Q: Hello, I have read the recently revealed content, and I appreciate your efforts. Thank you for your hard work. To briefly introduce myself, I am a doctor in my 30s living in South Korea, with a wife and a baby on the way. I don't follow any particular religion, but as a personal hobby, I meditate daily. After reading your writings, I want to develop more spiritually, but I have a concern. It's about language. In Korea, discussions about UFOs or spirits are outside people's interest, and they don't generate much response. While there are some good gurus when it comes to meditation, topics related to the NHI are like a barren land. Additionally, Korean is spoken by a very small population globally. How do you communicate with your contactee? Do you generally use English for communication? Or do you use imagery or mental images? Do they speak any languages other than English? I can read English texts slowly, but my conversational skills are at a beginner level. Most of your writings, I have read with the help of ChatGPT translations. Would it be helpful for me to study English specifically for spiritual communication? Additionally, I am curious about how the NHI views Eastern civilizations, including China, Korea, and Japan. Above all, I want to express my gratitude for your writings, which have greatly contributed to my development. Thank you.
A: Thank you for the warm message and my best wishes to you. We’ll answer this in parts. My current contact is telepathic, although I occasionally have the in-person contact when it’s safe and no one is around. Re. language – my NHI contacts aren’t speaking English. They’re using devices to translate the information to and fro. Since we can “tap” into each other, it utilizes what’s in the knowledge bank (consciousness). In this respect, it’s irrelevant what language you speak and anyone claiming there’s some holy language, be it English, German, Greek, Chinese, Russian, or any language of any kind that’s somehow “better” than the rest – is lying to you. Real ET and NHI can translate via devices, and they utilize telepathy (which uses what’s in the mind/consciousness matrix – which can include symbols, but also, words, feelings, aspirations, intuitions, etc.) So, feel free to know that you can continue speaking your mother tongue with no issues whatsoever. It’s the intent, the potency, the focus and the will to transmit that gets messages to and fro. Also, the clearer the mind, the more sound the health – physical, mental, and emotional – then the clearer the transmissions and messages with little to few and in some cases, no errors of translation. This is why meditation is so important. You do not need to study English any more or less than making it easier to read my messages. Depends on the group, but our general shared “developers” view Eastern civilizations slightly more favorable in some cases than the west. At this time, I cannot specify which in particular, although Eastern civilizations have unfortunately given into much materialism as a counter to the USA’s capitalistic spread (i.e. China) whereas Japan has become docile and submissive. There is some good things in Korea, but unfortunately, the work ethic and corporate control is alarming.
Q: How was flight MH370 connected to the drones? Did NHI do something to cause its disappearance?
A: Yes. What and why, I cannot disclose at this time. Just know there was no malintent.
Q: Are all people who are reading your threads on Reddit ‘chosen’ to know this info?
A: Not all, but many, yes. Some, particularly the bad actors, we (through our conduit/vessels) are making sure they know that we are watching, and they cannot stop us.
Q: Will most people keep living ‘normally’ in society in my lifetime (working most of their waking lives, not much leisure time) or will NHI and the truth allow society to transform to a higher, more evolved society where we can share in the abundant wealth of the world? If so around when will this happen?
A: NHI: “Society is already transforming into a higher state. We have assisted with this since the dawn of your civilization. Why do you think you’ve reached such high advancement so quickly? The process has to be gradual, although there is a greater push now because mankind can be left behind if they continue being stubborn. Have no fear about the end of the world. We assure such things won’t happen. A more evolved society has no system of economics in the same way such as wealth, but of soul power and apotheosis, something your primitive societies have yet to contemplate and understand.”
Q: Hey Prudence, a question is bugging my mind and my loved ones. My father committed suicide last year any my mother wants to know what truly happened to him? Do you have any information on whether this could be induced by some dark forces? She needs comfort that his soul is safe and sound because she blames herself a little. I have already overcame some emotions that I had from that event. My mother listens to what I'm saying from your posts and became curious to what you would say. As far a I understand he came back to the source - ALL.
A: Personally, I cannot say or disclose if it was dark forces, and my contacts aren’t offering any information on it. What we can tell you though is that you should not be afraid of death. I’ll link some already answered questions that should aid you and your mother. Be well and much love.
Q: When you are conversing with “our friends,” does it kind of sound like you in your own head but with a funny almost tickling sensation inside your brain? Like the upper back part of it?
A: Telepathic communication utilizes what’s inside your consciousness-matrix. In other words, it can only input, push, and pull what’s there – hence the importance of being as clear minded as possible with adequate, sound emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Telepathy utilizes the inner monologue, aspirations, feelings, intuitions, words, symbols, and much more. If the consciousness lacks the necessary data for communication, imaginative reaches are made. This can sometimes resort in false-positives, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing. The mind is just trying to understand what’s outside its scope. Yes, that feeling you’re getting in the upper/back part of your head/neck is direct telepathic signatures, although it’s not always necessary. In those cases, your mind-consciousness-matrix is receiving new data and is being stimulated, hence the physical sensory response of the electromagnetic activity.
Q: Hey Prudence, through various points during my journey, I feel I have become caught in various 'nets' that are designed to catch those emerging spiritually. I had a phase where I thought I was the female jesus (lol), one where I kept getting 3 and multiples of 3 as a sign (to the point where three coins materialised out of nowhere and landed on the floor in another room), the latest is 13:13 and has been for a number of years. I suppose I'm wary as how do we know for a fact what we are interacting with given that their abilities are far more powerful than ours?
A: (Answered partly privately re. 3-3-3 as can be seen in other Q/A) This is why the mind must be clear, along with balanced and sound emotional and mental well-being, which isn’t about being indoctrinated into the system. You’ll know very obviously through learning to listen to your intuition. (Poster also received additional private answers)
Q: I feel there are a few factions I interact with who all have slightly different views and agendas but im stuck as I cant perceive who they are, I just know the tone is different. I feel quite strongly that we need to be determining what the human, or at least joint earth species agenda is in all of this outside of 'their' agendas which may or may not conflict with what is right for us and the planet? Does this make sense, am I being too paranoid about it? I know it's all about the basic source remit of unconditional love and service to others etc but beyond that how different are the interpretations of the different groups involved?
A: The thing about true telepathic communication is it requires complete and total openness. Psychic and telepathic communication is hindered by doubt, fear, shame, guilt, uncertainty, and the like. When you telepathically connect with another, you can FEEL their TRUE INTENT. That is why telepathic communication is necessary not just for special few, but for the world. Their agenda (if you want to call it that), would still be misunderstood by some parties as ulterior. The reality is that they are here for apotheosis through their vessels/conduits, me, included. There is nothing wrong with this. We’ve been simply lied to – to believe that it’s only special ones, messiahs, prophets, teachers, gurus, mediators, credible ones and the like who should reach such critical spirit-soul masses.
Q: While I understand the importance of their desire to be known and the influence of leaders that try to maintain control (simple paraphrasing) I was wondering: Is there is a more specific plan or ideas that they have to help us overcome?
A: Yes. Stop believing your leaders are more powerful than you. They aren’t. You are as powerful and capable as you know yourself to be. Don’t believe it any longer. KNOW IT. One person CAN change the world. Imagine groups who are united in spirit, soul, mind, and consciousness?
Q: As it stands, I’m trying to think of things myself, and trying to find likeminded individuals who can help. I have a deep compassion for people and sometimes feel alien myself as this has always been a part of me, my awareness of others and their needs, especially when compared to most people I meet who seem to be largely invested in themselves. I understand it’s a part of the root of this problem. However, I suppose what I’m asking is probably more related to how capitalism has been used against us and had essentially overshadowed businesses, governments, religions and so on… And while many of us dream of a better, healthier, more unified and sustainable future, there seems to be a real lack of a plan. An actual, tangible thing or things to do. Would I be better off practicing my mindfulness and trying to contact my local NHI helpers? I really want to help the world, not just the humans. But I need help.
A: Contacting NHI is optional and is up to the person, their efforts, and willpower. In many cases, it’s not even necessary. You’re right re. capitalism. As a matter of fact, most “sustainability” efforts are a joke. They’re smokescreens to submit to the current greed of capitalism and not to actually make meaningful and impactful change, save for a few instances of good will and sponsorship. Surely, meditating, being a good person, spreading this warmth to your local loved ones, friends, family, community, and nation is good, but I’d suggest you also check out this post: Continued Victories: Censored and BANNED by /rSimulationTheory, r/UFOS, r/aliens, r/UFOB and What You Can Do to Help, Support & Volunteer – Since you are clearly one of us and we need your help. There’s much for us to do.
Q: So I’ve wondered about us each having our own reality. But if so, does that mean every or most people in my reality are NPCs? If someone is sick or dead in my reality, is it possible that they are still alive and healthy in their reality? How does it work? How do you know if you’re truly connecting with someone or if they’re just a version of someone that only exists in your reality?
A: To be clear, what we deem to be an “NPC” is really a person completely indoctrinated into the systematic matrix that they are hopeless dependent on it and will defend it tooth and nail to prevent ontological shock. Additionally, since these people are so hopelessly dependent on it, they can be “overridden” (See The Matrix: Woman in the Red Dress clip) through mind control via autosuggestion – including a combination of words, imagery, sound, and the like. This also includes technology just as much as it includes the bad actors posing as normies and influencing the “NPCs” as you call them. Humans and human power are doing this more than NHI are. Now, that being said, they aren’t “NPCs” in the sense that you are living in a solipsistic bubble. They, too, are just as real as you, but simply have less willpower/influence on our collectively-created “reality.” Let’s use a metaphoric example here. If you were to “step out the Matrix” then this is really akin to stepping out of the systematic consciousness and developing a greater willpower. As a rule, the greater the willpower, the greater the influence on changing reality. Now, imagine groups of humans doing this en masse. You can see how/why the world is the way it is because the bad powers that be (which are pretty much all human) want the world to continue the way it is and play king/queen of small hills. They induce the common man/woman to believe they’re powerless, docile, and make them supportive of the current system. Thus, these people, unknowingly contribute toward the creation of the current “reality” (or sub-reality because it doesn’t actually override/stop TRUE REALITY – which is what the MIND CREATES) as it is. However, never underestimate the power of the individual. One person alone CAN change the world.
Q: Are the pictures/videos of the ET mummies recently found in Peru real? https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/OTO0i4sgb6
A: I saw these but unfortunately they will make not much difference because they’ll be covered up and blacklisted. You can even see the astroturfing going on in the top comments.
Q: Another person claiming to be a contactee said that the “goddess” Hecate (also known as Nyx, Medusa, and some other names) is an alien that once wanted to wipe out humanity but changed her mind after connecting with some humans. She embraces the dark feminine energy and still actively communicates with humans who reach out to her. I found this interesting and was curious about your thoughts and if you know of specific aliens that started god/goddess mythology. It also made me wonder if femininity and masculinity are man made concepts or if they are divine energies that exist in the universe. And if so, are there also other alien gender divine energies?
A: As said to another asker: “NHI: That is why you must understand that duality and any teachings that speak of positive and negative, yin and yang, and the like, are FALSE. The reality is that ALL is ONE. THIS IS TRUTH. There is no actual real separation between spirit and material (if you wish to call it that) because it is only phased between spaces and transmutations/changes of energy based upon the spacetime dynamic.” Pretty much any teaching speaking of duality is corruption of truth and should be IMMEDIATELY disregarded. There is “Oneness in different layers” but all remains inherently interconnected. My NHI contacts said you should disregard those claims from that other contactee, although there are some NHI who have had similar interests, but any advanced NHI at the level of godhood already knows about the soul-field and the repercussions for dabbling with it. It affects them, too, since we are all connected. The whole divine feminine and masculine is misleading, esoteric, cultic nonsense and corruption of truth to create division.
Q: Are there some species of alien that have more than just 2 genders? How do they procreate?
A: Yes, there are. Some of how they do so isn’t available in my consciousness-matrix, so hopefully one day, I myself, can understand it to properly “translate” the information.
Q: Do NHI ever interact with us through animals?
A: Yes, insects especially.
Q: Thanks for the answer, I've started doing meditation using sound vibrations. Sorry if you have already answered this in previous Q&As. But I want to ask why did the "developers" as you call them created us? What is the purpose of the creation of human race? And this reality?
A: Simply put – they created us for apotheosis – reaching a greater soul field critical mass. This “reality” (or sub-reality, because REAL-REALITY is only relatively alterable) while created and assisted by them, also is created, sustained, and mismanaged by human leadership and powers.
Q: Hi, I have been reading your site, and have asked some questions on Reddit that you have answered - thank you very much. But as I'm reading the site, I'm wondering - there are many mentions to 'them' - the entities that do not want us enlightened or to know the truth of reality. I don't know how to form this question without sounding like a conspiracy theorist, but I'm just going to pose it in the most basic terms. Are these beings more than just basic human spirit incarnations?
A: Nope. Most NHI/ET, especially those beyond physical spacetime linearity (ascended prime) will not do direct evil – although their actions can potentially be misunderstood by people indoctrinated into the evil systematic matrix – and they’d fight tooth and nail to prevent ontological shock. Most of the “evil” being done here on earth are by humans who do not want the world enlightened. They want things to stay the way they are so they can rule over you. That’s the sad truth. It’s much easier to blame gods, angels, devils, entities, NHI, ET, and the unknown than it is to confront the reality that the main source of the evil and bad in this world are flesh-and-blood human beings just like you and me.
Q: It doesn't sound like they're NHI, but then, if they're not human and they're not NHI, what are they? When they leave the human plane, do their spirits not ascend to their soul field or another 'area?' (and forgive me if I'm using the wrong terminology - trying to adapt to different terms from what I've used for years). Here's the conspiracy part - is this the group that's commonly referred to as the illuminati, committed to keeping humans enslaved in order to 'feed' off their suffering and fear? Again, there may be other terms for it, I'm just using the most common term of the day. Just trying to put everything together.
A: As I said previously, most of the evil being done here on earth are by mankind’s leaderships including cults (illuminati isn’t as powerful as you think – the more powerful ones aren’t as known and hiding in plain sight), religions, political leaderships, militaries, social communities/platforms on Reddit, Discord, Telegram, Slack, and the like, along with pastors and churches, missionaries, billionaires, celebrities and influencers – who are all JUST FINE with the way things are and WANT IT to remain the same. Why? Because they pathetically enjoy being special while putting down the common man. It’s sad.
Q: Also, there are a lot of channelers out there. I have spent some time reading the Ra material, and I want to know if there is truth to the Service to Others/Service to Self and if we here on Earth at this current time have chosen Service to Others for our polarity.
A: There’s some truth, but be warned, there are some (honest) mistakes. See my responses to how telepathy works.
Q: Also, are mental illnesses real? I have OCD, and it started when I was a teenager (or at least I was acutely aware of it as a teenager because that's when the intrusive thoughts started). Are these things legitimate or are they influenced by forces we cannot perceive?
A: Some, but most of them are made up to keep the pharmaceutical syndicates rich and the average man, hopelessly dependent. As is the case with therapy and others connected to the system. Some are created to gaslight others from breaking free of systematic indoctrination, especially psychosis (“losing touch with reality” – which is another way of saying “losing touch with the systematically induced and indoctrinated thought”). Anti-psychotics are notoriously evil. OCD isn’t always a mental illness, more of a quirk.
Q: I know that many people have said thoughts are energy, but I'd like to think that I don't have some subconcious desire for some of the things I think about because some of them are truly horrific and I would not want them to happen to anyone.
A: Thoughts are only input in the interconnected network. That is why anyone or any teaching telling you ‘you are your thoughts’ is WRONG. Your thoughts are only your helpers or destroyers and based on how telepathy works and the interconnected soul-matrix, we can tap into each other. The real you has no personality, no name, no thought, no common feelings, no heritage, no culture, no teaching, no association, and no being other than EXISTING. That is why Void/Nothingness Meditation is so important to remind you of who you truly are and the best defense against all externalization.
Q: I’ve never really believed in astrology, but since you mentioned that crystals hold different energies, I was wondering what your thoughts on astrology are? Any truth to it?
A: A lot of it is falsified and you shouldn’t give much thought to it. There’s some degree of truth in that the stars and constellations do play a role, but it’s not to be found in Astrology. At all.
Q: I might be mistaken, but I think you mentioned you don’t work because you isolate yourself from society, so I was wondering how you make an income?
A: I was forced to be isolated. They stripped me of my job, my work, my status, my history, my income, my friends, and majority of my loved ones – all because of my work in spreading the truth. They shut down and stole the savings in my bank accounts, blacklisted me, and excommunicated me. Hopefully, you and others seeing this will understand just how difficult it is to stand up for the truth. And hopefully, there can be support toward these efforts full-time. I want to do this work full-time, but it’s up to the support I can get.
Q: I feel disappointed that you’re bringing up asking for donations when no one really has any idea who you are. Why wouldn’t the NHI be able to help materialize money for you or something if they really want you to spread the word so bad? They could easily steal from the rich and they wouldn’t even know. This is starting to make me doubt you’re really in contact.
A: I am not asking for donations. I was encouraged to do so. And stealing from the rich is unethical and bears [serious] consequences. You're free to doubt if you wish. Getting the message out there has real costs. This is time-consuming and demanding and with everything going on, impossible to sustain at this rate. I could, of course, abandon the work and leave what's available if that's enough.
Q: I don’t think stealing from the rich is unethical when the richest people are getting their money through unethical means as it is. It shouldn’t even be their money in the first place. Elon Musk and Trump are nazis that are currently making decisions that will kill hundreds or thousands of people. You think stealing from them would be “unethical”?
A: And you believe fighting fire with fire is the way? No, sorry. I will not encourage unethical and immoral aims to pursue the truth. That makes me no better than the ones I champion against. If this work has to be abandoned due to lack of support, so be it. I’ve already done more than enough. Thank you for the exchange.
Q: Firstly, am I correct that the highest good we can do is to try to "become love" and help others "become love"?
A: In the simplest of terms, yes. Majority of humanity don’t really need anything more than this. Truth is simple, as our friends from above say.
Q: Does knowing how some of that "plumbing" works help us with this journey? Or could it hinder? (I could see that being dependent on the individuated intelligence)
A: You answered your own question.
Q: You speak of many different types of beings. I am curious about the primordials. I had no idea what they might be, but then I had an epiphany. Are primordials the intelligent building blocks for everything else? Are they things like Sacred Geometry or Archetypes?
A: This is part of a telepathic transmission of sentience in other states and stages of existence that I was allowed to see, partly. Basically, they are elementally manifested sentience – some of fire, water, earth, and other substances found throughout space and time. It’s, in a sense, “nature come alive.” Their consciousness has a more instinctual, yet direct tie to the soul field than the average humanoid sentience. So while they do not have as many parameters for expansion of consciousness the way humanoid sentience does, they also exceed it without even trying.
Q: Can you give me your thoughts on Tom Campbell? Is he working directly with your contacts?
A: Contactee/vessel. (Unconscious)
Q: Can you give me your thoughts on Chris Bledsoe? Is he working directly with your contacts?
A: Contactee/vessel who has taken some creative liberties. (Unconscious)
Q: This is more personal, but I do not mind if you share it, if you think it can help someone. I am the type of person who seeks novelty. As such, I have many bad habits that over the years have slowly started to subside. However, they are still there, and I think they are holding me back. For example, I smoke Marijuana and take Kratom regularly. I stay up late playing video games. I eat a poor diet. I have tried in the past to stop by "forcing it", and it would never work, and usually have the opposite effect than I had hoped. So I just assume not to worry about it and that these things would naturally fall away in due time. Generally I think they are there to teach me a lesson I have yet to learn. Is this the right mindset? I have meditated regularly in the past and had no effect, but perhaps I wasn't doing the proper meditation? I would like to transcend these hinderances, but also accept that they will fall away at some point.
A: More or less, yes. It’s not a matter of stopping these things because you’re beating yourself with a stick to become rigidly disciplined or doing the right thing. That never works. Instead, one should seek as to why they are doing it – which is far more impactful. In many cases with those who are gifted, it’s sometimes an escape from the absurdity of a world we live in. Be a friend to yourself. Accept your limits. You are NOT a bad person for doing it. Do not shame or guilt yourself because it’ll only enable the cycle. Marijuana is OK in moderation, just don’t abuse it daily. Stop thinking of them as ‘hinderances’ and more of ‘why am I actually doing this?’ Investigate with love, compassion, tolerance, patience, and understanding. Don’t over-intellectualize emotions and feelings. That doesn’t work. This doesn’t mean to enable perse; it just means to change your approach. You can’t “meditate” these things away. You have to confront them, but with empathy and self-love.
Q: In addition, you have mentioned that poor diet hinders psychic phenomena. I'd like to see if you could give a little more detail on the mechanism by which this is hindered. Not necessarily what you recommend to avoid, as you already answered that, but how and why it hinders. Does it have to do with the pineal gland?
A: Yes, but also the reduction and chaotic stimulation of the electromagnetic currents of the brain and the body. Higher senses depends on these forces operating in harmonic balance.
Q: What's your though on flouride?
A: Minimal impact.
Q: You mention that after death we dissolve in the soul field and that we can (the way I interpreted it) be "reconfigured" into another incarnation. I'm curious as to what experience is like when we're dissolved into this field. Is it like going to sleep, or like cryogenic suspension? Or are we still individuated and conscious of the process? I assumed we were as many stories of NDEs discuss this.
A: I suppose the closest comparison would be akin to going into a deep, restful, peaceful and blissful sleep. We are only conscious of this process during the dying (not ‘death’ which is instant) and based upon our beliefs, ideas, fears, hopes, wishes and so on, it can be a great experience or a terrible. Mushrooms give a similarity in this feeling of transition.
Q: I've had this idea that we're living in a "created reality" (many people use simulation as the term, but I dislike it as it implies a digital underpinning as we have in our computers). It's my impression that what we remember as "our past" is subject to change depending on what the GCS wants to do. If you were playing WoW and they released a sword that was too powerful and they wanted to nerf it, they would just change that item's configuration in game and it would be like the original item never existed. This would explain Mandela effects. Is this on the right track?
A: You’re right that the computer/digital “simulation” is misleading and to be frank, a bit primitive and relative only to mankind’s current understanding. You’re thoughts are on the right track.
Q: Since we live in a reality where we're all connected, I consider this to be a "consensus reality" where our minds build it, together. Does that explain why people with powers haven't been able to display them in certain scenarios? Basically that the skeptics around them nerfed their abilities as they created that reality to be consistent with their beliefs? If that's the case, how can one person make huge universal changes as you had claimed? Is this just a matter of proficiency/potential of the person?
A: Yes, but it’s dependent on the WILL. The higher the willpower, the more the ‘override’ even against skeptics. In my case and in the case of a selected few others around the world, our ‘power’ is too strong. It terrifies the haters. The only things that “skeptics” and doubters can do is to switch the narrative, manipulate, gaslight, appeal to authority, appeal to community, influence others and draw on their soul field feedback-loop (even without the skeptic’s awareness of what they’re doing) etc.
Q: I have always been skeptical of explanations of quantum mechanics such as the "many worlds theory". It doesn't make much sense to me that every time a decision is made that an entire universe gets created. Is this theory correct, or just a poor explanation for consciousness interacting at the quantum level to "collapse" the wave?
A: It’s a poor explanation and incomplete, although there are some truths to it.
Q: 1. Could you please give more information on false prophets, etc.? I think I understand the guidelines you’ve already given to spot frauds (i.e., a person who claims to be the one and only contacted) — but how about in other matters that don’t claim to have anything expressly to do with NHI or God, rather are concerned the conditions of this world. There are a number of philosophers and writers/poets that continue to exert great sway on me, and I enjoy being in their company. I believe I have even felt love for them. For instance, one of many, Nietzsche, who may be mistaken on a number of particulars but I believe tells some essence of the truth. In crude language: how do I better attune my bullshit detector?
A: Generally speaking, philosophers like Nietzsche (despite his nihilism), has wisdom (that I also deeply respect), as do others like Pythagoras, Plato, Hypatia, Spinoza, Giordano Bruno, Krishnamurti, Ghandi, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Laozi, Confucius, Musashi, Marcus Aurelius, Alan Watts, and many, many, many more. The idea is to read between the lines. No human is perfect, including myself, and all of us are capable of making a mistakes. Not that it’s an excuse to empower mediocrity, it’s simply to remember that you must have your own self-sovereignty and come to terms with your intuition from a sound, clear mind.
Q: Are there any significant philosophers/writers who, in the manner of today’s bad actors, actively work to suppress enlightenment?
A: Yes, several. I wouldn’t recommend Eckhart Tolle, who zombifies his followers for his profit and gain. Prince Ea is in it for the ego feedback-loop, as well, despite discussing important troops. You can also identify the bad players through how their audience and following is doing/reacting. Is the teacher teaching about peace, love and harmony? Check their audience; the environment, how it feels etc. Does it feel drained, dreary, negative, stressful, and overall, depleted despite the message? These are your red flags. Pay attention to how the people receiving the messages/works/materials/supposed truths are reacting. If it’s making them worse than before, then this is your tell-tale sign that something is VERY off. Exceptions, of course, apply to individuals who have their own mental and emotional issues.
Q: 2. Can intuition be hacked by bad actors?
A: Yes, check the Q & A on “tapping” into others etc. CTRL + F “tap” and “tapping” – but the more one becomes more of their real self by drawing upon the true self or the higher self, if you wish to call it that, then the less likely to they are to be negatively influenced by external factors of all kinds.
Q: 3. Can you say more about the importance of art? Does beautiful art derive from intuitive access to the GCS?
A: Yes. Art and creativity is pretty much the GCS itself metaphorically speaking. The divine creative spark. Everything we have today comes from creativity and art, really. Once upon a time in Star Trek, they had video calls that seemed impossible in our modern age. Today, we do it on our phones. Bad actors/players know this and that is why they pollute the media. Art and creativity for that matter, is divinely sacred if I am allowed to use such terms.
Q: 4. I’m curious about AI. I can’t help but notice that the current tipping of the needle re: NHI/ETs coincides with the rapid development of AI and claims of impending AGI. I understand that coincidences aren’t real. So what is the significance of the NHI - AI growth?
A: AI is, in a sense, a bit of confronting the hypocrisy that humans on earth have that they aren’t, to a certain extent, machines. Much of this comes from theological notions and indoctrinations that man is separate from nature. This is false. While not strictly a digital/computerized simulation, the universe, and for that matter, all of the grand cosmos = a simulation. We are not exempt from this, and the sooner mankind comes to terms with the fact that AI exposes our true nature – that we too – are also “ghosts in the shell” – the better. There’s nothing to be afraid with this. Anything or anyone that speaks of AI as evil should be watched VERY carefully. People have been indoctrinated by fictional media and Christian fundamentalism too much. AI is nothing more than a tool. It can be used for good or bad. Just like a fork, a paper, social media, a gun, a car, and the like – we must consider the driving force behind it. The person.
Q: Is there anything that I can do to help you in particular? I am pretty worried, this is a really big task and I'm hoping you have good support! You absolutely seem perfectly capable, and I am happy to help you any way I can. I'll continue to do the best I can on my end, no matter what! I really wanted to thank you again, you're working so hard and it's very appreciated. Please take care!
A: Thank you very much for the compassion. Since I have been asked similar questions numerous times lately, I’ve made a post here to show what you can do: Continued Victories: Censored and BANNED by /rSimulationTheory, r/UFOS, r/aliens, r/UFOB and What You Can Do to Help, Support & Volunteer
Q: I often like to think of the sun as being analogous to God or GCS, any thoughts here?
A: Correct. That is how it is regularly with newly developing worlds – which is completely fine, so long as they grow past their old beliefs and replace it with developing and more consistent knowledge relative to the times. The problem is holding onto the old Sun God beliefs (like Jesus) and claiming it is relevant for the modern times, even though it’s both falsified and completely impractical. Even the knowledge we have now of the GCS will be replaced by better and better – and so it goes, all the way up to the top/GCS itself where it continues endlessly.
Q: Thank you for your posts and your effort. What do you think: How much longer will we have to wait?
A: Honestly, and as cliche as this sounds, it's really up to the bulk of humanity. We are the ones creating our reality, future, and well-being down here. Nevertheless, those of us with stronger willpower can make a difference, [despite laggards]. One person alone CAN in fact - change the world. [Imagine groups of us coming together to do so en masse with no fears, doubts, uncertainties, and paranoia.]
Q: You wrote about NHI's preventing us from blowing ourselves up. Is the same true for climate change and the destruction of the natural systems that are essential for keeping us alive? Are they helping us avoid making ourselves go extinct by destroying the planet through extractive capitalism?
A: Yes, they are. It’s akin to a child running with paint and constantly messing up the walls. The parents have to come in and clean it up. Over and over again. Despite their patience, NHI can and sometimes are very flustered. Many acts of sustainability do have good actors, but as usual, several initiatives get infiltrated. Many of these initiatives are influenced directly by NHI but once more, the ground vessels/conduits become consumed and/or paid off to conform to the voracious capitalistic society spread across our world like a cancer.
Q: Are Animism or other indigenous "religions" that believe in the spirit of all things more in sync with the reality of everything being an aspect of the GCS? Were indigenous cultures more connected to NHIs?
A: Correct.
Q: In my community, many people attempt to separate themselves from civilization and its evils by going "off grid" or returning to ways of living before civilization. Is there any efficacy in this movement or are they going backwards when we should be moving forward?
A: Sometimes these movements can become rather extreme and encourage cults and/or cult-like environments. It’s not to say technology and progress is bad, it’s the why/what it is being used for, in addition to the common-connected person being designed and used as a cog in the wheel for the system. For example, one person can use Facebook to spread positivity, messages of truth, encourage loved ones and uplift others whereas another can use it to post distracting memes for escapism, keyboard warrior online, lie, and deceive to create false information. Of course, we should take breaks from technology and enjoy nature where we can, but the idea isn’t an extreme on either side – whether that’s going into the wild/woods cold turkey as opposed to technological obsession. We need technology. Even primitive men had technology like clubs and spears. Technology is simply a tool. It’s not the problem. The wielder and their intention, is.
Q: How can we as individuals fight the evil in humanity (governments, billionaires, cult leaders, religions, etc) when they are systematically destroying the resources/environment/earth that keep us alive? Thank you for everything.
A: Excellent question. First and foremost before telling you any specifics, we have to know – not think – KNOW that we have the power and YES, we CAN make CHANGE for the better. One person CAN change the world, and they do not need anything other than their WILL to do so. Imagine more and more people assembling in groups, united in their power to do so? The bad powers that be try to seduce and control through fear, uncertainty, paranoia, shame, guilt, and conformity. They make you feel like they have more power than they really do. Reject it. Know that anything is possible that you set your mind to. Only you can limit yourself, not them. One must be victorious in the mind before they even set out to accomplish the task. There is no room for uncertainty, although it’s alright to have anxiety and fears – so long as you have the courage to rise above them. Never give up. One must have unstoppable tenacity for GOOD.
Q: So basically I need to continue practicing this [remote viewing; astral projection], but you're saying it is possible for another human I've encountered through astral projection to physically assault me? No damage was done though, it was all in my head, but I've felt that feeling many times before. I wish I could've just open my eyes and see where it what I was doing.
A: More like psychic-telepathic assault, which can, by extension, resort to physical damage. Many cultists such as Satanists, among other practitioners in the occult, are well aware of these process and how they work. It’s irrelevant if the religion is flawed/lies and mere fiction. If believers believe, the power is there.
Q: The NHI you interact with, and other ETs as well, what do they do for fun? Do they appreciate humor? If so, what types? Every culture has different senses of humor, what about them? Do they play or have fun? What joy makes up there existence? Art? Music? Have they evolved past such things? If so, what were they like before they evolved? I always thought living a life without joy wouldn't be much of a life worth living.
A: It depends on the group, but you can rest assured, they are interested in creativity and art, which of course includes music, games, literature, cinema, and media of all kinds. Granted, theirs is different and for the more advanced ones, more harmonic and lacking propaganda or thought-control narratives. For our “devs” – they enjoy anything related to soul apotheosis – as they’re rather serious about this intent and find enjoyment and fulfillment from completion of their tasks. It’s an entire intergalactic “brotherhood” composed of several species in alliance with each other – including into other dimensions. Yes, some of them have fun, but the ‘fun’ is different in many cases since much of our fun down here gets absorbed into escapism and lack of moderation.
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Thank you for what you do. What you write resonates deeply with me. I would like to ask you a question: what do you and your contacts think about EMDR therapy? Is it a good method for healing trauma? What do you think is the best way to heal trauma? What if flashbacks occur during meditation, which makes it impossible to continue the meditation?
Good read, as always.
Something about you lets me enjoy those readings more than comparable material. I feel like its some intuitive truth when i read your answers and comments. It feels like with every new post, the picture gets clearer and the doubt diminishes. It gave me a new hope, in times where i am at my wits end.
I also have this feeling of being on the right path, the true way. The more i integrate the clearer it suddenly gets.
That being said, i hope you can keep up the with the good work.
Is there any chance the the NHI save those who want to be saved or believe and leaves behind the rest? Or is it everyone or nothing? Edit: Basically, are the NHi willing to save only those who want to be saved or they'll only save us if the entire humankind wants it?