A special thanks to the hundreds and thousands of people all over the world who have shown enormous support, love, friendship, and kinship. My extended thanks to all of you, who gave me the energy, support, and power to keep going, especially in times when I almost considered leaving. I am now fully invested into this mission. I am no longer afraid, and neither should you be. Keep spreading the truth. Additional thanks to those of you who have messaged me about Donations and are willing to contribute.
I wish to keep these efforts non-profit - only to keep me and the others connected to the truth - going and active. It should be known for the infiltrators and astroturfers who will stir doubt - do you believe books upon books of information here on this website is done simply out of hobby? Do you believe that giving 10, 15, and sometimes 20 hours a day doesn't have lifestyle demands? This isn't about books - which I don't even have to publish. There's more than enough already available here on this website for FREE. Please, I ask people to be realistic. There are website costs, publishing, logistics, and as my now fulltime work, food and rent. For those of you who are interested to support our movement of disclosure and truth, you can donate here: https://www.patreon.com/jrprudence
Notable threads and blogs:
Prudence Reddit Suspended | Prudent NHI Contact Support alclab's post and spread it to other subs | Prudent NHI Contact
Your help now is required more than ever to spread the truth. Make sure to link them to this thread so others around the world can witness these efforts full time. My NHI contacts are humbly requesting those of you who are willing to repost if possible on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and all other social media. We are winning so much that they are actively trying to stop us. The truth really does set you free. We're not backing down this time.
Q: As a psychiatrist, I’ve long questioned the framework of our society and the constructs we take for granted. The more I look at it, the more it seems like much of what we label as “mental illness” is a symptom of an artificial, dysfunctional reality. That said, I do believe antipsychotics have their place in improving function and quality of life for some individuals (in my limited understanding). Do you have any insights on how I can better guide my patients? And on a broader level, what medical or mathematical knowledge should I focus on to help push our rudimentary sciences forward?
A: Perhaps it was an overstatement previously, but anti-psychotics, along with other medication do have their place – just on the lesser scale. The following is a direct message from my contacts to you: “Our recommendations is for [your] patients to gradually understand that what they set their mind to, creates their relative reality. It begins early in life. If one is taught that they cannot [from young], then this has psychological and by extension, physical effects on the material vessel. While quantum biology, information theory, technological singularity, and quantum computing are all important topics to pay attention to, including the emergence of quantum consciousness, we recommend starting with the basics. See to it that your patients understand that they are in control of their reality and bring it forth through their WILL.”
Q: Your discussions of consciousness, frequencies, and quantum phenomena resonate deeply, yet I find myself struggling to step outside linear frames of thought. Some concepts—like thought imprinting, the quantum nature of consciousness, and the Greater Cosmic Singularity (GCS)—are difficult to fully grasp. I even consulted AI to help process your explanation of quantum consciousness, yet I’m still stuck on the finer details.
A: NHI: “Current AI models do not possess the data we impart through our telepathic contactees and vessels. They are still quite rudimentary.” You’ll have to ask specifics, but I will link you additional responses to help. (Private)
Q: Is there a way to advance scientific understanding without relying on government disclosure?
A: Of course. You have to normalize the idea that we are as powerful as we know/assume/believe/ ourselves to be. With the previous private replies, it should better aid you in understanding although, as a rule, you must ask specifics for specific information.
Q: You mentioned the ability to imprint thoughts onto humans. If true, why not guide leaders away from causing suffering?
A: The good NHI are trying to do so, but only implant ideas for humans to take up in their free will, not override. There are also other not-so-good forces, including other humans who are doing this to each other. In addition, the leader themselves have to make decisions and most of them aren’t clear-minded. The average leader faces so many bombarding telepathic forces that it’s a miracle most of them can even stand up. Perhaps this is why most of them are insane. The bigger the face and reach, the more the telepathic bombardment from multiple parties both ET and human alike.
Q: A claim in the 2024 US Space Disruptors video suggests quantum randomness decreases before major calamities. Any thoughts?
A: Because an “event” is about to take shape. The quantum world only fluctuates in what you’d describe as randomness (although it’s not random, it’s just imparting data to other ‘sectors’) until an “event” and “action” takes shape and is necessary. It’s not just for calamities, but events as a whole. The more the amalgamation of the event, the greater the observed reduction of entropic disorder and arbitrariness.
Q: How can society move forward when we seem to be regressing—especially with our failing education system?
A: A complete and total rework of what reality really is – must occur. It must start from a fundamental level of what is going on, which can then influence science, art, philosophy, media, and the aims of man. Until then, any attempt to do so without earth people confronting what is truth and REAL-REALITY – not collective consciousness – which can be wrong, then all ‘fixes’ are merely band aids and will ‘peel off’ sooner or later.
Q: What fundamental lessons can I instill in my child to help them contribute positively to the GCS while still functioning and enjoying life (version of this question was answered)?
A: The GCS itself isn’t so important as much as your child growing up to live in real-reality, which is firstly about “what the mind is set to, it creates for better or worse” – and that the universal simulation, along with the multiversal grand cosmos interconnected all the way to the GCS itself – is MENTAL. It is ALL-MIND – consciousness bringing forth its reality and relative perception. In simpler alternatives, teach children to question societal norms, the limits of human knowledge, accept fallibility, and understand that just because the many do something, doesn’t make it right nor true.
Q: Your insights align with Buddhist and Hindu philosophies but seem more balanced (my parents and one friend just went “duh” while everyone else was O.o and dismissive). Is love the core universal message?
A: These insights may touch on several religions and cults because these dogmas have half-truths in them to trap individuals from moving forward. As do teachings. It’s how propaganda works by deploying half-truths, not outright lies, in order to trap the person with one false-positive to ignore the other glaring red flags. We can say “love is the core message” but love is also truth, reality, and living in it. Hence the necessity of details and lack of religiousness and unhinged mysticism, which are all distractions from truth.
Q: Beyond meditation, do you recommend psychedelics for growth and understanding? Any practical advice, given legal restrictions?
A: Only in the right hands. Mushrooms and DMT in a safe, peaceful, secure environment and only to be taken once in a blue moon – no daily usage. The person doing so must be of sound mind, character, and relatively balanced in the emotions, mentality, and physical well-being. If mental illness is present, it should be avoided. Healthiness is mandatory and the will to seek truth.
Q: My wife wonders: Do we reunite with loved ones after death? If consciousness persists but loses memory, individuality, and desire, is it still “us”?
A: This was answered previously. A link will be provided. What I’ll add is that you must question “what is the individual” as you’ll notice this overarching theme. Individuality is only a “sum of components.” I can expand on this if need be, but please reference the recent Q & As, as it may help – especially 5, 6 and 7.
Q: What is a spirit vs. a soul? From what I’m interpreting, it sounds like an ever-permeating version of ourselves but also not us… so in a way, we stop existing unless we are spiritually attuned enough to reach nearby data nodes—which are… quantum? Stored information?
A: Answered previously and linked.
Q: Why does corruption and hate seem to triumph over love throughout history?
A: Because these are usually traits to lesser developed civilizations. Granted, this planet is being ran like a prison, influenced by not-so-good forces while there are good forces influencing it for the better. Good will win, though. It always does.
Q: Does the GCS have desires, or is it pure existence?
A: Not in a human nor being sense. The closest we can say it is (at this time) would be “to exist in highest well-being and flourish [in love].”
Q: How can psychic abilities, vibrations, and consciousness be integrated into mainstream science? It still seems fringe, but maybe I haven’t willed enough.
A: Several militaries and black-budget operations already have these programs now for decades. So, they aren’t spending millions and billions of dollars on these programs if they don’t believe/and/or know it’s real. Mainstream science is purposely indoctrinated to conform to the system – to keep the population down. However, it’s already being turned around, albeit, slowly for the better. Simply put, those who are there need to be more courageous with their ideas. Einstein’s relativity was mocked and ridiculed as nothing more than Jewish science. Those of us in science need to have the courage to pursue our ideas and intuitions without shame, guilt, or fear taking the wheel. Remember, it was science fiction for videoing on your phone, akin to Star Trek. Today, it’s normal reality.
Q: What should I be looking for in meditation? What is the self?
A: The true self is the spirit singularity of the soul field interconnected to the all-encompassing singularities connected to the GCS. In this regard, it is quite literally the GCS-self that you can tap into. It bears no name, personality, culture, heritage, teaching, religion, creed, ideology, thoughts, nor lower feelings and sensations. It is being-existence that is immortal and courses throughout all of space and time in all directions. In mystical terms, it is the ‘God You’ and as Alan Watts said: “You are IT.” This is why we recommend Void meditation – to detach, at least, momentarily so your higher senses have a chance to ‘breathe’ thereby creating healing effects in the physicality without as much as trying.
Q: You once said Dandadan was soft disclosure and that we are all "ghosts in the shell." I see you are a person of culture. You might like Orb. (Any recommendations are welcome—preferably watchable stuff over reading, but anything is appreciated!)
A: Aha, that was well said. Several. Dragon ball, Gundam, Interstellar, Oppenheimer, Tenet, Cloud Atlas, The Matrix series, Avatar (James Cameron and the Last Airbender), Star Trek, Stargate, Farscape, Your Name, and so much more.
Q: Seems like you sacrificed a lot in the nature of your work... Hopefully, your "deal" with NHI has given you some comfort.
A: It has, thank you. It’s the only reason I can even do this.
Q: Religion seems like it originally existed to help us increase spirituality and see true existence, but it’s been hijacked by propaganda. Do you believe humanity once had knowledge of these truths?
A: Correct.
Q: When you say anything is possible, surely you don’t mean literally? We can’t just break the laws of physics, right? If I’m trapped in a room, no amount of meditation is going to let me phase through a wall… or throw a Kamehameha.
A: No amount of meditation isn’t going to get you out because for majority of your life, you’ve been trained to believe it isn’t possible. So, it’s all about how much time has been previously dedicated to the mind’s focus. Has 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 80 years been dedicated to “that’s not possible”? How, then, can one expect it to suddenly happen after a week of meditation? Even 10 years of meditation wouldn’t be enough to undo the centuries of “you can’t.” Beginning to see it, now? Of course, some imaginations can run far and wild and there are limits, but many of the limits we face here on earth are self-caused and societally-induced for generations. That’s a lot of “muck” to get over and meditation alone isn’t going to break that so quickly. Patience, consistency, discipline and willpower are all necessary to make any meaningful change, especially in this “lower” world.
Q: What are your thoughts on those who are terminally ill, in chronic pain, or suffering from locked-in syndrome? Should they have the option to preemptively return to the GCS for a “better hand”?
A: Such an option doesn’t quite exist, but since death isn’t near as much of an issue as we are led to believe, it’s possible they can be reassembled at a better place. This is not an endorsement of suicide. Also, one cannot directly return to the GCS so quickly. We usually reassemble within local singularities and interconnected dimensions, but the GCS is “too high” of a wavelength to directly interface. We have part of ourselves there, but only the part that is “unalterable” to keep us and all things/beings/existence on track for the central reintegration.
Q: If we could communicate with our past selves, wouldn’t this be exploited for financial gain? Wouldn’t someone have taken advantage of this by now?
A: It doesn’t quite work that way and thankfully, majority of earth humanity is too underdeveloped to know how to utilize this, including the elite and its leaderships. Nor does it affect our causal bubble the way science fiction movies may assume. Communication with past, present, and future is less a “ride” and more of a necessity to the stability of reality.
Q: What do NHI use for biological energy? Is eating meat wrong, given that all living beings are connected to the GCS?
A: Depends on the group. Some have liquid protein drinks. Others eat foods similar to us. Some do not eat as much as the absorb energy from suns. Also, how is eating meat any more wrong than eating plants, which are also alive? For that matter, the bias of biological life as opposed to non-living beings and ‘organisms’ is wrong. Everything matters and all feeds off all in some way or another. Eating meat is not wrong, nor is eating vegetables, or what one chooses – but toxic chemicals and overly processed foods, are.
Q: What’s inside a black hole? “Singularity,” sure—but what?
A: An interconnected point to another position of time based on its spatial position. These can sometimes be white holes, or when the black hole ‘burps’, but not strictly. It can also be different times of the black hole’s transversion through space as the background ‘fabric’ of the universe expands and contracts. Black holes can be used as time machines, in a sense.
Q: What happened to Dinos? Did they ever evolve sentience? Is that the same as consciousness?
A: You know the story that they went extinct. Yes, they helped to contribute evolution to sentience by transmitting their data in the background interconnected ‘soul’ network. It’s not just them either. All life and non-life do this by inputting data into the background interconnected network which then manifests in biological evolution later on.
Q: Are we born sentient or does it develop at a certain age?
A: For humans – born.
Q: Why are we born devoid of knowledge. Is this true for all beings non-GSC?
A: Everything and anything, all or nothing = GCS. In this respect, we aren’t born without knowledge, it’s simply stored subconsciously. For example, how can sometimes some gifted people be born to seemingly average parents, or visa versa? It’s not coming from genetics. It comes from the spirit and soul’s stored immortal data.
Q: How did Hitler answer to the GCS? How do we answer to the GCS if it doesn’t care? Are we actually accountable to higher-dimensional beings? And if so, does that make them “God” even though they’re not the true singularity?
A: Somewhat, but it’s more a matter of our actions have repercussions and if it isn’t “aligned” with the GCS’ general framework, which wants everything/anything to be a part of it and thus, within its relative parameters, then it receives a backlash. I won’t call this karma so much, but let’s say that while the GCS itself is too high, its interconnected singularities, which includes higher beings and forces, do “reward” good actions – so long as it is in accordance to universal ethics and not mankind’s warped view of good and evil, especially from theological and religious indoctrination and dogmas – that aren’t about true morality, rather, enabling the prison system of the mind. Long story short, we are all held accountable for our actions. Not just in the next life, but in the here and now and we will answer for them, sooner or later. What’s in the dark must come to the light. Period.
Q: What exactly are the “frequencies” you describe? You’ve mentioned numbers, but how do they influence us?
A: Are you referring to the meditation tracks?
Q: From my understanding, consciousness is quantum in nature and exists in a quantized field, which we experience through our mind—produced by the brain. Or are mind and consciousness the same? And where do spirit and soul fit into that model?
A: Mind and consciousness are not the same. While not always clear-cut distinction, the mind is a complex entity that encompasses the cognitive functions and processes such as thinking, memory, perception, feeling, and decision-making—whereas the consciousness is the awareness associated with those experiences and how the brain processes that information. Contrary to many philosophical notions and new age ideologues, consciousness is not the actual self, rather the cognitive processing of how the brain manages deposited data. The mind’s consciousness can be programmed to be interpreted as the self or, altogether, another entity like God, some higher being—or propagandized, external influence that holds the brainwashed human hostage. Technically, the consciousness can be programmed to be practically anything the mind thinks and supposes, irrespective of objective reality.
Q: Why is tangible proof of these phenomena always elusive? Everything seems to be left to belief. How do we move past this limitation?
A: It is NOT left to belief. Proof and evidence are happening all the time and being buried, distracted against, and covered up. Let’s be completely real here: there are active efforts to suppress, shadow-ban, control the narrative, discredit the truth (look at the NJ-not-drones incident STILL ongoing today!), and keep the public locked in a bubble. Why do you think me and others are being so suppressed? There are active efforts to do so. The only way for the masses to move past this limitation is to stop being so docile and dependent, especially on the leaderships who DO NOT want to disclose truth – and find it for themselves. NHI/ET want to be known to the right people, and they will make themselves VERY KNOWN.
Q: Can the U.S. government be trusted regarding NHI disclosure? (My gut says no.)
A: Absolutely not. Although there are one or two good people trying their best.
Q: What religion aligns most closely with the “truth”?
A: None. They all have parts and pieces and are corrupted beyond repair – as is the case with most teachings and the occult. This was intentional. Perhaps Native Americans and indigenous tribes can be considered the closest, especially those that speak of Animism.
Q: You said Dandadan was soft disclosure and that we are all "ghosts in the shell." I see you are a person of culture. You mightlike "Orb" if you have time. Any recs for Books, movies, anime, etc.? Please feel them to include in any other answers. I'll try to read your posts as a hawk. Also, I asked AI to generate a song out of one of the excerpts from your posts: https://suno.com/song/6ecf39ec-707a-460f-a00c-c14b5b52f525. lool
A: Thanks for the recommendations!
Q: Lastly, you once mentioned Orion to another user, who was shocked to discover a matching mole pattern. Could you share something about my wife and me that would surprise us? (Totally selfish and voluntary request—please ignore if it’s a hassle.)
A: Perhaps the post on Monday may bring more clarity.
Q: Have you seen the 13:13 numbers before? Do you know who they are associated with if 3s are one of the orion groups? I feel I'm linked with a few different groups tbh
A: Look for my post on Monday as it will answer these and more. We are all linked and there are multiple contactees. This is the guarantee and (scientific) validation of our information, despite some mistakes and false-positives. This is also why anyone who claims they are the one-and-only contactee of anything = direct fraud, liar, and disinformation agent.
Q: Also, I'd say that I agree with your stance on remaining anonymous, the biggest problem in this space is all the personalities and even when they start off with good intent, it seems they aren't clear enough from an ego perspective to handle the attention and are easily diverted and affected by the energy projected on them as well as outright manipulation from bad actors. It would happen to almost anyone regardless of how good their intent might be. They are getting strung along and it will do them significant damage when it doesn't play out in the ways they'd hoped depending on how out of control their ego is.
A: Correct. Also, showing your face = direct telepathic gateway and exposure to mind-altering and control devices which can be sent through radio waves, among other energy phased in quantum dimensions. One day, I will reveal my identity, but not for a long time after we are absolutely secured, and this mission can continue even without me.
Q: In terms of the donations I'd just say that there are many ways of manifesting money, you need some to do this work and if it has value people will contribute to it in the ways they can. I would potentially make it voluntary and for the content to be available regardless but you do you on that one, you're having to put the work in :).
A: Agreed. We’re on the same page. The model is supposed to be similar to Wikileaks.
Q: I know you must be pretty busy, but I am curious if you can give an update on the question I had earlier regarding the origin of Homo Sapiens on Earth. You mentioned it's a mix of natural evolution + some sort of guidance / "nudging" from NHI, but I am curious how much details you can share there. Thanks a lot!
A: Wait for the post on Monday, which should tackle this and other questions similar to it.
Q: Wrt spreading the word, do you have any issue if I share this website to other parts of Reddit / Discord / social media? I think this website is already indexed by Google, and you mentioned having safeguards, so that should be fine? (Maybe I'm just risking getting my account banned haha.)
A: We should be getting the word out to anywhere and everywhere we can. I strongly encourage sharing the website and the links to all social media and interested persons and communities. Get the word out there how there has been attempts to shadow-ban, blacklist, and silence. The truth needs to get out there. Things have changed since the OP.
Q: I once again fondly think about the Culture series by Ian Banks as I reread your replies. It really does feel like a community of Involveds is watching over our planet with interest and agenda towards steering the society for the greater good. I am now curious if the scientific advancement of human society within the last 500 years is considered "fast" by Galatic standards?
A: Wait for my post on Monday, as it will answer this more sufficiently. In a nutshell, yes and no. This planet has been held back (wait for Monday) and the good powers that be have assisted in making it “catch up.”
Q: Even more importantly, our economic and cultural structure is currently stuck between despotic regimes and late-stage capitalism madness in most places in the world, and relative peace might only be found in the more secluded or smaller communities. Are most NHI societies post-scarcity, and if not, what form of "governance" do they practice most commonly? The peaceful idyllic village life seldom scales, but maybe it's possible with greater evolution in consciousness.
A: Since you did not specify “advanced” or “primitive” NHI societies, then my first answer must be “it depends.” Higher civilizations, even if their intents are, by our standards, not-so-good, generally don’t imprison their own and keep them down. They, too, know from a collective standard just as much as the “good” ones that working together – regardless of the purpose – is more efficient and impactful in the long-run. In this respect, many of the advanced NHI societies are post-scarcity and not having their populace run like hamsters on a wheel to feed a select few. They are instead much more amalgamated and united, regardless of aims. Of course, for some of these civilizations, they may not look very fondly on all lower sentience and barbarity and may in fact, rule over some of them – for better or worse. The peaceful idyllic village scenarios are often works of fiction, usually from cultists. While some of it applies, advanced worlds look very different. Some are similar to Avatar worlds but instead of only being primitive, they have the technology alongside the nature in unison as one.
Q: Why did you say that you didn't want to reveal yourself because you didn't want to put your family in danger? I believe that "The Message From Above" say they would protect us but why would you say this if the message was true?
A: This has been asked and answered similarly, but the way you phrase your question makes me need to answer differently. At first, I did not wish to do anything more than to get the initial message out there. It was me who was afraid, not my NHI contacts – who have always assured me that they have my back and me, and my loved ones are protected. So, it was always my fault by letting my fears and paranoia get to me instead of trusting my sources (who have always and still) have my back. When fear and paranoia rule you, it’s easy for the not-so-good forces to use this against you. Since the OP’s inception, we have reached hundreds of thousands of people (with the assistance of our friends from above) and with all the shadow-banning and suppression – which thousands of people have seen and recorded – we are winning big time. There’s no longer a reason to fear, nor are my family at risk any longer. That does not mean I’ll release my identity soon because telepathic gateways and other mind-control technologies still exist by the not-so good forces. Nevertheless, this platform is a safe and protected haven for contactees such as yourself and others. Our NHI friends from above want us to unite. The division is what is creating the problem – and the mistrust amongst each other. The bad forces use this against us.
Q: I have been actively working on gaining influence and to teach others about empathy, care and manifestation. Is this a wise move on my end? It felt really right for me and I will keep doing it; but I would love to hear your opinions on this.
A: Yes, it is, and I’d recommend bringing them here on this website/platform as we are all protected here and safe to exchange ideas and information.
Q: I have the power to be really influential through my work, art, and connections. I felt like the GCS was guiding me toward focusing on this instead of my current jobs/work and I had an "episode" the other day where I felt like I almost ruined that work relationship. I know that I am meant to go down this path; but I don't want to be punished for doing good work like I used to be in the past; which once felt like it ruined my life. My life is INCREDIBLE right now (well, until 2 days ago), I would really appreciate your guidance and support to reaffirm that what happened to me meant to happen and that I will once again be alright.
A: My friend, I can relate. It’s the same reason I was scared to make the OP. I, too, was afraid, thinking this and that scenario would play out for standing up for the truth. Not any longer. Let courage bring you up. Pursue your destiny and TRUST in it. Our friends are on your side and the power within you WILL guide you and take you through the storms. Success is ahead, so long as you KNOW you CAN. Go after your destiny with vigor and just as I have recently learned, disallow fear from taking the wheel.
Q: In the beginning there must be some sort of fundamental undifferentiated potential that begins to explore itself through, perhaps, free will. Free will by nature allows an infinite amount of possibilities for this “potentiated primordial energy”. From here, a vibratory force (Love, it seems to me, based on how crucial that is to…well, everything?) begins to shape and mold and bring motion and structure to this potential energy as the Singularity begins to experience itself. All of the motion created by this vibratory love-force eventually manifests itself into “Light”, the original cosmic vibration, which coalesces into a frequency from which energy, matter, and consciousness are catalyzed. Now we have an interaction of two vibratory forces, both Love and Light (Love being the originator?). At this point, the GCS can begin to weave these together to create a sort of “individualized awareness” or “divine wisdom of creation” I’ve often heard coined as “Logos”. I’m guessing that only the absolute highest order of beings (Light Beings?) have access to this top-shelf logos, and it’s their order that “seeds/creates” the initial vibrations of the various new universes. Each of these universes, then, begins the journey of self discovery through sub-dividing into smaller units of self-awareness (galaxies>solar systems>stars>planets>individuals). Each of these units (including, i’m guessing, the stars and planets and even the rocks themselves) are “sparks” of the Grand Singularity continuing to explore its potential through that love/light vibratory essence - which is found in all things, as you’ve said. Because of the infinite possibilities of experience, various beings have different levels of self awareness of the unity of creation, which ultimately creates this sort of hierarchy of understanding in relation to their connection with the Grand Singularity (whose entire literal essence is a soul-field of love). Hence, lower level beings like us who still operate within the space/time physics of our limited self awareness (the “self” here being the GSC), and higher level beings like the various NHI you are in contact with who have a much more in-depth self awareness (which allows, for example, to not be restricted by the limits of time). It’s been mentioned that the higher level of awareness, the higher the vibration. Taking that to its fullest measure, as the vibration of a “group” (Humans? Planets? Galaxies?) increases in its pursuit of undifferentiated unity with itself, these various individuated aspects of consciousness surrender back to the “Source” with a vibration so insanely intense that it in essence becomes (perhaps literally) a black hole…or, in other words, a singularity. Now we are full circle, back to the origin of a singularity, but with literally an entire universe of experience…and the cycle begins again. And that cycle (from the beginning to the end of an entire universe) is just one of an infinite number of cycles from an (i’m guessing) infinite amount of unique universes within the Grand Singularity.
A: This is quite good already and I won’t add much here except for the positive-negative yin-yang duality is an illusion. There is only “oneness in different dimensions.” I hope to have a post up soon to explain this, but already, you have the right ideas that are too worthy to be scolded by pedantry and semantics. Well done.
Q: Hello! I know you are a super busy person but I wanted to ask a question that has been bothering me. My boyfriend is a skeptic but has also talked about non-duality and has experience with psychedelics. He needs evidence. Will there come a time where it will be undeniable that this shift is occurring and NHI is real along with a greater reality?
A: What’s so sad about this is that it is happening all the time – look at the not-drones incident of late and you’ll see how easy it is to cover-up and suppress the information to get people back to their bubbles. Do not expect truth from the US government coming out any time soon and therefore, few “credible” sources matter because they are tied to the institutions that support and enable the mind-prison matrixes we live in. Yes, unstoppable change is coming – but our NHI friends from above aren’t interested in overriding people’s free wills. It’s up to mankind if they want this. NHI do not have to appeal to our skepticisms, which is really about avoiding ontological shock.
Q: I've noticed a lot of signs and synchronicities that are hard ignore. Will that happen to others to help them awaken? Or maybe even hard evidence at some point? My fear is leaving behind people I love and them not getting to experience the greatness. I feel as though it won't be great for me without them. I also wanted to say that I don't work and have a lot of time on my hands so if you need help or know anyone else who needs help, I am here. I'm not a perfect human and have things I am working on, but I am willing to help.
A: Thank you for the message and I appreciate your offer for help. There are various ways to help, especially through sharing the information on various social medias. This post may also direct you with what you can do as well - Continued Victories: Censored and BANNED by /rSimulationTheory, r/UFOS, r/aliens, r/UFOB and What You Can Do to Help, Support & Volunteer. “Hard evidence” is the issue. It comes from not a healthy critical mind, but an extreme skepticism designed to enable systematic belief and conformity to these notions. There’s plenty of hard evidence that I and many others around the world have experienced first-hand. For example, if I were to purchase a table, but you didn’t know the table existed – does it mean that the table doesn’t exist? There are active efforts to keep this suppressed and under wraps because your leaderships aren’t interested in you knowing the truth. They want you to live in these bubbles so they can continue playing kings and queens of small hills.
Q: Meant to return not send lol. Sorry for choppy messaging. I feel like my intuition has been drawing my intuition toward indigenous american southwest culture. I enjoy exploring that area, and have had some interesting experiences out there. last time I was out I felt like the sandstone in one spot was sending energy through my body, like I was under a microwave. Do you believe geographic location or the genetics of the indigenous people have any tools/ knowledge that are beneficial in helping humanity advance?
A: The reason you’re being drawn to those cultures is because most indigenous cultures are closer to the truth than any religion, teaching or the occult. That’s also why there’s a higher probability that those born in South America, among other indigenous areas, have higher psychic and telepathic potential than those born in Europe and North America.
Q: In a previous Q&A, the NHI tell us that “there is a greater push now because mankind can be left behind if they continue being stubborn”. This seems to imply that there is a chance that things will not turn out ok for us. Or am I interpreting that wrong? If this is the case, and we don’t achieve apotheosis, what does that mean for us individually in this life and in future lives? What does this mean for humanity ashy a whole? I know they say that the world won’t end, but will we continue down the dark path we are on now, or is our eventual evolution inevitable? How long will it take if we fail now?
A: The good NHI helping us cannot override our free wills. Well, technically they can, but they won’t because the not-so-good forces have already done that and they wish to be different – lest they help us now, and then later, we turn on them out of a misunderstanding. Mankind can be left behind in the sense of belonging to the wrong forces because of the decisions of the elite and leadership, who want to keep our world in this slave-prison matrix. That is why the good NHI have now turned to the public (especially with the not-NJ-drones incident), the masses, and many contactees. We can now make the decision for change and betterment without being subordinate to the clearly corrupt and insane leaderships who sold our birthrights for truth and freedom, all so they can continue ruling over the people. The “leave behind” part is more a matter of choice that we make as opposed to the good NHI wishing to leave us behind. They don’t want to, but if we refuse their help, what choice do they have? They’ve kept the world from blowing up unbeknownst to us for centuries and thousands of years – but alas, the time has come for mankind to grow up and make a conscious decision as to what they want.
Q: Sorry…. One more- You say several times that “one person alone can change the world”. But if the collective delusion is what is creating our current reality, doesn’t that mean that the collective has to change? How is that “one person alone”? Or does that mean that the one person has to change the minds of the collective? Or does it mean that when I change my own perspective, the perspective of the collective changes because I Am All? That’s hard to grasp, but feels true.
A: Willpower makes the difference. One person with a strong enough willpower can override ten thousand people with weak willpower. The problem with systematic belief is that even though it feeds the corrupt leaderships, it weakens the person and their will, making them docile, yes, but also weak to create effective change beyond the droplets of belief support in the system. One person can change the minds of an entire collect – yes. And yes, you ARE ALL. You have the right idea in mind!
Q: That’s interesting, I actually followed your account by chance, and it’s gone. I took screenshots because I had the feeling too. That’s really strange. Thank you for reaching back out to me! That’s super cool that you do that. Also a contactee, so I wonder if I was meant to see this, because I need a serious change in my life’s direction.
A: It was intended, and it was intended for us to gather here because there's no other safe alternative. The war on truth is real. I'll have a post about this on Monday.
Q: 10-4 thank you my friend. I have this bookmarked and I’ll be looking out for more posts. Also I read your mission is to gather the contactees. I’ve been waiting for so long to find others, but that’s half the battle right. The other half is helping us all to become fearless and to find the energy to help others out. Nice meeting you and chatting, I know you’re a busy guy lol.
A: Correct. We are only in the beginning. We've been in a psionic war to be frank. Contactees cannot just be mystical and uncertain. They have to become clear-minded and confident in themselves and their abilities - along with a heart for goodness, justice, love and truth.
Q: A question for you and them. I've noticed the sun, moon, and the human iris are all approximately the same size from our perspective on the ground. What is the significance of this? How long has the moon been there? My discernment of history and mythology tells me that the moon hasn't been there nearly as long as the vast majority of the population would believe. Is it here to help us or control us? My interest lies in uncovering truths of the history we've been told and the exposure of those truths to bring us closer to disclosure.
A: The moon of earth is foreign. It’s trajectory here was assisted by ETs. It was artificially placed here with our world. They haven’t given more information about this yet. There’s certainly more.
Q: As always thank you my friend. Now, you mentioned to ask more about soul dynamics and spirit physics. I’m curious about food and diet. Do you or contacts believe in eating meat and slaughter to survive, or is a vegetarian option better? If we are all interconnected and one, wouldn’t that pain be felt if I kill and animal and eat it? Personally I say a little thank you prayer before all food I eat, and yes, I do eat meat lol.
A: The animal shouldn’t be tortured before its death to make meat. It’s fine to eat meat in moderation and for special diets. Many aliens do this, and some have pure meat diets. Much of it is based on the vessel’s culture, biology, and adaptations to its environment and conditions. Vegetarian diets also apply for other ETs as well and some are omnivores. Some ETs drink protein substance in the form of a liquid filled with other necessary nutrients and genetically modified compounds. In some cases others even eat other sentience species. A thank you prayer is good. Many indigenous do this. If it is about sustenance and it is done without murderous intent, it’s alright.
Q: I definitely understand that and the role the government is playing. I'm just confused as the one of the first messages you sent me it said NHI are here to wake up humanity whether we like it or not because we can't live in bubbles forever, and no one is getting left behind. But now there is suppression from reddit it's now, if people don't believe with evidence then NHI isn't going to bother. Honestly I don't think it's fair to expect a civilization to believe in something they have been SO conditioned to not believe and conditioned to need hard evidence. How are people supposed to know what to believe? I'm not trying to challenge you, I'm just trying to understand. Leaving behind the humans who are in the know and still don't care about waking up, I get it. But leaving behind humans who are ignorantly sleeping, who could wake up if they just saw one thing that's undeniable, that just seems.. almost cruel. I care about everyone and want everyone to be happy, I can't imagine that "God" or higher density beings don't think the same way.
A: There’s nothing wrong with anything you said here, and I understand your frustrations. However, the situation is more complicated than black and white strokes. I’d strongly recommend reading the latest message from our friends from above here: https://www.jrprudence.com/post/a-message-from-above-part-iii
Q: Like, aren't the NHI using the "drones" to kind of help wake people up? I mean they are already starting to show themselves physically. I just hope there's some kind of effort for the people who are logical minded and not just for people who are imaginative. We both matter.
A: Of course they are using the “drones” (they don’t like this word ‘drones’ for some reason) to help wake humanity up, but as I said from the reply above, the situation is more complicated. The good NHI aren’t going to force anyone who isn’t interested because there are other powers that be, both human and ET alike, that have other ideas and ways they wish for things to go. The good ones have sacrificed a lot. More than you can imagine. Although they claim death isn’t something to fear, they, too, have lost their lives trying to protect us and wake us up. They’ve suffered a lot.
Q: One more question because it kind of ties in with in this. Are the synchronicities I'm experiencing just imagined and not real? Like in music, movies, online, I see things that seem like big coincidences. Is it just confirmation bias? should I ground myself more if I'm experiencing this and it's delusion? Or let it unfold? Are other people experiencing this but are just ignoring it due to ontological shock? Will things get so strange that we can't ignore it anymore?
A: You are not going crazy, and you shouldn’t try to ‘ground yourself’ either – which is the logical ‘brain’ succumbing to avoid ontological shock. A note on that – it’s not just the logical brain, either. It can be the artistic, the emotional, the intellectual, the scientific, the mystical; and truly, any form of thinking, philosophy, way of living, feeling, and emotion – that can all be used to keep a person conformed to the security of their previous beliefs. It’s impressive how far the mind would go to engage in protectionism. I can only recommend that if you are really receiving the awakening, then go into it with courage. It’s worth it in the end. Pay attention to the signs. It’s not by coincidence. Yes, it can be ‘channeled’ through practically anything – be it humans, animals, signs, times you arrive at places, suggestions from AI, among many more.
Q: Hello, just a question from someone starting on this journey to find their connection to the "Source" so to speak. I always fear that having the intention to make connections with the universal field that we're made of and with NHI will "poison the well" of my meditation. I feel like these are selfish intentions that might work counter to true awakening. Is there a way for me to shed or reframe these intentions? Are they something I need to let go of?
A: This is actually reasonable and sound. It’s not just NHI, either. Humans can also do this to each other (like cultists for example who are aware of RV/AP) and can negatively influence you when you open yourself up as a conduit. That’s why it is important that one practices psionic protection – namely by developing telepathic blocks. Furthermore, one should learn to know themselves so they can identify who/what they are, so they won’t be confused by outer external influences. Before trying to contact anyone or any entity or being, move to understand yourself and your connection to the Source (higher self).
Q: Did humans land on the moon in Apollo 11 or was that deception? Have they visited the moon before or after in public/private?
A: A lot of it is deception. They did eventually land on the moon, but not exactly the way people think. There have been private missions to the moon that encountered ET forces. I cannot disclose more about it at this time.
Q: That’s the truth. I was there not too long ago, but I’ve deviated rather far from the path, and seeing this definitely brings me confidence and energy that I have been needing. Some kind of support to show me there really is more my friend. Also, I can come back to my abilities (which I know a bit on telepathy, I confirmed years ago I could hear people’s thoughts, it freaked out a few people lol it’s easy) if I have abused nicotine, and things like it? I know of chi gong masters who have came back from addiction, but just curious to your opinion.
A: Of course you can! You can do anything you set your mind to. It’s never too late.
Q: Do you know/think that it's 100% of all humans on earth who have to accept their help, or will they be willing to help only the ones that accept it?
A: Personally, and this is without any NHI influence or contact, I think they won’t abandon those of us who do wish for change and for betterment. I can’t claim to know everything that hundreds and thousands of members of an intergalactic federation will do, but just based on my interactions, they are benevolent. They’ll somehow make all of this work.
Q: Eating another sentient species sounds kinda spooky. I think you will freak out a few folks with that fact, especially given that abduction stories are confirmed real (though you assured us that those operations were not ill-intentioned.) Is that a willing pact between two of those species? On Earth we do have tribes engaging in eating of the dead to show respect, but it is a ritual kind of thing. How does the force of karma work out in that case?
A: More or less, I figured this was coming. It seems bizarre to me too if I am looking at it from a ground-level, but according to them, it’s not strictly always a bad thing for some members of their federation. Most don’t do this, actually. And in the case of abductions, none of them are doing it for consuming human flesh – just checking the ‘sims’ in their simulation. They don’t believe in ‘karma’, but they do know there are reactions for every action through the soul field. So, perhaps the ritual part may be correct. I have not asked them further. Should I?
Q: You've said that the true self does not have any inherent quality other than simply being or existing. Than in that case what exactly is individuality? To me it seems the true self is like a blank canvas. Is individuality something to be painted onto that canvas for sake of expression, a role, something else? Can that painting then be cleared or stowed away for a new work to be painted on i.e. the next life and so on? Avatars of avatars and so on, do they have a sense of individuality, or something like a collection of identities, or something else? This also pertains to my 3rd major question.
A: Your thinking is quite spot on already. “Individuality” is a moment of time where the sum of components of space and time, unite to create a singularity or pocket of existence that we can call an individuum. Why does this exist? Why not just have everything strictly amalgamated? So that lower sentience can learn the law of Oneness through ONE distinction. It may seem paradoxical, but it makes sense the more you think about the fact that, even on a purely lower level, if you look at the human body – it contains a skeleton, muscle, tissue, flesh, blood, organs, bacteria, and so many components. The same applies to the soul inhabiting a vessel to create a singularity (spirit) of individuality. The true self is the ALL-SELF that courses throughout space and time in all directions, which can be drawn on relative points to distinguish individuality as we understand/comprehend it in our lower vessels/containers.
Q: Once we're aware of truth and application of truth in a life, does that alter learning in next lives? Do we relearn truth again and again? But due to non-linearity, does that really matter? Do we just go where we simply need to go? Would we ever revisit this specific space and time for a different role?
A: If we learn here and now, it’s because we’ve already learned here and there. Yes, it does matter because you have to get used to the idea that the past, present, and future are all creating each other – all at once. “Arhat” is real. Pythagoras was correct regarding the transmigration of souls and breaking the cycles. It’s possible a lower vessel in this spacetime continuum can become Arhat as it has evolved in a linear fashion millions of years from now, as the same for what it was then.
Q: Are you able to relay any information about the higher, non-physical entities you've interacted or know about? If so, what is their nature and being like? Their role in the grand cosmos? Are they more archetypal or concept-like, very abstract? Would they be what we would consider deities? Or are they so far removed from what we understand that descriptions are difficult to convey precisely what they are?
A: There may be a time I can be reveal more, but for now, this will have to do – they have become fully conscious in the soul field and therefore can control reality beyond technological means. They can quite literally create stories that play out in our reality. They are beyond physical form, but can assume them, if need be and blend in. Their true forms are metamorphic. They can change shape into anything and become anything, anywhere, any time. None get to this level unless they understand true reality, love it, and wish to support it as an even greater co-creator. Some of the ‘drones’ (not all) in the not-drones incident, were them.
Q: "We will no longer simply resort to unconsciously steering you - although in many cases, we still have to just to keep your world going." I am a bit confused by this line. Does this mean the NHI contacts will be stepping up their direct involvement beyond what they've been doing? Are folks going to get steered more consciously in the near future? I understand and appreciate very much that they're doing a lot behind the scene to keep us from self-destruction all this time.
A: What they meant was that they are getting tired of inputting commands to stubborn “sims.” Picture it in the sims when you are trying to do the necessary “inputs” to make your sim happy, but the free will option is on, and your sim just wants to do things to hurt themselves. You can technically override control and make the sim do what’s necessary to alleviate itself, but for them, they do not enjoy puppeteering. They know they still have to do it to a certain degree with all of us (including myself), but it’s tiresome. There are other areas of interests, including other intergalactic/interdimensional conquests and discoveries that they wish to focus on, but can’t because they also need to take care of us down here. In a way, they too wish to live their lives in a more rewarding way. At the same time, they won’t abandon us because they have a lot of love for us. More than you can imagine.
Q: One of the major things that horrifies me about the world we live in is that life is set up to consume other life. I think of the suffering of animals and I wonder why the "devs" would set up such a state of affairs. I would be curious if they had any information on why it would work this way, thanks for your time.
A: Thanks for the message. According to them, everything is feeding off each other in some way or another. Nothing is completely free in the sense that there isn’t a push and pull of energy in some way or another. You spoke of animals, but what about plants? Trees also have ‘feelings’ and yet they are being used for paper – as the case with plants – also being used for food. One way or another you slice it; everything is consuming another at some level. That is life. Try not to look at this negatively because these are only containers/vessels, they aren’t the real “us.”
Q: Hello thank you for your diligent processing of the questions and for putting in the effort to make this resource available. I have benefitted much from it. I was meditating just now and I had an image of myself as God, projecting all of reality (including this website and all of the answers, indeed everything happening in the world right now, all the people I know, their intricate personalities, etc) as a way for me to experience one of an infinite number of possible lifetimes or timelines. I had a sense as well of the limitations I, as God, have placed on myself in this time/space as a 3rd density being, and the unique challenges and opportunities to learn that were programmed into the timeline, one of which is the veiling or forgetting process. I had an awareness of the consciousness of 1st and 2nd density beings as having the same infinite quality as the Source or GCS, yet having been even further limited by choice. I had a sense that a single atom or particle of the smallest size was infinite in consciousness but was not consciously aware of its infinity, as we are all part of the Infinite Thought so every part, no matter how small, contains the whole. It’s a wonderful vision of interconnectedness. This knowing that I am creating reality with my thoughts, and that the learning of the fact of the power of these thoughts took time, trial and error, was part of the plan I enacted prior to this experience. The question I have is regarding the so-called reality of the other consciousnesses I encounter in this life - in experiential terms I think I understand that it doesn’t matter whether they truly exist as individual personalities, or whether they are part of the intricate, unique and infinite simulation that I am creating or have created with my thoughts. The reason is that the goal of this experience is to become aware of my nature as God, to awaken from the dream, and the path I have chosen is that of Love. So I love everything and everyone I see, experience and know as my own creation, because I AM creating them, and all the circumstances of my life, with my own thoughts. Once I realize this I am free. But an interesting thought about the potential infinite complexity web of Providence or synchronicities has occurred to me in that the other consciousnesses that I encounter in my experience are, like me, ALSO creating their own realities, but that somehow in this timeline everything I am creating is being co-created by the other Infinite consciousnesses and woven perfectly together. The former idea feels more lonely than the latter. I would love to hear yours and your contacts thoughts about this. Thank you ❤️🙏
A: My thoughts = you got it. You’re enlightened. Now, normalize it.
Q: Thanks for continuing to contribute to this site! A couple questions... Can you expand upon the process of human birth at all? (ie. How/when souls are input into fetuses, is that soul at all a derivative of the soul of the mother, etc)
A: Since the soul field is an interconnected mass, there is an impregnation in the other side to create a spirit singularity that shards off from the spirit singularity of the mother and father, which is also connected higher correlating singularities. The spirit singularity of a person (as a baby) actually exists ahead of time before the fetus is born. You have to get used to non-linearity in the soul dimensions. This energy is tiny enough to transverse in all directions without care. Somehow, even actions such as waving your hand or getting a glass of water – it is ‘acted out’ in the soul ‘realm’ before the physical dimension.
Q: Can you list the technological devices your contacts have shown to you or explain what their functions are?
A: I can list some of them. The avatar of my choice, the “Bob Lazar” flying saucer, is the one they showed me most of – along with their “drones” up close. The flying saucer as you see is an interdimensional craft, capable of reaching tens to hundreds of thousands of miles per hour. It can also penetrate the fabric of local spacetime to enter hyperspace dimensions through gravitational distortion. Since it can bend gravity, it can also bend not just light (which is why they can be right in front of you and you wouldn’t even notice), but also, time – creating a “stagger” effect when it takes off. Additionally, these flying saucers have different modes, akin to space transversing (Our friends from above says “space travel” is wrong), terrestrial flight (electromagnetism and artificial gravity ‘wells’), and interdimensional phase shifting. The scout craft (they do not like the word ‘drones’) are capable of high-speed travel as well, although not to the power and capabilities of the flying saucers. They cannot phase shift too long of distances but can use gravity distortion and electromagnetic pulse waves. Both ships are equipped with defensive capabilities. I am not allowed to disclose details on these, but I can let you know that one of these flying saucers has enough power to take out the moon singlehandedly.
Q: I have read it although I had some difficulty understanding the quantum physics material but I can't thank you and the aliens that are helping us enough.... You said meditation would be good way but how can I escape the illusion of matrix like the white light trap at time of death and how can we be at the top of our game so the innocent do not have to suffer and find our soulmate
A: All these things to escape will come naturally just be having awareness of truth. You have to know that the “real you” (which is not mere ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’ but ALL-ONE) is immortal. This body is a vessel. A container. A shell. Know this truth and you cannot be TRULY harmed. This isn’t a recommendation to do anything reckless, erratic, or eccentric. Develop peace, stillness, and solace. Clear your mind and reduce the emotional clutter. Seek the true self by turning off your mind and becoming one with your ‘soul.’
Q: You had mentioned that NHI do not want you to use drugs/alcohol. Is this mainly because it alters the state of our brain/mind?
A: Yes. It’s just too easy to degenerate and spiral downhill. It doesn’t mean you cannot have a social drink once in a while with family and friends, however. Just not daily abuse.
Q: If I meditate and get to a point where I make contact with NHI, will it sound like my own inner voice speaking to me or will it be very obvious it is them?
A: Both. Read the answers on how telepathy works for more details. It will be increasingly obvious who/what you’re talking to the more you do it to the point of undeniability. It takes practice, patience, a clear mind, quelled emotions, and stillness of being. If fear, uncertainty, doubt, anxiety, hatred, turmoil, chaos, and so on are present, it makes it impossible for clear communication. Mistranslations and mistakes can easily happen. Remember, telepathy is dependent on what’s already inside your head. That’s why one must educate themselves and be of sound mind, body, and spirit.
Q: Is Kevin Gates, American rapper, corrupted? Have you heard of Alexandra Elbakyan, neural networking and computer science?
A: I am uncertain of both those figures, but what I can tell you is that the rule of thumb goes like this – the more one’s face in the limelight, the greater the telepathic conduit for not-so-good forces. It’s extremely likely, especially the more popular the artist, personality, influencer, celebrity and so on – that they are compromised. Exceptions are rare.
Q: What do your contacts think of animals? And will I ever meet my dog Suzy again? Thanks
A: My contacts love animals and all life, including insects, and even non-life, very much. They can communicate through them. However, they do not support the pet and breeding industry as they deem this a violation of the species’ destiny. Your dog Suzie was only its vessel/container. Its soul is much more than that. It’s possible you can, yes – just in another form/time/space.
Q: In your Q&A part 3, in response to someone’s question about their moles, you suggested they go back and read Message from Above” Part I and II. For reasons that may be obvious to you, I thought I should go back and read those again. Upon doing so, I immediately latched on to “did not have the TRUE SIGHT to OBSERVE”. Now to touch on my experiences, I have always had a close connection with animals going back to my childhood. And in the past decade or so, throughout my “awakening” the messages that I receive tend to come in the form of animals. Be it, in a psychedelic heightened ceremony or simply a particular animal presenting itself to me in real life. These occurrences’ timings and the messages received tend to be very pointed and often related to struggles/questions I am working on in that moment. I am now viewing these occurrences along the lines of, this was a way to communicate messages to me in a way that I could receive and interpret them as I was “NOT AWARE”. Am I thinking along the right lines here? And could you tell me if there is any further significance to the chosen messengers being animals? Feels purposeful but I’m not sure if it is time for me to fully understand.
A: Anything and everything can be a conduit for another vessel/soul. Animals (and even insects and plants) are no exception. They can make for excellent conduits to channel from higher beings, including ET/NHI. Your thinking is sound.
Q: Do drugs like lamictal inhibit our ability to grow and connect through meditation?
A: Yes.
Q: Hello. Can you please expand on this: "We are able to store thousands upon thousands of books worth of information in a single subconscious storage cube."?
A: Yes, excellent question. According to NHI: “We are able to tap into the consciousness network of a being or thing and within this subspace contains many layers encoded with information, similar to a motherboard from a computer. There are quantum subspaces within these spaces we can call ‘cubes’ although they do not actually have this shape and are closer to tiny, entangled balls of strings. These ‘cubes’ are responsible for storing much data, especially unconscious for basic functions of life, existence, and living. We are able to create subpockets within these subspaces for additional data, remove data, or alter data in these subspaces altogether.”
Q: I have a follow up question to your answer: "Let me also challenge you (food for thought) – do you honestly believe that what you want/desire/will for is strictly and solely your own individual thought/idea/drive? If you carefully pay attention to my words, you will discover a very, very high truth." Our default mode network allows for the emergence of ideas. The more we meditate, the more we cultivate this part of our brain, and the more creative we become. In a sense, this is connecting with the collective unconscious / The Source / GCS. My questions are: Is this the mechanic at work when people believe they have a soul contract to fulfill in this life? Or when people believe they are operating accordance with their soul path, they're operating in accordance with the greater will of the collect unconscious or the GCS that wants to experience itself - creatively. Is that one way of looking at this?
A: That is one way of looking at it. However, there are many situations relative to the time, space, dimension, and circumstances around it. Some spirits here are alien souls or artificially manufactured from alternative spacetime dimensions. The list is very long, and it’d be exhaustive to go over each and every niche that’s applicable. What you need to understand is that the ‘afterlife’ can be altered by technology, spirit, mind and consciousness. Many ‘soul contracts’ can be done even in the vessel before its departure to the next side, just as it can be done on the other side before the soul inhabits the body and creates a spirit singularity.
Q: Also... not sure how to ask this question... In some of your answers, you are encouraging people to tap into their inherent power and manifest. What keeps people visiting this site from manifesting things that results in humanity regressing?
A: Their own confidence and self-belief. I/We can only show the way. The rest is up to the individual. We’re here to empower people and we need them to take the stand to believe in themselves. Folks must know that they ARE IT – THEY ARE ‘GOD’ – if you wish to call it that. You have the power!
Q: General question is about soulmates. How do you if someone is your soulmate? Can you have multiple soulmates? Do they have to be romantic or can they also be platonic?
A: An excellent question. Despite New Age tomfoolery, you can only have one soulmate. Who/what this is changes based upon your current disposition. The more you tune into it, the more they do, and the link becomes ONE – thus, the souls of the connection MANIFEST in the vessels/containers you call “humans.” In this regard, it is a SOUL-CONNECTION; hence the name SOULMATE. It’s also an aspect of the ONENESS principle. “What you’re calling for is calling for you” – so if both parties attuned to this call, then it will be manifested in whatever persons necessary to enforce the Law of One. They cannot be platonic as the Oneness love resorts to the highest energy exchange which includes sex and reproduction as a part of the “two become one” and 3-3-3 principles. Soulmates hold the highest truth regarding the GCS. If there are those wise enough to wonder (and hopefully question), it will be revealed.
Q: Some people have claimed to see their past lives. If after we die, our soul merges with the entirety of the source, then wouldnt you lose your individuality as a soul? how would the concept of past lives work?
A: Because all information is saved in micropockets of space and time throughout all dimensions in all directions. It can be “accessed” via the mind tapping into its consciousness-matrix and soul-energy to correlate the pieces. Yes, it’s not only possible to ‘remember past lives’ but even future ones as well – since time is NOT linear as most earthly humanity assumes. In addition, individuality is a grand illusion. Our true selves is the force behind the vessels/containers, so it’s not only possible to recall this particular vessel’s “past or future lives” but those of others since the soul is an interconnected field.
Q: Are there any constraints to what we can manifest in the 3D. For example, can we manifest eternal youth/immortality for our “vessel”? Wouldn’t that kind of break things if we never die and are souls don’t get reintergrated?
A: Somewhat. It depends on the circumstances, the vessel type (ours on earth = badly degraded on purpose), the spirit power, the soul field potential, and more. Technology can aid this, along with higher developed minds and consciousness-matrixes. Remember, the soul field is amalgamated. Despite some spirits being ahead, it is still connected to the soul field mass of a planet. In this regard, the vessels/containers born from such masses are subject to a certain degree of possibility within said parameters. However, it can be broken with the right circumstances and assistance from those above.
Q: Hello my friend. Thank you so much for the work you have undertaken and shared so freely with us this far. I have read your posts from start to finish and all the pieces have finally fallen into place for me personally. I understand you are incredibly busy so I'll keep my question brief. In all of the discussion so far, I have noticed there isn't much in the way of what we class as mathematics (the alleged language of the universe). Is it that our brothers do not place as much focus on this? Or simply we would not have the capacity to process the equations being that our current physics is so far incomplete/wrong?
A: Mathematics, to a certain degree, does bear simulated data in symbolic form – but it’s overhyped and praised by the earthly materialists. Telepathic communication trades much more information at a higher rate and speed along with clearer efficiency as to what is going on. Earthly physics are a joke. Granted, they have made tremendous progress since Einstein and Newton. Now, relativity and quantum mechanics are being combined. This is a very, very good step that was assisted by our friends from above.
Q: Hey. I just had a few questions. I’ve had some experiences, but am not sure if they really happened. For instance, I mentally asked if anything was listening to my inner monologue 36 years ago, and received the external answer I asked for. About ten years ago, during a meditation session, I think I astral projected without realizing what was happening. I remember them happening, but am not sure I trust my memory. I do know for certain that I have always had an uncanny ability for anticipating things, I often know what people are thinking, and it’s extremely common for people, especially those close to me, to bring up exactly what I’m thinking about without me saying anything. Synchronicities seem to happen regularly. A few recent instances have shocked me. I’m a rational person, and I always try to explain things away, but I simply can’t do that anymore. I feel like the universe is trying to tell me something. I think I know your answer, but is this actually a thing? Either way, I’ve decided to detoxify my body (eat healthy, no alcohol, etc) and restart my meditation practice. My first goal is to get my head in the right place, however long that takes (I’ve been surrounded by a lot of negative energy for a long time). Once I feel it is, I want to start exploring further, through the gateway process or similar. Do you have any warnings, advice, or is there anything I’m missing? Whether you answer or not, I appreciate you.
A: Thank you for your message. My friend, it’s clear you are one of the gifted being activated/awakened. Why continue to fight who/what you really are? Isn’t it time? I know what it’s like. Coming from a background in science, I adhered to the rational mind but remember Einstein’s quote: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” You already know the truth. It’s time to let go of the fears and have the courage to press on to your true destiny. My advice is to believe in yourself. KNOW you can, even more than believing, and trust your intuition and life path. Try not to blast it in people’s faces who are uninterested. You’re not doing it for anyone else at first but to yourself. You owe it to yourself at last, my gifted friend.
Thanks for setting up the Patreon! Many of us will be happy to chip in to keep the flame going. :D
What is the NHI's view on suicide? Is it simple a waste of energy / potential for learning / time for the soul to prematurely cut their time in the current vessel short? My view is it is in some way similar to human violence against others, but only self-inflicted; both forms are unnecessary suffering and not good for evolution of the soul.
Sorry for the morbid topic, but I found this endlessly fascinating, because our friends have stated that the afterlife can be engineered, with the implication that we're somehow experiencing a "tailored" version of the afterlife here.…
if this time is different than last time, what should we expect to see or where should we look for confirmation that is happening? If this is the real deal, what is going to change in our day-to-day reality?