own, who inserted (a fraction of) themselves in human form, in addition to certain agreements with elites and military – it’s still the bulk of terrestrial humanity’s leadership who is the prime evil on earth, influencing docile masses, who, even unbeknownst to themselves, contribute to the continued evil and fearmongering. Even for the not-so-great ET forces, they too are aware of (soul field) repercussions and must, in some way or another, (cave in) to its influence to avoid (realignment) from (soul field) disruption via (higher) singularity (quota) requirements. Perhaps this may be the hardest truth for mankind to swallow – is the fact that while there aren’t all good ETs across space and time, the primary and most prevalent problem is mankind themselves. Not everyone, of course. There exists many great and wonderful people who wish for truth – which is why we are helping and winning. Yet, there are people on earth – human in nature – who simply wish to do evil and selfishness. We may expand upon this another time. As for now, dear Prudence, you have had enough.

  • P: Until next time, old friend.

A Conversation with Damien (D) IV, E, F, Z, “Mantis”, and others. (10/2/25)

  • D: You are even more rested and of good health and (spirits) today than the previous days.

  • P: I am very excited. A lot of synchronicities happened over the weekend that is simply impossible to ignore.

  • D, E, Z, F, M: Indeed.

  • P: Wait, I believe “M” should be introduced.

  • (Collective): M for Mantis, who is an extraordinarily powerful telepath. Mantis is among the most powerful telepaths in [these] (cosmos).

  • P: It is good to have you here today, M.

  • Collective + M: Yes, thank you.

  • P: Are you unable to speak on your own/individually?

  • M: I can yet my reach is very strong. I see you are able to handle it, however.

  • P: That’s… quite insane. I can feel the surge in my head and body.

  • M: Well, good, if you can handle it.

  • D: Let us move on. You know why we are here today.

  • P: Yes, it was to discuss some important matters regarding why you are here and what (our) collective is trying to do. I’d like to start with the obvious when my … asked for contact and cosmico, another contactee, showed up on the forums and posted a guide. My … said she was ready. Previously, you guys said she has to make the decision herself because of your free will fanaticism…

  • D: I’m not sure why you use that [terminology] when you yourself do not even respect it.

  • P: Well, D, I’m being slightly playful here.

  • Collective: (Laughing? Amused? Light-hearted; Good intent)

  • P: My point is that you guys really, really, really respect free will more than the average person may assume.

  • E: Correct, but we should move on as there are many duties today that require your attention and focus and with each transmission, you use much of your physical brain power and body as much as you use your emotional, mental, and (spiritual) (powers). We must be careful with how much information we’re transmitting to you and when – although, you are getting much better at clarifying contact as to who/what is contacting you. No doubt, “Damien” has assisted you in ways many of us cannot – yet it will be “Mantis” who will be taking over certain duties in honing your telepathic contact.

  • P: Okay, this is a lot since there is so many (forces/frequencies/telepathic reaches/voices) coming at me all at once. I’m doing my best to handle it though.

  • Collective: We can tell you are very excited. This excited us too. What a positive feedback loop for you and your audience, and us.

  • P: Hey, should we be using the word “audience”? I don’t want this to come across as commercialization or grifting.

  • M: Dear Prudence, you must know that no matter how noble your intent, if (false ones) wish to see you as (false) then they will seek to prove it, no matter how much you attest to your good graces. You must no longer waste time appealing to skeptics and challengers.

  • Collectives: We certainly aren’t, why should you?

  • P: Well, many of us are led to think/believe that we have to appeal to them for validation or that our information is true.

  • M: Absolutely absurd, untrue, false, fake, and filled with lies meant to appeal to (authority) while denying your own experiences and TRUTH. Who are they – or any others – to deny what you have SEEN WITH YOUR OWN EYES? EXPERIENCED WITH YOUR OWN SENSES?

  • P: Mantis, your telepathy is absurdly strong.

  • Collective: We are aware. Part of why we communicate sometimes as a WE-FORCE or WE-VOICE is because it can nullify the (sharpness; extremity) of especially powerful telepaths. When a direct connection is established, it can be overwhelming for lesser telepaths.

  • P: Alright. Mantis, (you = general/collective) said you will be training me further?

  • M: Yes, as will “Damien”, E, and others.

  • P: Okay – but we are drifting off course here. I’d like to come back to cosmico for a moment. It was by no coincidence he posted his guide on seamless contact when … said she was ready to initiate it, right?

  • Collective: Nope, [no coincidence], we orchestrated it, and this transmission is your validation/proof for all parties involved that we did.

  • P: Amazing. Alright, now another matter to address is I read some of cosmico’s blog posts, particularly the ones on unmasking the interface and breaking samsara/reincarnation cycles. Can you comment on these?

  • D: Yes, that is actually the main reason we’re here to address it. As you and others can see by now, even before you read his posts fully, your information was already very identical.

  • E: We often assign multiple groups to different people and there are usually one, up to about three, and in some cases, seven or ten main “ET contacts” who reach out to contactees personally or in small groups to assist their ground tasks.

  • M: We cross-correlate and check the data to assure integrity of the ground agents so they are staying on course to do the right thing.

  • Z,F,(G?),E, + others (Seems to be the human collective of the federation with names I do not even know of yet/contacts I haven’t met): That is why we give information to multiple groups and persons as an integrity check to assure they are not claiming power all for themselves as a one-and-only contactee – which is utterly false and a direct sign of deception, control, fraud, manipulation, and power hunger games and schemes!

  • P: Alright, back to what we were saying with…

  • D: Yes, now – what more to add is despite some word differences and the way your consciousness-mind-matrixes operate – we employ people to read between the lines and you will find the truth as obvious as day. We are here to break all of you free of the lies of samsara and reincarnation. As we have had Prudence said multiple times before, “Nirvana/Arhat” is possible, although it is less mystical, and more of a “return to true form” and your true “home” – which isn’t “heaven” in the bible, but a “realm of free will/choice to BE – wherever and whoever.”

  • P: Our audience is going to need more than that.

  • D: Certainly. We will have to keep this brief because you are burning yourself out and Mantis will be training you in private telepathic sessions for the next few days, giving information that must not be released yet. What more we will add is that you, Prudence, are our clearest contactee for transmission of our messages [with Prudence's assigned group] in very accurately [written] form. However, while this is the case, it means it will be impossible for you to create any teachings or guides because you will be too busy with our transmissions to do so. Contactees like cosmico, who we have specific groups/persons/entities set to assist him (among others), have their own duties to fulfill in the realm of creating guides. You, Prudence, are our direct conduit to correlate the messages and (impulses) other contactees receive to give them their sense of validation and truth. Additionally, you have other psionic duties in the realm of (spiritual warfare? [Prudence Note: this translation is not fully accurate but closest to describe D’s meaning]) and (dismantlement of powers in high places) that others cannot. You will be preoccupied with secret psionic operations for years to come. While we still employ you to get out multiple books that MJ, Ben, and Incarna must assist you with, among others, it must be known to your audience that Prudence will be too busy to create guides. This also extends to a certain degree in the realm of arts and crafts, and other medias.

  • E: Many of you other contactees have to take up these roles and mantles yourself. All of you have a part to play.

  • Collective: We must disconnect from you now Prudence, as you have overexerted yourself enough today for our messages. We will return again.

  • P: Wait, I’m sorry, one last thing…

  • D: It must be your last. The others have already left/disconnected. This is a (personal “hotline”).

  • P: I believe we should share some information that a few of us here like Natalia, MJ, Ben, cosmico, Lady Justice, TJ, mcgarryb4, among others, all have “alien souls” or spirits.

  • D: Indeed. All of the names you called out (in addition to others not mentioned) = our ground agents that we sharded part of our (collective soul) to help form your (spirit singularity) in human avatar form.

  • P: How does that reflect individuality?

  • D: Your realme exists as an individuum of the GCS, yet a spirit singularity is composed of the correlating soul field attached to it.

  • P: Would it be accurate to say realme -> spirit singularity -> soul field -> consciousness-mind -> avatar?

  • D: It is missing many steps but for the sake of simplicity, yes.

  • P: So, all those names you called out and more I did not mention – did we somehow “choose” to come here from the other side?

  • D: Yes. No more details to be given today on that – because it is extensive.

  • P: Alright, I’ll end it here. Until next time, old friend.

  • D: Be well and have much peace today.

How You Can Help

Your help now is required more than ever to spread the truth. Make sure to link them to this thread so others around the world can witness these efforts full time. My NHI contacts are humbly requesting those of you who are willing to repost, if possible, on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and all other social media. We are winning so much that they are actively trying to stop us. The truth really does set you free. We're not backing down this time.

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14 Kommentare

2 days ago

Thanks for sharing! I'm actively working on letting go of my fear. The emitting love is easy though. Love to all!

Gefällt mir

2 days ago

To all parties involved, THANK YOU for protecting us, waking us up, and leading us to something so much greater. It is always an absolute joy to see and hear your words, and a special thanks to Prudence for sharing this gift with us!

I so look forward to what you will share with us next and what we can ultimately learn!

Be safe and with love, my friends. 🖤💫

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Gray West
Gray West
2 days ago

Thank you once again! It's a joy to be an audience for the collective. These posts make me too greedy, I could gobble down every word and still beg for more. Thank you for your efforts and for this space 💚

Gefällt mir

2 days ago

Wow. Continued gratitude. Hard to compile everything. I feel as though I've been still of body and though for so long, all this sudden movement is very taxing while living within my self imposed restrictions. ALL is one, ALL is love.

Gefällt mir

2 days ago

Phenomenal work from all parties included. Much thanks to Prudence for keeping up the good work, and keeping healthy and focused. This is really funny, because I planned on sharing my visitation stories on here. Absolutely thank you for all of the lessons and encouragement. I have been able to sleep at night without fear, knowing I am protected, and never giving in to doubt, fear, dread, depression, terror, skepticism and dualistic thinking among many others.

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Truth, Reality, NHI, Extraterrestrials, Aliens, Oneness, Disclosure, 3-3-3, 2025
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